Day 30 - The Day of Evangelism
“Ha'ed Ha-Ne'eman”
Jesus -The Faithful Witness (Rev. 1:5).
“……………Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; 5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. Revelation 1:4 & 5
Read: Revelation 3:14 John 8:14 Proverbs 14:5
In these remaining days of this consecration, let us enhance and embrace the mandate that God though Jesus has given to each and every one of us. The concept which is contained in what we refer to as, “The Great commission”.
The Scriptures reveal that Jesus illustrated to us the importance of being that faithful witness in every aspect of life. Therefore no matter what we are experiencing, we should remember that we are undergoing: the good, the bad and the ugly; for no other reason than to be a faithful witness to the awesomeness of God our Father. We are called to endure as good soldiers, and to remind everyone that our God is still the Lord over every circumstance.
So Lord, I ask for your assistance in altering my outlook on evangelism. May my concepts on evangelism not remain condensed to the notion of distributing tracts or specific “outreach programs”. May my attitude emanate from the viewpoint that I am God’s evangelist “24 - 7 - 365”. May I remember that I am to be a faithful witness for the Lord on a daily basis through my: lifestyle, appetites, desires, conversations and even my appearance. May I always remember that Jesus, as that faithful witness, never lost His focus; nor permitted the daily occurrences of life to persuade Him or cause Him not to be faithful in His commitment to you, His Father. May I no longer relinquish or diminish the power and presence of the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost by stating, “Well I’m not Jesus”. May I now advance towards the walk of maturity and willingly submit, surrender and transform myself to mirror: “I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me the strength”……even become a faithful witness when I, myself may not “feel” up to par. I will continue to press pass anything that I personally am experiencing. I will seize every opportunity to bring an awareness of your love to everyone…. Especially to those who do not know you as their Lord or Saviour.
May I become infectious with a never dying desire to “needs go through my Samaria” at any cost; to experience those “uncommon” situations that are necessary in these times.
I thank you my “Ha'ed Ha-Ne'eman” that my thirst for the unsaved will permit me to intensively heed to every inkling that the Holy Spirit places within me. I will not become comfortable in using outdated methods of evangelism – but will adhere to your divine wisdom which will enable me to be an effective evangelist today and always.
I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus. Amen