Don’t Be Superficial……. 

We Must; Read, Absorb & Apply

“And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed.”  Joshua 1:8 (The Message Bible)

While studying the Word of God is vital for today's leader, meditation is essential.  Meditation is compared to a form of rumination.  There must be a "chewing" and a digestion of the Word of God if we are to avail ourselves to the embedded power, wisdom and vision that the Lord desires for us.

To obtain a deeper insight into meditation, consider the digestive system of a cow. This same process is applicable to meditation.  The quality of your Christian life and the level of your spiritual maturity will largely be determined by what you think about.   We in America have a saying, "You are what you eat."  Absorption and transformation can begin only after we have masticated the word of God.  This process is initiated through meditation.

Please note, I don't have ANY reference here to transcendental meditation which involves totally clearing your mind, chanting and incantation.  Our reference is solely to spiritual meditation.  Not just any spiritual meditation, but only that of which we seek to gain ALL of our power, strength and insight from God the Father…. That which has been demonstrated by Jesus, His Son… and imparted to us through the Holy Spirit …. Period!

We place far too little value on the material that we permit our minds to meditate upon.  We fail to realize that if we think on the things that we have been instructed to think upon (Philippians 4:8); then we will have available to us the discipline to make a positive impact wherever we go.  We are called to be living testimonies. People may hear what we say; but they see what we do. Therefore if our actions are not God motivated – it’s because our minds are not meditating upon the correct information.

Saints of God, the revelations that we had obtained "yesterday" are not going to equip us to effectively minister and endure the end time attacks of our adversary today. We must daily meditate on the word of God.  Not for the sake of vain glory, arrogance, nor self-promotion; but for growth, wisdom and endurance.

Meditation is a vital…usually overlooked weapon, that will equip us with the end time strategies and tactics that we MUST have in our arsenal as we continue to stand undefeated against our adversary and every diabolical attack!

“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.”

Psalm 119:15 (ESV)

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