Failure is not an Option…..

It’s Not On the Menu

“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,…..” Ephesians 1:4


Every master chef knows the importance of having a well organized menu. The purpose of the menu is to inform everyone exactly what they can expect to receive from that particular establishment.  Therefore when one glances at the menu they can determine the type of facility, the expertise of the chef, as well as the clientele who frequent that place of business.  We also understand that we can’t order an item that is not listed on the menu – and then become upset if that item is either not available or not prepared to our liking.  The master chef will only order the essential ingredients which are required to properly prepare those items which are listed on the menu.  Now an experienced chef will on occasion, use some of the ingredients which were purchased for one item and prepare something that is not listed on the menu.  However, this is not always possible.  For example; you can’t become distraught if a fast food restaurant doesn’t fulfill your request for a fresh seafood order.  Why? It isn’t on their menu.


So it is with our lives.  God who is our Master Chef has a well-planned menu for our lives.  As the scripture text states; even before the foundation of the world – God had already written the menu for each and every one of our lives.  Therefore He knows which ingredients to include in our lives that will permit us to produce the highest quality of life.  He knows a forehand which circumstances, experiences, trials and the like to include on our menus of life.  He also knows: because He is God, the decisions that we will make in every given situation. However, because we already have a well-planned menu, when we make contrary choices in our lives; God has the ability to use those choices to still yet perfect His plan for our lives (Romans 8:28).  He’ll take our burnt bread; scrape off the overly browned portions; cut it into squares and use it for croutons!  He’s the Master Chef and therefore knows exactly how to perfect everything in our lives…..if we permit Him to!


Therefore, when you feel as though you are on the verge of becoming overwhelmed and going out of your mind – just declare that a nervous breakdown can’t occur… Why?.. Because Failure is Not an Option….it’s not on my menu! Declare Isaiah 26:3 & St. John 16:33!

When you feel as though you “can’t” – just decree that Failure is not an Option…It’s not on my menu. Declare Philippians 4:13!

When you feel as though everything is just taking too long to materialize – just remember that the best sauces must simmer for hours; and endurance IS on your menu! Decree Isaiah 40:41or Psalm 27:14!

When you feel as though the bottom has fallen out of your world and every stable foundation has been shaken – just relax… God may be testing you or just trying to get your attention so that He can elevate you to the next course of your menu! Decree 2 Timothy 2:3-5!


Learn to rest in the Lord and in what He is doing at this stage of your life.  We must remember that God has not “mass produced” us.  Therefore, we aren’t to compare our menu items with anyone else’s.  Although they may appear to be similar on the surface – because we are all uniquely made.… so are our menus.  We aren’t to be compared to the “chain” stores which all possess the same exact menus.  Yes, we are all God’s kids– but we are all so different!.... He planned it that way! (God’s kids refers only those who have accepted His Son)


So it doesn’t matter how your circumstances may currently appear to you – simply remember that God is only attempting to get you to advance from the soup on your menu to the dessert. He has the entire menu of your life in mind.  You can’t simply produce the “soup” from your menu of life... forever!  It’s now time to advance to the appetizer and then endure every challenge of life.  God is only attempting to get you to the end of your menu…. Where your mind will be totally focused... and you will have the ability to enjoy the dessert course of life ….without regards to your current circumstances! View every item on YOUR menu as an opportunity to prove to the world that as for me..”Failure is not an option; because It’s Not On MY Menu!”


“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”   I Corinthians 1:6

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