Have You Heard The Scoop?????

Have You Heard The Scoop?????

“It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; He will not leave you nor forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed.”  Deuteronomy 31:8



Here in Philadelphia, and in other cities, there are two topics which are being discussed among many people.  First is the subject concerning the recent explosion of gun violence – especially among our children and young adults.   The city officials are bewildered, city residents are devastated, and everyone, it seems is adhering to the conclusion that there is no workable solution to this dilemma.

The second concern is not local; but a national subject.  This is the onset of the daily increasing fuel prices.     With the prices escalating on our every trip to the pumps, many are deciding to alter their agendas – in an attempt to save on the consumption of fuel.

In my opinion, God needs us – the ecclesia – the truly called out ones ….to continue to STAND and WALK in the faith that the Lord has made available to us.  It is our obligation to first renew our minds to reject the fear concept that the world is releasing into the atmosphere.  Then, after we have sured up our minds, we must remind others that our God, will ALWAYS and ALWAY comfort us, protect us and provide for us.  When we sincerely rely on God our spirits will maintain the peace that will enable us to remain focused – REGARDLESS.    We have to remind others; saved and unsaved that our God is still in control. 

We must remember that the Bible MUST be fulfilled!  We must remember that perilous times MUST come! However, our concerns must be more focused on walking by and in faith instead of fear.  We can’t forget that our God has PROMISED to supply our every need.   

Therefore, we must be more aggressive in regards to spreading the peace of God.  We are not to ignore the current situations.  Nevertheless, we can’t afford to succumb to the fear tactics that the world has embraced. Many of us state that we are walking by faith, but fear has in some fashion taken up residence in too many of the people of God. 

If you are a child of God, if you are sincerely trusting in Him, if you are walking in obedience to His Word – THEN you need not to permit the words and spirits of: Fear, Doubt, Unbelief, Worry and the like to become a part of your vocabulary and your actions! 

So, as the manifestation of adverse and negative situations increase, we must also increase in our daily consumption and application of the Word of God.   Gone is the era when we have only a momentary devotion time daily.  Referring to the Word throughout the day is no longer an option – it is now a necessity! 

 Remember! God is not a man – that He should lie!!  He will always come through for you.  BUT you must know His promises…..stand and proclaim His promises ….first to yourself ….and then to others!

                                                           …..God will never leave you nor forsake you.  (Hebrews 14:5)

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