I Have GODfidence, Therefore......

I Have GODfidence, Therefore

I Won’t Sit In Fear….. I’ll Walk By Faith!


“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I John 4:18




No matter what comes my way, I now walk in GODfidence!  My hope, my trust, my everything is centered and placed in the Lord and in what HE is going to do!  I have learned to ask the Holy Spirit to signal me whenever that spirit of fear attempts to invade.  Sometimes we are not aware of the entrances that this spirit has within our lives.   However, because we walk in GODfidence, we can NEVER be tricked or caught unaware of the enemy’s schemes. 


The spirit of fear is always looking for opportunities to enter, dominate and paralyze us.  Usually, when the time arises for us to embark upon and advance into a new place in the Lord, he (the spirit of fear) – will faithfully grace our stage for a grand performance!  In other words that spirit of fear will always seek to gain an entrance into our spirit man – and play a major role in preventing us from moving forward in the Lord. 


So, it’s time for us to “take the bull by the horns” and aggressively pursue our next adventure in the Lord.  Remember, walking in faith isn’t always walking in the absence of fear.  There will be times when you will have to move forward while “feeling” afraid….  But you must continue to advance.  If your level of faith is going to increase, you can’t stand still and wait until you don’t feel afraid. 


I would like to encourage you to embrace the prayer below that I had written quite a few years ago concerning the spirit of fear.  Remember….you are in control and the decision is yours.  Your actions will always reveal whether you have chosen to SIT in fear or to WALK by faith.    Although you may have undoubtedly read it before, because you are in a new place, this prayer will have an enhanced application.  Walk, stand and live in the GODfidence of the Lord in the your new season!


Fear Be Gone! (© 2003)


Faher God in the name of Jesus, I denounce the spirit of fear in my life.  As of this day, I forbid the spirit of fear to dominate, reign or sit passively in any area of my life.


Holy Spirit, I surrender right now to you my entire being.  I ask that you reveal to me now every area of my life where ungodly fear is present.  Every area in my conscience or sub-conscience arena where fear may have a stronghold.  Any area from my past where fear has been the comfort zone.  Reveal every open door that satan has used to bring fear into my life.


Lord God, your word declares that your perfect love will cast out, drive away, eradicate and will replace fear.  So Father, I come to you now and ask that you reveal to me your perfect love in every area of my being.  Your love that will not fail.  Your love that is unconditional.  Your love that is incomprehensive to my natural man, but is conceivable in the spirit realm.


Father, as I have asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the entrances where fear has entered, I ask you for the wisdom needed to close every open door.  I decree those doors closed, shut, sealed - never to be opened again.


 I thank you Father God for my new found freedom in you now that the weight of fear is gone. Hallelujah!


Psalm 56:4 “When I am afraid, I will trust in you”.

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