The reason why i say i love the spiritual high because my father who is in heaven are getting me a spiritual high. As u go along in this walk wit god he will began to give it to u. As i was reading Matthews how Peter them was talking to god in the flesh a they still didnt get the content until he died for them and thats when they actually realize he was the son of god. But what i am trying to say if u dont know who jesus is then he cant get u high in him. But if u know what he is cable of then u know how he can put u on cloud 9 and this high is all day everyday. Because u are in the presence of god that is deep for u to handle thats why when ever u come out of ur trans u are calm and light and high thats because god then got u high off his spirit. Idc god can get me high everyday i love it because im at peace now thats a high i can get addicted to right there. I dont have to worry about getting sick or anything im getting healed from whatever. So brothers and sisters get ur spiritual high in god and u wont regret it.