Learn How To Employ The Word of God

And Nothing Shall Offend You!

“Great peace have they which love thy law; and nothing shall offend them.” Psalm 119:165


Your ability to become offended reveals the level of maturity from which you operate.  The word offend in this verse refers to “stumbling block”.  Therefore when I permit anything to cause me to stumble or to divert my focus from the Lord; I have not learned to avail myself of His ever abiding peace. 


The peace of God represents the wholeness of God; His completeness – nothing missing.  When I realize that God has the ability to control the outcome of every situation; I will then receive the confidence in my spirit to rest in Him. 


I’m reminded of a toddler when learning to walk.  They must learn to be confident, as well as how to balance themselves.  When we haven’t learned to walk confidently according to God’s word; we permit the cares of this world, people and even our own undisciplined motives – to become a stumbling block and we lose our balance.  When we haven’t obtained the power to have the proper balance in our lives; we stumble and sometimes fall.


I must also realize that the spirit of fear is the anchored root system and underlying, hidden culprit that is still present when I am yielding to the influences of offence or of being offended.  When ungodly fear is eradicated from my life, I will recognize that offence will no longer be an issue.


Offences will come (Luke 17:1) – but I don’t have to permit them to divert my attention.  If I prepare myself daily with an awareness that I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37); I will know how to receive the peace of God; which has the power and the authority to permit me to remain stable and causes me to triumph in every situation (Philippians 4:7).  Peace is not the absence of chaos.  Peace is the mindset that affords me the ability to remain unshaken – regardless. 


To rest in the peace of God reveals that I have permitted the power of God to be my support system… and that I am trusting in His promises to be my daily provision.


Therefore, to prevent the offences that so readily appear in life from becoming a stumbling block in my life; the spirit of fear must be dealt with.  I also must appropriate the mindset that God’s unconditional love will yet prevail in every situation.  I can’t become distracted nor lose my balance; and above all I must trust the fact that God will vindicate every contrary wind that blows my way….and somehow….. always cause His favor to reign in my life! (Romans 8:28) 


“Those who love your laws have great peace of heart and mind and do not stumble.”

                                                                                                   Psalm 119:165(The Living Bible)

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