"Listen" and Obey

“Listen” and Obey

“But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.” Proverbs 1:33 ESV


On last weekend I had the opportunity to go out of town and visit a church that I had not previously attended.  Today as I was reflecting, the Lord had me to focus on one specific incident.


One of the ministers in the service yesterday was asked to pray after the reading of the scripture.  However when this minister came forward, he stated that he wanted to give a brief praise report about something that had recently transpired.  Well, the pastor immediately and politely spoke up and asked him to please just pray at this time and that she would give him an opportunity to give his praise report at a later time.


Children of God…. we must listen and obey at all times.  It doesn’t matter whether we are in a service, on the job, or in the mall.  Where ever we are; we are subject to the rules that have been established.  Sometimes we fail to realize that when we are not disciplined and we begin to operate in what our flesh desires… no matter what the desire ….it just might be sin!  We must constantly ask ourselves “why” am I doing what I’m doing; “when” I’m doing it? Are my actions AND my motives to truly bring glory to God?


Now back to the service that I previously mentioned.  There was already a time allotted for Praise Reports.  We must never attempt to override the instructions that we are given in a service.  The proper method to handle any “leadings of the Spirit” that you may feel, would be to confer with the Pastor or the person in charge.  We must trust that God has and is directing the Leader.  The Leader is accountable to God.  Whatever they permit or disallow will be judged by God. 


When that person gave their Praise Report, it was in reference to a prestigious elevation that they are going to receive.  It was well received…. But I just wonder if it would have been more effective if it was spoken within the allotted time. 


We must be ever so careful this we listen to God and obey His instructions… exactly. He will never “speak to our spirit” and tell us to just do what we think is best when the order has already been established. 


Rebellion on ANY level is still as the sin of witchcraft (I Samuel 15:23)!  We must be ever so alert in these end times that we are not permitting the enemy to ever so carefully ease his way into a situation.  When we are determined that we want God to truly get the glory; we will operate in total obedience…regardless.


Obedience requires submission.  Submission requires a broken and a freed spirit.  To receive a freed spirit, one must maintain on ongoing relationship with the Lord.


“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 2:7

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