Lord, I’m Available

Lord, I’m Available

Into your hands I commit my spirit….. Psalm 31:5


A little while ago, I had the opportunity to speak to someone that I hadn’t seen for quite some time.  This person is a minister and has been used mightily for and by the Lord.  When I questioned them concerning their current status; they informed me that they were no longer “interested” in ministry.


 Although we all have those days when we FEEL as though it’s easier to just throw in the towel, we can’t be motivated by our feelings!  We can’t afford to permit the enemy to bring us to the conclusion that the Lord has made a mistake when He has chosen to give to us certain gifts!


So how do we keep up the momentum?  How do we remain available to the Lord year upon year upon year? How do we continue to stand - regardless?   Listed below are a few suggestions.  Always remember… although you may not be able to physically see the impact that you are making in the realm of the spirit… if you weren’t accomplishing anything – then the enemy wouldn’t try to convince you to give up!   The stronger that the desires are for you to just “give it up” - the more you should be assured that you are really a “thorn in the flesh” of the enemy.  Now is not the time to take our spiritual gifts for granted. The Lord needs the availability of ALL of us more now than ever before. 


We must, as endtime Saints; remain available to and for the cause of Christ; available for the move of God, available for the work of ministry and above all available to be used totally for and by the Lord.


To be certain that I remain available I must:

  1. Spend quality time in the Lord’s presence ( Matthew 6:9-15; Psalm 92:2)
  2. Develop a pattern of fasting on a regular basis (Matthew 6:16)
  3. Read your sword daily (Psalm 27:8)
  4. Don’t ignore the whispers of the Holy Spirit (I Kings 19:12)
  5. Live a lifestyle that is so committed to the Lord, that the devil finds no open door within me to gain an access. (Galatians 2:20,21; John 14:30b; Romans 12:1,2)
  6. Know that the Lord wants to use me, can use me and will use me on a daily basis…IF I present myself unto Him.


Ron Kenoly expressed it this way: “If you can use anything Lord, You can use me. Take my hands Lord, take my feet, Touch my heart Lord, speak through me, If You can use anything, You can use me.


So, continue to “make yourself” available to be used of the Lord.  Remember…. Some lost soul may be waiting just for you; so be available.   Some discouraged sister or brother needs to hear your testimony/ praise report;  so be available.   


Remember that the enemy is counting on you to give up or to be so “busy” that you are not available to hear the voice of God.  Think about it…. if I am not available to be used by God….…..I AM available and already being used by the enemy!!!!!!


I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”                                                                                                                     Galatians 2:20

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