Seedless Grapes (Requested repost)

Seedless Grapes

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, …” Genesis 1:28


Throughout the Bible, the theme of reproduction is ever present.  In every era or dispensation we can observe that God intended for mankind to “establish & duplicate”.  In other words, God’s plan for mankind did not include mutated fruit – but fruit that would; “reproduce after its own kind” and fruit that would “remain”. 


Seeds = potential.   Seeds represent God’s natural form of reproduction.  However, man has in his wisdom introduced an alternative to the wisdom of God.  For example, let’s consider how man’s intervention has interrupted the natural reproductive nature in the area of vegetation.   Now, although we all really enjoy eating the seedless varieties of fruit; can you make a connection between seedless vegetation and the seedless human race?  In other words, can mankind now so readily accept the introduction of lifestyles which are contrary to those originally instituted by God; because in our minds we have already accepted this concept?


God has planned for everything to reproduce “after its own kind”.  However, seedless grapes cannot be reproduced without the assistance of man.  For years now; we have just eaten them and have never given any thought to their origin. 


I’m again reminded of the Cicadas who had made an appearance a few years ago; which had been underground for about 17 years.  Still alive; still thriving – but hidden! Many of the concepts of the enemy have been hidden for years, and even centuries!  However, because it is now restoration time – all that was hidden is now being revealed….but only “he who has an ear to hear” and an “eye to see” will be able to benefit from the many endtime revelations.


Think about it.  Could the concept of seedless grapes have mentally paved the road for the acceptance of homosexuality – (which is an attempt to alter the natural reproduction of the human race!)?  Could the concept behind the seedless grapes also have enhanced some of the “hassle-free” ideas that we have entertained concerning our work ethics?  Seedless grapes have no potential of their own and are completely contrary to every concept that the Lord has given to us in His word.  Seedless grapes represent man’s ability to develop and to improve upon something that God had already perfected….. just for the sake of convenience!   


Now… don’t misunderstand me.  Will I cease to purchase seedless grapes? Absolutely not! (Not that I know of!) .  But just remember that God doesn’t want us to produce seedLESS grapes.  His desire for us is to produce fruit with the ability to reproduce after is kind – with no other interference than that which is generated and motivated by the Holy Spirit.


So, in this season; let’s be more mindful of anything in our lives that does not have the potential to be productive; as well as to monitor what we are reproducing.


By divine nature, we should all be reproducing some type of fruit. I challenge you today to permit the Fruit of the Spirit to be manifested ever the more in your lives.  Be determined that next year, or next month, or next week – will not find you still producing seedless grapes ….. But grapes with the potential to go forth; to reproduce and to fulfill the plans and purposes of God.


“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain:….”  John 15:16

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