Seeds Must Be Broken  

Seeds Must Be Broken  

 I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest.”   John 12:24 AMP


Some seeds are made to be sown by a method known as “broadcasting”; while others are made to be individually deposited into soil –“dibbling”. Nevertheless, as we examine a seed, we will discover various facts which are natural in the physical realm as well as in the spiritual realm. A seed is basically worthless until its outer shell has been broken.


First, let’s think briefly about the future potential of the seed.   It has been determined that one seed in the physical realm contains within its self the potential to nourish an entire nation. The same can be applicable in the realm of the spirit.


Next, the seed is supplied with an outer covering that protects the imminent productivity of the internal core.  It is not until the protective shell is broken - forced open from within that the true plant can begin to grow.  We also have within us an internal core; spiritual seed; a place from which productivity must stem.  However we must be broken from the inside and healed of our past (intimidations, fears, disappointments, rejections, etc.) in order to begin to be productive and advantageous.  As we are broken under the power of the Holy Ghost AND the submission of our will, the process can begin. It is then and only then that the effectiveness of the giftings and anointings - which are already residing and resonating within us, now be liberated….. permitted to grow, mature and to manifest to its full potential and capacity.  However, we must remember that brokenness must occur first. (Now, reread that paragraph until you fully understand the concept.)


Seeds vary in their intent and composition. As I previously stated; the method of sowing may differ, nevertheless seeds are worthless unless sown!  Any and every one can sow a seed – as well as receive a seed which has been sown.  We must always remain cognizant of the fact that not every seed that has been sown into our lives is required to “remain in our garden”.  We are all composed of different types of soil.  Therefore, the type of seeds which we are able to mature is dependent upon our own particularly composed blend of soil.  The composure of our soil will also determine which seeds will be received; as well as the planting procedure.


Without regards to the method of sowing; all seeds which are to remain will require the proper attention.  Nurturing is vital if they are to produce and yield a 100 fold and a 100% return (There is a difference.).  


Many have been instructed very well in the area of sowing.  However, it is equally important that awareness is taught on the processes required for the “maintenance” of out seeds.   Just as seedlings are delicate in the physical realm and must be given the proper care – the same pertains to the realm of the Spirit.


How to “plant” should also be addressed. Planting requires the skill of one who is more knowledgeable.  While sowing is always highlighted, planting is just as relevant.

Yes, some seeds are to be sown, others planted, still others discarded.  We are all the carriers of seeds.  Symbolic of the natural garden; not all of our fruit will mature simultaneously, nor at the same time.  However given the proper care, the seeds which have been designated by the Lord within us – to advance to the level of maturity – will endure. 


Seek the face of the Lord.  Weed out your spiritual garden.  Then be determined that you will permit your garden to produce the fruit that will remain.    Be prepared for the weeding process which will require a brokenness.  


Remember: We must receive a “brokenness” prior to our ability to release a fullness! 


“You fool, that which you sow is not made alive, except it die:” I Corinthians 15:36

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