Settle Your Spirit….

Have Patience in the Hallway

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12


There are times when God has chosen to display His attribute of “silence”.  Now, although this character quality isn’t listed or written in any of the information concerning our Father; if you know Him to any extent; you can identify this as one of His traits!


So, what have you personally learned from God’s silence?  I have discovered that when we are in the “hallway” God chooses to test our ability to find our way to the next room.   When one door is nailed shut…. And we are waiting for another to open – we are in the “hallway”.    When we have difficult decisions to make and God is silent – we’re in the “hallway”.  When you’ve fasted, you’ve prayed and you’ve sown your seed for your need…. Yet God is silent…. You’re in the “hallway”…. Despite your cries and pleas….. God is STILL not saying a word!  And, the dilemma that intensifies our agony is the fact that we have no doubt that God CAN move in an instant!  So what’s happening? Why isn’t God moving…. Or at least saying SOMETHING?


It is in these times that we must realize that God is attempting to mature us and teach us how to PATIENTLY trust His word – even when we don’t hear His voice.  He is attempting to elevate us to our next place in Him.   In other words when we find ourselves in the hallway; we should immediately realize that we’re being tested.  God has placed us in a “proving ground” to enlighten us, and to inform our enemy of our growth since our last visit to the “hallway”.  We are daily growing and advancing to new heights in the Lord.  Yet these increases are internal; can’t be seen – but can be shown.  So what other way can our adversary know that we’ve grown in the Lord, except by the fact that when he tempts us with prior weaknesses ….and we don’t yield as we previously would have?    


Therefore, as I’ve often said, “Don’t expect God to answer you when you’re being tested – because the teacher never talks during a test.”  God knows all things, so our testing isn’t to reveal to Him information that He isn’t aware of.  Our testings are for us...and the adversary. 


How do we learn to be patient in the hallway? 

  1. By openly acknowledging that God loves me and IS working all things for my good. (Romans 8:28)
  2. Finding a scripture to use as a focal point of strength and encouragement. Read it regularly throughout the day. (Philippians 4:13)
  3. Refuse to speak doubt filled, fear related words. (Proverbs 18:21)
  4. Remember that you will not progress to your next level until you’ve passed the hallway test. (God doesn’t have a “No child left behind policy”!) Therefore, you will repeat this same test; year after year … until you can walk through the hallway; without pacing and wringing your hands; without telling everyone that you’ re “going through & to pray for you”! Now is the time to give God a “crazy” praise!  No tantrums….. But maturely and patiently walking to the next door, and waiting for God to open! (Psalm 34:1)


So when God is silent, stand on what you know about Him.  Don’t permit the enemy to make YOU further delay the process by focusing on your “hallway” conditions.  Remember.. in the natural, things appear quite differently than they really are.  Never permit your faith in God to waver – regardless.  If we would begin to stand on the promises of God in the difficult situations, then we would realize that when we are in the hallway, that’s the prime time to sow seeds of encouragement to others.  Although doubt and fear will definitely  attempt to discourage you –  be determined that you will rest in the comfort of your knowledge of our omniscient, omnipotent Father ….and His promises to never leave nor forsake you.


(Faith + Trust+ Hope) – (Fear, Doubt, Unbelief) = PATIENCE!


But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 8:25 ESV

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