Stay in the Race!

Stay in the Race!

“Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.” I Kings 19:18


While in prayer one morning the Lord simply said, “Encourage my people”.  


So no matter who you are; just know that it’s not by mistake, happenstance, nor by coincidence that you’ve decided to read this message today.  This message is for you!   God knows each of His children and He gathers; or groups us together as He sees fit. God also likes diversity as depicted by the numerous nationalities represented globally.  However, today He sees us as one.  One group…His people.  He sees us as a people who haven’t swayed in their commitment to Him.  A people who haven’t been hoodwinked or distracted by the nonsense of the adversary.  You are a vital part of this group….. And for this YOU are to be commended.


In our text we can read and observe the fact that the prophet of God was on the verge of becoming discouraged and giving up…but the Lord had to reveal to him that there were still others in this race.  So God is still saying today …”Stay in the race!”  You’ve accomplished much – yet, there is more work to be completed.  Your road may have been long and seemingly endless  - but just know that the Lord is well please with your achievements.  You may have incurred some bumps and bruises along the way – but you didn’t give up.  Just for that alone…the Lord is saying…. “Well done!”


Whatever you must do; (That’s in accord with the Word of God) that will permit your mind to stay focused – do it.  Always remain cognizant of the fact that our God knows our every motive.  Every single minute occurrence in your life was already prearranged by Him and has emanated from a heart of His pure love for you….  And for your advancement.


Remember David.  Through all of his victories and defeats; he had learned the art of edifying himself (I Samuel 30:6); and not permitting the enemy’s tactics to diminish his love for the Lord.  Therefore, the Lord said that he (David) was a man after His (God’s) heart. 


You have accomplished much……however you must continue to press forward towards YOUR destiny…. While still enjoying your today!


So be encouraged – now is not the time to give up or give in to the constant parade of attacks from the enemy’s camp.  Stay in the race! Whatever your pace….stay in the race.   You aren’t walking alone – the Lord has “quadrillions” globally who are still standing for Him – REGARDLESS!


Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life!!! Stay determined… Stay focused…. And Stay in the Race!!!


“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”  Matthew 24:13

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