Staying in Peace

Staying in peace...


 Be encouraged on Today.... God is working it out....

we all have opportunities to get worried, go around upset, frustrated, offended;  about something, whether it's somebody’s not treating us right, we’re dealing with a health issue, the project’s taking a lot longer than we thought.  life happens.  God never promised that we wouldn’t have challenges, and everything will always go smoothly;  no, the storms of life come to every person.  but God did promise that we can have peace in the midst of  the storm.  just because we’re in a stressful situation doesn’t mean that we have to get stressed out.  just because the medical report wasn’t good, or your plans didn’t work out, it doesn’t mean that you have to be frustrated.  you may be in the storm, but don’t let the storm get in you.  a boat can be surrounded by water;  it’s not any problem unless the boat starts taking on the water.  if the boat starts allowing the ocean on the inside, before long it will sink.  it’s the same principle in life;  you can have trouble all around you:  at the office, people gossiping, playing politics, at school, somebody trying to make you look bad, at home, raising a difficult child.  stress, frustration, worry, it’s all around you.  but the good news is, just like the boat, you don’t have to allow what’s on the outside to get on the inside.

just because you’re surrounded by a situation that should be frustrating, “they’re talking about me, I should be offended.  traffic’s taking twice as long as normal, I should be upset,” no, don’t let the storm get in you;  don’t start taking on the water.  if you’re controlled by your circumstances, up when things are up, down when things don’t go your way,  life is going to be a rollercoaster.  God wants you to be stable, consistent, not moved by any of these things.  and when you face an adversity, hit a tough time, one of the best things you can do is simply stay calm, keep your peace.  when you’re in peace, that’s a position of power.  you’re saying with your actions, “God, I trust You.  I know You’re still on the throne.  this may be difficult, but I know You are fighting my battles.”  when you’re in peace, you’re showing God by your actions that you’re trusting Him.

Hebrews 4:3 (NKJV)

3 For we who have believed do enter that rest

notice, when you’re really believing, there’s a rest. “you didn’t get the promotion, aren’t you upset, you were the most qualified?”  “no, I’m at peace.  I know God has something better.  promotion doesn’t come from people, it comes from the Lord.  when it’s my time to be promoted I will be promoted.”  that’s what it means to stay at rest.  some of you have been on that rollercoaster for a long time, allowing your circumstances to determine whether or not you’re going to be happy.  you need to put your foot down and say, “that’s it.  from now on I’m keeping my peace.  I’m not going to allow what’s on the outside to get on the inside.   I’m not going to keep letting the same people frustrate me, the same circumstances upset me.  I’m going to enter into that place of rest.”  that not only allows God to work in your life, but it’s better for your health;  we were never created to live uptight, worried, stressed out.  that weakens our immune system;  it won’t fight off diseases like it should.  the reason some people can’t overcome an illness, they’re always tired, run down, they don’t have any energy, is because they worry all the time.  on the inside they’re constantly wrought up, even when they go to bed at night their mind is still going 90 to nothing, thinking about that problem;  “what if I can’t make that payment?”  all that time you spend worrying, you are draining your energy.  it’s making you weaker, taking your creativity;  you don’t do your best work when you’re worried.  you don’t make good decisions when you’re stressed out.


worry is like a rocking chair;  you’re always moving but you’re never going anywhere.  when God created Adam, He put him in the garden of Eden, a very quiet, peaceful, tranquil place;  that’s where God met him and spoke with him, at a place of peace.  in life, it can be very noisy.  if we allow it, all of us can live stressed, uptight, in a hurry, on edge.  but in all the busyness, bills to pay, deadlines at the office, the problems we’re concerned about, in the midst of the hectic society, we’ve got to learn to not let the busyness, frustration, stress get on the inside.  it may be very hectic on the outside, but deep down in your spirit person there needs to be a calmness, a rest, to where you know God has you in the palm of His hand.  you know no weapon formed against you will ever prosper.

Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God…

some of you have been worried for a long time;  stressed because a dream hasn’t come to pass, upset over a challenge you’re dealing with.  you can’t sleep at night, it’s taken your joy.  but just like God met Adam at a place of peace, God is saying, “there may be trouble, turmoil, all around on the outside, but if you’ll come back to that place of peace on the inside, I will meet you there. I will give you wisdom, strength.  I will turn that situation around.”  God meets us when we’re in peace.  in the center of a hurricane there’s something called the eye of the storm, where it’s very calm and peaceful.  all around, there’s chaos;  winds blowing 100 miles an hour, debris flying left and right, danger everywhere.  but as long as you’re in the eye, it’s as calm and peaceful as can be.   in life, there will be times where it seems like everything is out of control;  “my child is acting up, my company is talking about laying people off, my loved one is about to pass.”  challenges, adversities, stress will come. but just like with the eye of the storm, in the midst of that difficulty there’s a place of peace that you can go to:

Philippians 4:7 (NKJV)

7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

that means you’ll have peace when you should be upset, stressed out.  when you stay calm in the midst of the storm, you will feel a peace that passes all understanding, that doesn’t even make sense.


Exodus 33:14 (NIV)

14 …  I will give you rest

“everything will be fine for you.”  let those words sink down into your spirit.  everything will be fine.  your marriage may be a little rocky right now, don’t worry about it;  everything will turn out fine.  your child may be off course;  keep your peace, God is working behind the scenes.  everything will be fine.  maybe you went through a loss, disappointment;  the future doesn’t look very bright.  stay at rest;  a new beginning is coming.  everything will be fine.  we don’t really know what the future holds, but we do know Who holds the future.  God has you in the palm of His hand;  nothing can snatch you away.  the storms of life come to every person;  don’t let the storm get in you.  hold your peace.  remain at rest.  that’s your position of power.  when you’re at peace, the Creator of the universe goes to work.  before you leave the house each day, make up your mind, “nothing is going to move me today.  nothing is going to upset me.”  if you do this, you’ll not only live healthier, but God promises He will show up, fight your battles, turn situations around;  you will live the life of victory He has in store.


If you can't fix, can't carry it, due to the weight, then it was never meant for you too. God never put more on us than we can bare. He knows how capabilities and limitations... Sometimes God allow things because He want to be active participant in your when we have more than we can carry, His word say to cast our cares on Him. So why worry, when have a God who cares for us and all that concerns us...He will show up if we give him the opportunity...


So stop stressing and start praising! God Got It...




Prophetess Wells

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