The Day of Strength

Day 8—The Day of Strength


Lord, YOU are my strength!


(The Lord my strength - Psalms 28:7)


(O Lord my strength - Psalm 19:14)

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. “  Psalm 73:26                                                  New Living Translation (©2007)


Read Psalm 28 & Psalm 73


As we have daily encountered the circumstances of life, we have realized that we have only maintained the ability to yet be triumphant because of an inner strength that has been and always will be prevalent.   This strength is not our strength, but strength of the Lord.


The word in the above text for strength translates as “rock”.  Lord, may I remember that you are my perpetual “ROCK”.  When all else fails—you will remain constant.  Even if there comes a time when my health, wealth, and spirit become overwhelmed—you are still my strength.  Daily may I never attempt to stand in my own strength.  Daily may I acknowledge you in all of my ways.  Daily may I remember that I CAN do all things through your strength which is that rock, that pillar and that fortress forever in my life.    Daily may I remain cognizant of the fact that “In Times Like These”…I have an anchor; my anchor holds…. And it grips that you…. that solid Rock!


So Lord, when everything: every foundation, every prop, every support system that has been erected in my life—is shaken…. “when the earth all around me is sinking sand”; on Christ that solid rock I’ll stand!  When I need shelter, when I need a friend; “I go to the rock”.   May I never, never, never forget that YOU are my strength… rock. 


May I fully understand and cling to the essence of an old favorite hymn which states:

“On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”.  


  I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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