The Door is Open.. ACCESS GRANTED!!
"I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” Revelation 3:8
Today the Lord is saying that because of your faithfulness to Him as you weathered every adverse condition; because of your diligence and perseverance to seek His face more than you sought His hand; because you planted your feet firmly in His Word REGARDLESS; because you refused to permit what you have observed with your natural eye to allow you to loose your focus….. NOW.. A new door has been opened unto you! You have been granted access to regain everything that the enemy has stolen, taken, or swindled from you!
Imagine the rain clouds. When they receive an excess amount of moisture – they BURST FORTH and we receive rain. So it is at this time. You have released in the realm of the spirit the necessary “rain”… your spiritual clouds can no longer contain any more of: your fastings, your praying, your unselfish giving, your intercedings, your warring in the spirit; your level of tenacity and endurance. It is now time for your spiritual clouds to burst forth!
Therefore, every necessary door that was previously closed….is opened!
Everything that was previously unavailable….. is now available!
It is extremely important that you stay focused, and remain faithful. Don’t become distracted by the sudden influx. Seek the face of God for the wisdom that is necessary to function properly as you embrace all that is speedily becoming available to you. Remember… Kingdom work must continue!
Lastly, the Lord is saying that the door has been opened, your access has been granted; however, don’t become a harbor… must continue to be a channel!
"……'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. …… Matthew 25:23
Special Note: This morning while in prayer, I received this acrostic for the word “OPEN”.
Those for whom it is intended will benefit from it and be able to comprehend it. If you can’t relate – no problem… just wasn’t for you this time!
O – Opportunity, opposition
P – People, purpose
E – Employment, equity
N – News, neutralize