The Forever Stamp


The Forever Stamp

‘For I am the Lord, I change not……” Malachi 3:6


Here in the United States we have a postage stamp called the “Forever Stamp”.  The advantage of purchasing this stamp is that it is not affected by the escalation or the increase of prices in the future.  The postal service has agreed to accept the Forever Stamp…forever as sufficient postage when mailing a First Class letter.  Therefore, if it is purchased today and the cost of postage increases; no additional postage will be required; because you have purchased and are using a Forever Stamp. 


God has said that we also have the advantages of receiving His “Forever Stamp” in our lives. Sometimes we seem to forget that when we accepted Christ into our lives that His atoning blood has purchased for us the grace that will perpetually satisfy any future debts!   God has already agreed – through His promises that we have the ability to remain unaffected by the escalation of the current or future diabolical plots, plan or schemes of our adversary.  We have already received a “Forever Stamp” that the kingdom of darkness must recognize – if we use it!


However, far too often our minds have not been renewed to this concept.  We fail to realize that we have been stamped… or that our stamp is sufficient to satisfy the required postage for any adverse condition in our lives!


Our Forever Stamp avails us to the benefits of all of the promises of God as recorded in our Bible.


In other words;

When disappointments, depression, or discouragements occur; we only need to affix the promises of our Forever Stamp as recorded in: Isaiah 63:1; Jeremiah 29:11; Joshua 1:9  

When sickness or afflictions attack; we only need to affix the promises of our Forever Stamp as recorded in: Isaiah 53:5; John 11:4

When unpaid debts seem to be mounting; we only need to be a good steward; as well as to affix the promises of our Forever Stamp as recorded in: Philippians 4:19; Luke 6:38

When waiting for God to advance us or to give us wisdom in a given area: we only need to affix the promises our Forever Stamp as recorded in: James 1:5; Proverbs 3:5,6


So whatever situation the enemy attempts to use to make us loose our focus,

Whatever area(s) in our minds that still remain an entrance to or a portal for the enemy,

Whatever adverse condition is now occurring… or will ever surface in the future;

REMEMBER- It doesn’t matter how long the process is lasting… God will always perfect those things which concern us by honoring His promises to us.


Never forget that you have been stamped and you have been sealed until the day of redemption by God’s Forever Stamp….. And simply because that stamp has been affixed to you… you have been equipped with a durability ….  That will assure the safety of your arrival at your next appointed destination in the realm of the Spirit!


Forever forgiven, forever loved, forever blessed, forever equipped to maintain my status as an overcomer!           HALLELUJAH!  

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