The Hit List

The Hit List                                                                                                                                     “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one”.    Ephesians 6:16


As I was glancing through an Ebony Magazine, there was a page entitled “Hit List”.  To summarize, this page included items that were considered “must haves” for the season.

Well, as usual – I began to relate that concept to the realm of the spirit.  I wondered, “What would be considered the “must haves” to be on the “Hit List” of our adversary”?  So below I’ve listed the top five requirements that I feel are compulsory.

  1. The acceptance of Christ as your Saviour.

One of the reasons that the enemy is able to gain an upper hand is that we fail to realize when the warfare begins.  As soon as we make an outward declaration to take a stand for Christ - immediately we are thrust into an intense battle ground.  We have made the decision to leave the family of darkness and become a member of the family of light…. the body of Christ.  This alone initially qualifies one to become an open target and earn a place on satan’s list…. On “The Hit List”.

  1. Developing and spending time in the presence of the Lord.

This is the place where we gain our genuine strength, wisdom and discernment.  We can receive encouragement from others.  However there is nothing, nothing that can replace what one will receive from developing a relationship with the Lord.  The enemy is fully aware of this.  That’s the reason that he makes it so difficult for one to spend time alone in the presence of the Lord.  The determination to build such a relationship definitely makes one as a prime candidate for “The Hit List”.

  1. Living a lifestyle that is in obedience to the word of Lord.

This transcends the mere presence that is exhibited in church or in the company of those who know us as being “saved”.  What happens when others can’t see us?  Are we living one type of lifestyle during the week and another on the weekends?  And what about our integrity??? When we’ve committed ourselves to allowing our lives to be an open book for all to see (by fasting, praying, paying tithes, reading our Word, maintaining that temper, not gossiping, living a submitted lifestyle, etc.); and that open book reflects holiness…. We’re on “The Hit List”.

  1. Actively being a Soul winner.

This statement really needs no clarification.  If you are seeking and seizing every opportunity to be a witness for the Lord, and showing the unsaved their road to freedom; you already know – you are on “The Hit List”.

  1. Being a channel for the Holy Spirit and putty in His Hands.

Lord, what will you have me to do?  Now, this is the question we’ve asked in all sincerity. However, when we wholehearted avail ourselves to such; advance from the plateau of focusing on our own desires; and permit God to totally use us –then the enemy really “throws a fit”.   Our commitment (not a mere promise!) to use ALL of who we are for the Lord – definitely earns you a number one position on “The Hit List”.

There are many other items that could be added.   Just realize that you have been targeted.  So don’t become alarmed when you are attacked by the enemy.  Simply rest in the realization that no weapon which he has formed against you has the power nor the authority to prosper!   You may be on the “The Hit List”, however you have been given your angels and your spiritual weapons to strategically and successfully outwit every attack….prior to its onset!  So be encouraged although you’re on “The Hit List”….. REMEMBER! You are still more than a conqueror!!!

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