The Message We Send

The Message We Send

A while agoministered at a church that is having a revival for this entire month.  Their theme is: “The Message We Send”.  So I pose the question to you.  What is the message that you are sending to your: family, friends, haters, co-workers, neighbors and to the kingdom of darkness?

Well, without a doubt you should be sending the message: “I Can’t Be defeated!”

Your daily walk should prove as evidence to all – especially to the kingdom of darkness that you can’t be defeated – regardless!


I can’t be defeated because my mind has been and is continually being renewed with the Word of God. (Ephesians 4:22; Romans 12:2).

I can’t be defeated because I’ve learned how to discipline my spirit and to abide in the presence of the Lord. In other words…. I’ve learned how to pass through the outer court; and to permit my spirit to enjoy the inner court praise experience; in preparation for the worship experience that can only be found in the holy of holies. (John 4:24)

Above all, I can’t be defeated because I’m sold out and souled out.  I’m convinced that God loves me!  (John 3:16).  Therefore according to Romans 8:37-39 it doesn’t matter what the enemy may decide to inflict upon me, the love of God will: override, cancel, nullify and bring to naught every diabolical plot and plan. So I know no defeat because my soul is completely “souled out’.  Hezekiah Walker expresses it like this:

"Souled Out"

I am souled out, my mind is made up; Who can separate us from the love of Jesus?
Not death, nor life.  Jesus paid the price, now I'm free from sin. I am souled out.
I've come through the fire, I've come through the rain.  But God, He never left my side,
He's my comfort through all hurt and pain - I am souled out.
My heart is fixed, my mind's made up; No room, no vacancies, I'm all filled up.
His Spirit lives in me and that's the reason I'm souled out!


Therefore, the message that we send should always and alway (no “s”) be: “I Can’t Be Defeated”.

So, again I present you with the question, What is the message that you are sending to your family members, colleagues,  neighbors, etc.?  Does your walk in reality, come into alignment with your talk?  As of today, let’s be certain that we are no longer being hypocrites! 

The message that we send must exemplify the authenticity of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us!  No more fear, no more doubt, No more idle or none productive words.


Let’s send a message that we are more than conquerors – because…at the end of the day…..that’s the authentic message that we must  send as endtime believers of God.

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