The Number 666 and Roman Numerals

Roman Numeral Value
D = 500
C = 100
L = 50
X = 10
V = 5
I = 1
666 (total)
The following became popular with the printing of a Revelation by W.B. Godbey in 1896:
The Greek Letter, English Translation,and Greek Number Value:
Lambda L = 30
Alpha A = 1
Tau T = 300
Epsilon E = 5
Iota I = 10
Nu N = 50
Omicron O = 70
Sigma S = 200
666 (total)
The Roman Empire:From the Battle of Actium in 31 BC to (Arabs) conquest in 636 AD is 666 years. To count the number is called gematria - meaning to assign number value to letters. Hebrew gematria (Rule 29 of 32 rules of Rabbinical Hermeneutics)1. Hebrew/Greek - both alphabets have letters that interchange for numbers 2. Hebrew/Greek - both change names to numbers, and numbers to names 3. Hebrew/Greek - there are many names that total 666 "count the number..." Example: Mohammad, Hitler, and Kissinger can total 666.
Some believe the number should be 616, instead of 666. In May of 2005, scholars at Oxford University used advanced imaging techniques to read a previously illegible portion of a manuscript from Revelation that used 616 instead of the majority text which renders it 666. This idea of 616 was known and referred to in older notes of some Bibles. Believed it was an attempt to make Nero Caesar the name of the beast whose name in Greek is 616! (Nero Caesar in Latin) from Jerome's Latin Translation.

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  •   INSIGHT FROM THE 3rd CENTURY MANUSCRIPT: The New Testament Greek was translated into Latin by St. Jerome in 382 AD (The Vulgate). The Peshitta was a translation from the Aramiac used in the Syrian Orthodox Church. In 1519 Erasmus translated a Bible from Greek into Latin text. He used texts from the 12th - 13th centuries (the Byzantine, Koine, and Majority Text). It became the basic numerical values as "six hundred, sixty and six."

      The third century Egyptian manuscript from 350 AD uses three Greek letters, chi, xi, and stigma. The oldest manuscripts use these three Greek letters. Later they were calculated into 600, 60, and 6 as the number of the beast, because these three Greek letters have a number value with them:

    a. The Greek letter CHI is 600

    b. The Greek letter XI is 60

    c. The Greek letter STIGMA would have been 6

    These letters are unique:

    1. The letter CHI is transliterated as an x, and stigma is not in the Modern Greek alphabet.

    2. Stigma, in ancient times, could represent the 6th letter of the alphabet.

    3. It is not a real letter but was invented by Greeks to represent 6.

    4. Stigma was also a mark that was put on slaves in Egypt and the Roman times.

    5. It is transliterated as "s" and its number equivalent is "6."

      What if these three letters are symbols and not just a value of the letters? If the antichrist is Islamic, then how will the mark of the beast tie into the beast system? These symbols have been pointed out by former Muslims. The CHI is an X, and the X is the same form of the Saudi Arabian government's civil sign. The XI is unique when looking at this letter sideways, it spells Allah. The headbands worn by the Islamic groups have the "mark", The number six is linked with Islam.

      Islam was founded in 622. The Koran has 114 Suras (chapters) with 30 sections and 6,666 verses. The name Muhammad can total 666 in certain languages and spelled certain ways. The number 6 is connected with Islam and linked with a religion that is wrong. Refusing to receive the mark: 1. If you do not worship the beast (antichrist) 2. If you do not worship the image (icon) 3. If you do not take the mark, number, or name... the consequence will be: You will die by beheading Rev. 20:4 (Islam kills by beheading). This also purges the population, providing people of additional food. Come out of any system that is not based upon Jehovah God!

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