The October 7,2023 Israelis Attack Anniversary….

Simply Trust God!

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”           II Chronicles 7:14


Many may not be aware of the fact that today marks the one year anniversary of the deadliest attack on Israel in its history.  The surprise attack sparked the Israel-Hamas war which is currently engaged. Even though its been a year, this attack, which caught Israel totally by surprise and occurred on a major Jewish holiday – has left them still experiencing aftershocks of fear, doubt and insecurity.


It is our obligation to continue to cover them in prayer.  Even though we are consistently bombarded with the recent occurrences of violence, car-jackings, credit card scams/hackings and national outbreaks of police brutality -we must still remain focused and SIMPLY TRUST GOD!


People are globally wondering what will happen next.  Will the nation’s government be headed by someone who is totally incompetent or will it even experience a major shutdown?  Will people be expected to work and not receive their wages, or maintain the ability to purchase necessary items… or will they be forced to amend their lifestyles?  What will happen?  What about the next pandemic? ….and the list could continue.


Well... again, I just need to remind you that it matters not what impact our judicial system may have on the economy; nor the display of terrorism or police injustice that may transpire; we cannot permit the spirit of fear to invade our spirits!   Matters not who our next president will be, the invasion of the next terrorist attack, nor the negative situations which are occurring  …… Our response must be, “I’ll simply trust God”.


The Bible is full of example after example depicting how the Lord moved on behalf of His people – when they trusted Him.  However when we decide to lean to our own understanding – disaster will be our fate.  God’s word is always true and will always prevail in every situation – if we remain faithful to it.  Now is not the time to “throw in the towel” and give up.  Now is the time to put to work all that you have studied and learned about the Lord.  Now is the time to prove the Lord’s faithfulness and to take him at His word.  SIMPLY TRUST GOD!


To trust is to:

T – Turn: Turn from the negative reflections and the opinions of those who are not adhering to

      what God has decreed. (I Corinthians 15:33 & 34)

R – Rest:  Rest in the promises of God. Cast your cares on Him. (I Peter 5:7)

U – Uproot: Uproot…. Go to the source of whatever is attempting to choke out my peace; attack

       the root not the fruit!  Remember.. It’s a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12)

S – Stand: Stand on what the Lord has said.  Gird up the loins of my mind and stand! (I Peter


T – Transform: Transform my vocabulary by renewing my mind; so that I will only speak faith

       filled words.   (Proverbs 18:21)


Therefore it matters not what our judicial system decides, nor any invasive attacks spiritual or physical, ….we can chose to operate according to a system which is superior to that system.  We can walk according to the mandates of God’s kingdom.  When we walk governed by kingdom principles; we will be the recipients of His kingdom blessings – and we will have available to us His kingdom provision… REGARDLESS.


Refuse to engulf the spirit of fear that is attempting to invade many at this time.  God’s promises are true and remember…


“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”  Numbers 23:19


Our hope….. and our trust MUST be in God!  SIMPLY TRUST GOD!!!!!!

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