There’s a Missing Voice!

 There’s a Missing Voice!

“… let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”  Hebrews 13:15


Have you ever been in a location and heard the voice of someone call your name?  Without even turning around – you knew exactly who it was.   It didn’t matter how many other people were there, when that familiar voice called out to you – you heard it. 


Today God is saying there is a voice missing.  He is saying, “When I listen to the praises of my people..  there’s a voice missing.   When discussions are being held concerning the leading and guiding of spiritual and secular matters… there’s a voice missing.  At the beginning of each new day that I’ve given to you…and all of my children are offering up a voice of thanksgiving…..  there’s a voice missing.  In the middle of the day, I’ve been waiting… but there’s still a voice missing.  Then at the end of the day; after I’ve taken you successfully through and carefully guided you around every “landmine” that the enemy had waiting to destroy you; I’ve listened…. But still there’s a voice missing.”


Are you that missing voice?  Is your voice the very one that the Lord is longing to hear not only in your devotional time, but in; your home, your school, or on your job?  How about in the mall or at your favorite restaurant?   How about in your neighborhood? Have you been strategically positioned by God in various places because YOU have the voice that’s needed…. But still you refused to use your voice for Him?


I am certain that one of the endtime strategies of the enemy is to lessen the use of our voices. One of the methods is through the use of text messaging.  While texting does have its advantages, it doesn’t permit us to use one of our most powerful weapons – the weapon of a SPOKEN word.    The Lord needs us to verbally acknowledge Him more that we have in the past.  As we actually express to Him verbally throughout the day, our feelings of not only gratitude, but of love and adoration – then we will begin to notice that He will be able to more adequately direct and govern our day. 


Your voice, your spoken word, has the power to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ever imagine.  However, if you don’t release it – it’s useless!  Death and life ARE in the power of YOUR tongue. 


Don’t permit the enemy to gain any more ground because your voice is that missing voice!

Be Bold… Be Confident… Be Courageous…. and Be Heard!


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (ESV)

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