They Are Only A Weight

….They Are Only A Weight

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance  the race marked out for us..” Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)


Today the Lord has said that we are running this race…..and we are running well….however we are still carrying too much baggage.  God has said that we are still attempting to drag and pull everyone with us to our next place in Him.  Some – NO…. most of the people with whom you communicate on a daily basis are not ready to go with you.  They haven’t made the proper preparations in the realm of the spirit.


Everyone will not, has not and cannot receive nor apply the mantle that the Lord has given unto you. They are just not ready to go where you are going.  The pace will be too rapid; the journey too long; the mission too intense and the level of strategic maneuvers too in-depth.  Therefore, even without your knowledge, they have become the hindrance – the weight, which is preventing you from running with the speed and endurance that you know you possess.


So take an inventory of your plans and desires.  Compare them against the blueprint that the Lord has ordained for your life.  Whatever is no longer needed dispose of it..  This includes EVERYTHING!  Most of us are too comfortable.  We have become accustomed to “dragging” along so much excess baggage that we’ve forgotten what it frees like to be totally free! Now, excess baggage can include anything from physical articles such as people and wearing apparel; to mental issues such as memories and mindsets; to hindering spirits that may have attached themselves to us from some of our past experiences.


Finally, the Lord has also said: “In this new dimension, we must stay free, move quickly, cautiously, and quietly.  Don’t disclose the information that I give to you to everyone.  Only reveal what I tell you to reveal – to whom I direct you.  View everything, everything through the eyes of your spirit.  Listen through the ears of your spirit.  Sensitize and synchronize your spirit to the emotions of my Spirit – not your mind.  Rest in me to the point that nothing “catches” you in a state of being “unaware”.  Fear no man nor his position.  Go where I send you.  They are already waiting and expecting your arrival.”

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