True Love Can Only Come From God
.... .God is love…….. I John 4:7b
It never ceases to amaze me how people who don’t: know, comprehend, believe in or even acknowledged the very existence of our God; can set aside a day ….. that honors the very essence of who He is!
Our Sword simply states that “GOD” is love. Therefore, anything that is outside of who God is cannot be categorized as love. This concept of God as love is difficult for many to grasp – especially those of us who use English as our primary language. Most of the other dialects use different words to express their emotions of various degrees. However, we use a singular word “love” to express our feelings in every arena - from food to our possessions, to our spouses, to our children, to our pets – EVERYTHING for which we have a deep affection.
However, anything that is not in accord with who God is, is not Love. Many, for centuries have adapted the enemy’s concepts and have been so misinformed concerning the definition of love. Man has thought that he can apply this word love to and in any situation.
To simply state it - every affection or relationship that is outside of, and is not in conformity with God’s word, is not truly love. Call it what you will – however you are only deceiving yourself!
Man has made an attempt to fill that place in his life that God has reserved just for Himself with various “counterfeits”. When we begin to understand the true Love of our God – then we will aggressively begin to remove every imitation, every fake expression, every “pacifier” that the enemy has provided.
Sooooo here we go…. Even though it’s not Valentine’s Day, let’s set the record straight! If you’re involved in any relationship be it: extra-marital, adulterous (sex with a married partner that is not yours), fornication (sex without of marriage), same gender relationships, or you are intimately involved with a “significant other” - and you THINK that you are in “LOVE” – wake up and smell the coffee! You have settled for something much less than the true love God has intended for you to enjoy. All of these are outside of what God – who is Love – has decreed as LOVE!
God’s love for us has no limits or boundaries. God’s love is expressive. However it is to be expressed within HIS guidelines! It’s because of His love that He has placed inside of each of us, that we have a desire, to also communicate that love to others. However, it’s His game and He has set the stakes high! Don’t lower your standards. Don’t diminish your royal, priestly position (I Peter 2:9) by becoming involved in the trickery of the enemy. Be determined that you will only accept the best and discard the rest! Be determined to go “against the grain”. Dare to be different! But above all dare to be RIGHT!
GOD IS LOVE ….. and whatever is outside of His standards and His guidelines….is not love!
Have a blessed day…filled with the true love of the Lord!
“The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected.” I John 2:4 & 5