What’s YOUR Smell?

What’s YOUR Smell?
“Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.”   James 3:12


Whenever someone has spent some time in a room where there is a concentration of a certain type of smoke, when they leave that place  – it will be very evident to everyone else that they have spent some time in a certain atmosphere.  For example, you may enter a place where there is cigarette smoke.  Even though you may not have smoked – just because you were in that environment, the smell of the cigarette will infiltrate your clothing.  Or, if you are in a room where there is food cooking or incense burning – the effect will be the same.


Wherever there is a fire burning, and that fire comes in contact with another substance, there will be a release from the object which is being burned.  This released vapor – “smoke” – is the evidence that something was or is burning.  The more intense the fire, the greater the lingering smell of the smoke. 


That brings us to our questions for today, “What do you smell like”?   “What is really burning on the inside of you”?  Is the time that you spend in the presence of the Lord potent enough to have a lingering, lasting, and even a transforming effect?  Whatever is on the inside – will when it is ignited, begin to burn and emit a scent. 


Whatever is burning on the inside of you, will become evident when your flame is ignited!  For example, what happens when you are waiting in a long line at the market, bank or the mall (For those who don’t use cyberspace for everything)?   Or what about when another driver is driving too slowly in front of you – and you are late?!  How about when you are given too much change by a salesclerk….  or the waitress gets your order incorrect – again?!  What type of fragrance does your smoke produce during these times?


Let’s be more determined, by making a conscience decision; that we will be certain; to keep the fire of the Holy Ghost burning within us. This is only achieved by spending more time in His presence.    It is only when we have allowed His fire to burn up everything in us that is not like Him; that His presence will have the full reign to burn within us.  Then the smell of our “smoke” will have the fragrance of the fruit (not fruits) of the Spirit – and the lingering scent emitted from us will be Him.   The Holy Spirit will flow through us and from us; infiltrating the atmosphere where we are …. and will positively be displayed daily, as we operate in the gifts of the Spirit.


“……….. but be filled with the Spirit;” Ephesians 5:18

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