Who Opened That Door?

Who Opened That Door?

“Be not deceived” Galatians 6:7a


There is a saying, “All that glitters is not gold.” In other words, everyone and everything that appears to be authentic at a glance; is not always what it or they seem to be. This is particularly true in the realm of the spirit.  Someone or something may seem to emit a certain “weightiness” in the realm of the spirit; however, a closer examination will reveal the truth.  Don’t be deceived by what your physical eyes may behold! 


The spirit of Deception is running more rampantly, and rapidly than in previous times.  We must therefore enhance our ability to quickly discern the authentic actions of the Lord; apart from the imposturous, deceptions of our adversary.


We must also remember that every open door was not opened by the Lord.  Every new opportunity is not always the answer to your prayer! In our attempt to advance, we must not become anxious. Trust the Word of God and WAIT for Him.  God will never, ever permit or present to us an open door or an opportunity - which in any fashion cannot be aligned with His recorded promises.  The Lord will never open a door whose entrance will lead us to compromise nor negate our relationship with Him….. nor will He ever present us with an opportunity where we must compromise our allegiance to Him. 


In I John 4:1 we are reminded that we must not merely accept what appears to be ordained of God. “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 


Accompanying advancement and elevation are the introduction of an array of open doors.  Therefore, prior to entering into any open door, be certain of its validity.  Prior to entering into any open door, be certain that you maintain your “alertness” in the realm of the spirit.  Be anxious for nothing!  God’s open doors are accompanied by His peace and His assurance.  When uncertain about embarking or venturing into a new area; wait and seek the face of God. 


Always remember that far too often, the adversary desires to make YOU sabotage your own destiny by enticing you to move in the incorrect timing.


So, again… prior to entering into any open door, proceed with caution, stay alert and above all, you must know who has opened the door!



“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”  Psalm 27:14

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