Wow da is an gud question why do people say they luv him wen they really dnt cuz if we luv him we would not do da thangs dat we do 2 him if we really luv him god iz so tired of hear dat we luv him wen we really dnt cuz all da stuff we do would not be aloud n gods b i cuz he iz an jealous god he says if he cant hav u no 1 can cuz god want u all 2 his stuff not no else until itz tyme 4 u 2 find and parter or who ever n life but god is tired of people telling him dat we luv him but we disobey him eveeryday all day we christians need 2 look at wat we tell god if we dnt mean wat we say cuz he take it 2 heart n his i so all i am saying is dnt tell god u luv him only if u mean it

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