You’re Better Than That!

Don’t Settle For Less

“And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  Romans 12:2


What achievement(s) do you highly value?  What are you striving to accomplish on a daily basis?  What targets are your arrows attempting to reach?   How many long and short term goals are ever before you?


Whatever venture you are striving to undertake or to complete – now is the time to endure and to press forward as never before.  Don’t become weary, don’t become stagnate… and by all means….  Don’t Settle for Less.


It appears that we have encompassed that mindset of the world which has caused us not to value who we are, nor what we have been called to bring into manifestation. 

For example:

We are settling for what brings happiness…. Instead of persevering for joy;

We are permitting our appetites (spiritual & natural) to be appeased or pacified…Instead of   

      fulfilling their required necessities.  

We are popping too many pills … Instead of pulling our heads up from the pillows and praying     

      our way through. 

We have permitted too many of the conveniences of modern technology to limit instead of

     enhancing our brain’s activity and ability!


So, ever so slowly, ever so subtly, we have begun to settle for the lesser qualities of life – instead of striving for better.  We have just “accepted” and become satisfied with whatever has come our way.  Therefore, for the most part we are living a life and lifestyle that is far more inferior to the desires of the Lord!  Our creative instincts are almost non-existent and for the most part, our lives are lacking the “greater”.   However, we must; as King’s Kids – begin or continue to refuse to settle for just “anything”.  We must keep our goals and aims focused on the wholesome and weightier principles of this life.


Begin to recapture the mindset in your daily activities that will not permit you to settle for less in any area of your life.   Simply because I am a joint heir with Christ – all of my needs are already met.  I therefore don’t have to lower nor compromise my standards nor my expectations, nor my desires, nor goals nor my vision. Develop this mindset… I do not have to settle for anything less and I will not settle for less in any area of my life!


The greater one lives on the inside of me…. Therefore I can no longer be comfortable settling for the “less”.  I also cannot become ignorant to the fact that iron does sharpen iron.  So those who are content and relaxed in their “state of less”…. Don’t exhibit the qualities of iron and will dull instead of sharpen my being!


As of today – I will begin to rid my mind, and my physical environment of everything that resembles the state of being “less”….. and permit true greatness to be my daily portion.   I will revamp my “bucket list”.  I will no longer “wish” but I will decree, declare, affirm, and announce that because the greater one truly does live on the inside of ME (I John 4:4) … I WILL NEVER, NEVER, NEVER. EVER again SETTLE FOR LESS!


“Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth forever.”    Psalm 112:3

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