Your Axe-head Will Float Again
(Read: II Kings 6:1-7)
This story as recorded in II Kings has always been among one of my favorites. Today we will not even be able to “scratch the surface” to reveal all that can be gleaned from the examples and principles provided in this story. However, we’ll probably come back to it tomorrow.
The focus for this meditation is the servant. He was: working, in the right place, doing what he was instructed to do, using the proper tool and appearing to be accomplishing the task that was required of him. However, all of a sudden – he was faced with a dilemma. The very tool that he was using for advancement – which wasn’t even his, (he had borrowed it) – had vanished into the river – never to return again…. So he thought.
When you are faced with a dilemma – who is your first line of defense? Many times we turn to a spouse, friend, colleague or family member. Our servant in this story cried to his master. He cried to someone who had the wisdom, faith and the solution to recover for him what he had lost. Therefore, our first lesson learned from this servant is: our first line of defense should be our Master…. prayerfully that would be our Lord.
As we proceed through the story we reference the axehead. This tool can represent any tool (or weapon), that’s necessary for us to be effective as we attempt to advance. Or any tool (or weapon) used to bring down, cut down or cut through diabolical plans or natural road blocks. The servant had temporarily lost sight of his weapon. However with the proper guidance, and instruction, he was able to see the return of his valuable tool. So, just remember that your situation isn’t hopeless; no matter how it may appear to you.
It is only when we are in the proper place; receiving the proper supervision; anchored by the proper support and obeying the instructions which are given to us - that we will be able to cause our “axehead” to float again.
The servant had to DO something. He didn’t just sit and weep about his situation. He didn’t just tell his friends or colleagues. He told his MASTER! He told someone who had the wisdom to correct the dilemma, and the power to bring about the recovery of want he had lost. The servant may have had faith, however “Faith” without corresponding actions – is dead.
As we are in this season of recovery; expect your axehead to float again. Expect every weapon that is needed for your advancement in this season to be recovered. Expect the outcome of every situation that appears to be impossible, receive an immediate reversal.
So go now and recover your axehead – but don’t do it your way (leaning to your own understanding!). You must listen to and adhere to the voice of your Master! You must listen to the voice of wisdom….which may be delivered to you by God directly through His Word or by someone who can provide you with the careful and watchful guidance through the Word of God.
Your axehead will float again. However you must be in the proper place, listening to the voice of your Master and doing only that which is relevant in this season for your recovery.
As the next calendar year quickly approaches, we must awaken our spiritual insight. We must realize that no matter how the circumstances appear to our natural eye; the Lord is requiring of His true followers, to extend their focus beyond this realm – see what is viewed as lost -adhere to wise counsel – and receive the victory – your recovered “axehead”!
“Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.” Proverbs 18:15 (MSG)