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Still No Peace????

Still No Peace???

“Great peace have they which Love thy law; and nothing shall offend them”

Proverbs 118:165


Recently, as I’ve communicated with many of you it is apparent that a majority of you are still not allowing the peace of God to rule your live

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Still No Peace????

Still No Peace???

“Great peace have they which Love thy law; and nothing shall offend them”

Proverbs 118:165


Recently, as I’ve communicated with many of you it is apparent that a majority of you are still not allowing the peace of God to rule your live

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Prayer Acknowledging God's Wisdom

Read slowly and thoroughly; digesting with the inner ear of your spirit.


Prayer Recognizing God’s Wisdom ©2003


Father God, in Jesus’ name, I come to you.     I thank you for the wisdom to acknowledge you in all of your ways. 


Your word declares that

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