Our CHRISTmas Eve Video 2019

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Merry Bless CHRISTmas Eve and GE my Royal Platinum Eagles Family.
May this day be a New day for you, not like any other holiday eve, however, may this day be peaceful and loving. May this day bring forth a new deposit of the Divine presence of God, in your life like ever before.
As you are loving on Christ, and celebrating his birth, he is loving and celebrating on you. This is the moment to celebrate, your new life, get ready for things to take place in your life out of the norm, beyond the ordinary. Don’t worry about people, places, things, bills, family, and things that concern you or don't concerns you.
God said I GOT YOU COVERED. Begin to start walking in your Kingdom Manifestations Anointing on Purpose. Walk, think, breath, and live in your Kingdom Supremacy.
Take Possessions of your Land, use your greatest weapon in your life your (Mouth and your Tongue). Read and Meditate on(Prov 18: 21, Prov 15:23 and PS 45:1).
Begin to speak life, decree, declare and command God's word with faith, and action. This is the day you step into the new you, now grab hold of your Marvel Achievement Anointing. Walk-in your prosperity, be like Joseph when he had faith and believed in the dreams( Gen 37).
You are limitless, all things are possible for you, even the impossible because of your faith. Read and Meditate on(Mark 9:23).
This new activation of faith allows you to accomplish anything that you ever even can imagine.
This Dimensional Realm of faith is the state of expressing God’s demonstration in the earth/universe, through your life as an Extraordinary Phenomena. This empowers you to know the Lord your God, in a new Divine Dimensional way. Then you are assured with Godfidence, that he hears you, and move on your behalf(Ps 116:1-2).
Not one word is falling to the ground because it is Written(1 Sam 3:19) in Jesus Ne'Eman.

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