Work on • changing yourself. There may be times in life when you won't know what's ahead and you can't control the situations that life throws you in. At the end of the day, despite what happens to you, what matters most is what happens to you, and
This Double number means and represents: Governmental Favor like Joseph, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Unity, Unified Breakthroughs, Unified Movements, Unified Release, Purpose, Goals, Dreams, visions, plans, and God's Promises c
All Revelation is layered, and all belief, truth, and faith are Dimensional. All Manifestations are Apostolic, all positive thoughts, good deeds, and Agape Love are the Anthropomorphism of God.
It is Written: Therefore, my word that goes out from m
I am tearing up, and destroying every negative contract, I made since the beginning, all verbal, mental/emotional, financial, physical, social, internal/eternal, spiritual, supernatural, natural, intellectual, environmental, cosmically, ethereal, an
The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall FLOURISH like the palm tree [be LONG-LIVED], stately, upright, useful, and FRUITFUL]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible](Ps 92:12, AMP) this have
I love and excited success is my best friend 💓 and we enjoy our beautiful life togetHer. I am so in Awe, how happiness reminds me, all day that I am spectacular.
I am ecstatic, that Life loves, celebrates, appreciate, and admires me since I was con
8 Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise its voice? 2 Wisdom takes its stand on high ground, by the wayside where the roads meet, 3 near the gates to the city. At the entrance wisdom sings its