On this Pentecost Sunday, I clearly heard the Lord say, "I am about to release My people into a new season of suddenlies." Now, when I heard that, I waited a bit to hear a rushing wind...to see flames of fire...to see angels with hot coals from the altar coming to set me aflame and cleanse me! But, when I didn't experience any of those manifestations, I reverted back to God speaking about "suddenlies." Immediately, I became excited as I thought about the correlation of Pentecost and how in Acts 2:1-2, it describes a "suddenly":

AND WHEN the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place, when suddenly there came a sound from Heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting.AMP (with emphasis).

The word "suddenly" in the above passage is a Greek word, aphno (pronounced af'-no) which means "unawares, i.e., unexpectedly." I believe we can agree that those who were gathered in the upper room were completely unaware and even surprised how the "power" (which Jesus told them to wait for) occurred as it did! Studying "suddenly" further, we realize that it is connected to other words that translate as something being manifested that was once unseen; and also that something became illuminated.

We know for a fact that on this day there really was suddenly a sound from Heaven like a rushing wind which filled the entire house where they were sitting. Then, there appeared tongues resembling fire which settled upon each of them. And also, suddenly they were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:2-4). Think about this as we consider the word "suddenly" further.

On the day of Pentecost, there was power released that was once unseen and unknown to Christ's followers. The Holy Spirit was illuminated, and the perfect will of God was released and also illuminated. This new "baptism" of the Holy Spirit filled them with a fresh fire, zeal and a "sending" anointing to spread the Gospel.

I believe that we have suddenly shifted into a fresh apostolic thrust, which is sending us forth with a fiery presence and boldness to fully demonstrate the raw power of God. You may not feel as if you are on fire right now, and maybe you've been crying out to receive fresh passion for His presence, but I assure you: You are going to one day awaken into your "suddenly" promise! I know that you are like me – so hungry to demonstrate His love, and yes, His power, to heal, deliver, save and restore!

God is Amazingly Releasing Suddenlies!

Do you want God to do a sudden miracle in your life? Wouldn't you rejoice if suddenly you were set free from an addiction, bondage or a troublesome situation? If you are like me, I am ready to witness more of God's amazing power!

Yes! God is amazing! Wouldn't you agree? Can you identify just why you might also believe that? Hopefully, you have witnessed the "receiving" part of being divinely amazed rather than just exercising another "repeat after me "sermon or Bible confession.

Now, please don't get me wrong; I believe in declaring the Word! However, there comes a time that we need to actually witness His power, miracles, demonstrations, breakthroughs and open heavens! Keep reading if you are hungry to position yourself for His incredible presence and release of divine suddenlies by building great faith.

Our Open Heaven

We have all been crying out for more "open Heaven" experiences. Believer, listen up! God is going to suddenly visit you in dreams and visions! Jacob wasn't expecting a visitation from Heaven and yet, at the end of the day, he laid his head on a rock and then suddenly experienced an open Heaven through a dream. In Genesis 28:10-16, is the Biblical account of Jacob's journey to Haran and how, during a dream, Jacob saw a stairway that reached Heaven and angels ascending and descending on it.

Then Jacob saw the Lord and heard Him confirm His identity as being the God of Abraham and his father, Isaac, along with the covenant He had made with Abraham and his descendants (that included Jacob!) Jacob awoke from the dream realizing that he had witnessed the gate of Heaven. Now, I'd definitely call that an open Heaven experience, wouldn't you? And think about this – you can have a similar experience with the Lord – experience confirmation, encouragement, revelation and an open Heaven experience through a dream! Get ready for your suddenly!

Jacob had no soft, down-filled pillow, so he made a rock his pillow. This is symbolic! Jesus is the "Rock" and when we can fully rest our head on Him, then suddenly we can witness the spiritual breakthroughs connected to an open Heaven! Attempting to pry open the heavens with our own strength and head knowledge (or doctrines) and seek more revelation will not connect us to our future.

Remember, Jacob dreamed about a ladder. Ladders bridge us to what the eyes of our hearts see. What we see with the eyes of our heart is more real than what we see in the natural. To experience a suddenly that will shift us from experiencing natural circumstances to open heavens requires our resting in Him!

Other Suddenlies

I am reminded of others in Scripture who experienced amazing "suddenlies." One of them was Noah who faithfully built an ark for close to a century and saw no signs of rain. Then one day...suddenly...it rained. Believer, if you're in a building process and see no signs of breakthrough, let your faith arise! Your suddenly is ordained by Heaven – get ready to build! Maybe you're in a dry season and you need rain! Dear one, God is opening up the floodgates on your behalf! Receive!

Another account of a suddenly as a New Testament example is when Paul and Silas were imprisoned for casting out a spirit of divination while ministering in Greece. While in chains and shackles, they began to sing and praise God. I do believe they wanted out of that pit, but even more so I believe they had to remain focused on God and His overwhelming love. As a result, a sudden earthquake shook that place and they were loosed from captivity.

We can learn from their example to praise God in all things...in the midst of every storm...when shackled with the cares of this world...when all hope seems lost...and suddenly He will move on your behalf!

Dear Believer, let me encourage you: A suddenly is about to occur in your life! He is about to shake you loose from yokes, chains and bondages. He will shake the heavens and the earth on your behalf.

His End-Time Army Includes You!

There is a mighty army rising up in this hour, fully equipped to be used for His glory and you are destined to be a part of that arsenal! God is loosing you from false accusations from your enemy. He will prove Himself faithful as He will suddenly dethrone every false prophecy which satan and his cohorts have spoken concerning you.

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  • Oh yes I receive the word of the lord. I concur it is nigh it is now it has already been done and by faith with my faith I accept all that God has for me. I know now faith is.. the time of waiting is over and the rummbling in the spirit has already begun. Let the flood gates of heaven open up now and the blessings that make us rich and add no sorrow be poured out for the great commission to be fulfilled with no delays. In the matchless name of Jesus our lord and savior I agree with heaven. Amen and Amen, and it is so.

  • Ne'eman I can't wait to experience my suddenly praise God in all things...in the midst of every storm...when shackled with the cares of this world...when all hope seems lost...and suddenly He will move on your behalf!

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