For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.—2 Timothy 4:3-4
Everyone who has come to the years of responsibility seems to have gone on the defensive. Even some of you who have known me for years are surely on the defensive—you have your guard up all the time!
I know that you are not afraid of me, but you are afraid, nevertheless, of what I am going to say. Probably every faithful preacher today is fencing with masters as he faces his congregation. The guard is always up. The quick parry is always ready.
It is very hard for me to accept the fact that it is now very rare for anyone to come into the house of God with guard completely down, head bowed and with the silent confession: "Dear Lord, I am ready and willing to hear what You will speak to my heart today!"
We have become so learned and so worldly and so sophisticated and so blase and so bored and so religiously tired that the clouds of glory seem to have gone from us.
"Lord, quiet my own heart before You and give me that humble spirit of listening. Whenever I come before You (including this morning!), may it be with my 'guard completely down, head bowed.... ready and willing to hear what You will speak to my heart today.' Amen."
That’s my prayer; Lord help me to come before you with open arms, spiritually hearing your voice and also hearing from the voice you are using to direct me in the way I am to go. Not allowing my old guards to represent me any longer, not allowing the old defensiveness to shape my future that will block me from moving forward in the power you have on the inside of me. No more, stopped-up operation, but move in a humbleness flow. That I approach your throne with respect and knowing You Know Better than I, You Know what’s best for me. Thank You Lord for this great attention!!!