Hi, everyone. I want to give you a word of encouragement today. I asked the Lord how He wanted to encourage us and help us today, and the Lord said to me, "Restitution." (And I said, "Oh my goodness!")

Call Out for Restitution and Prepare to Possess

This is what the Lord is saying:

"Many of you have had losses that have hurt you. You have had losses in your family, you've had losses in finances, you've had losses in what you thought you would do."

I see a robbing spirit that has been very busy to rob you of time, to harass you, to cause things to break down, to cause you to have a loss in your business and loss in your life. I rebuke that robbing spirit, in the name of Jesus.

I want us to call out for restitution! Father, I pray for restitution in the name of Jesus.

The Lord says to you, "Prepare to possess. Prepare to have restitution."

Prepare for God to reach back into your generations. Maybe your parents' didn't end well; maybe your grandparents' didn't. Maybe you're a foster child; maybe you're a child of a family that was emotionally stunted, or you're adopted.

But the Lord says, "I can restore your emotions. I'm going to give you restitution in ways you can't imagine – financial restitution and inheritances, but also personal restitution where My peace just floods your soul, where My joy comes into you."

So get ready, God is getting ready to release restitution for you.

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