
  • Jesus , Was constantly praying and seeking Gods Face . He had a humbleness about him and he was consecrated in the mountains .Jesus would go see his Daddy God in the mountains and Pray .  And Jesus said greater works shall we do; What he meant was that when he left we would have someone that was going to dwell within us and would be our comforter and teacher and would show us things to come .

  • He conquered death and the grave. Nothing is i possible for him and he gave us dominion over things in the earth. Greater works will we do because many lives will be changed by the things God will do through us.All demons are subject to God. We will do greater things because people wi.l know that no human could hae possibly done what God accomplished through us.

  • the unclean spirits knew who Jesus was and what He was capable of doing, I believe they fear Him. Greater works , look at the condition of this world. I believe the world is larger and more people and the devil is working twice as hard, so that leaves us with much greater things to do.

  • The spirits feared Him because they knew who He was and what He was capable of doing to them. They knew Jesus had all power and authority and they had to obey Him, so if He told them to flee they had to flee. 

    "Greater works shall we do" I believe He meant the disciples would do more than just telling of His goodness and ministering His word. They will begin to lay hands, raise the dead, cast out demons and perform miracles through His Holy Spirit. 

  • The unclean spirits feared Jesus because they knew that He was the Son of God and they knew the power he had over them. Not only did they understand Jesus authority, but they know where they are destined to spend eternity.  I believe that in Jesus name we can do these things.

  • The unclean spirits feared Jesus because they knew he was the son of God and they knew he had the power over them>.

    I believe that Greater works shall be done through Jesus who is in us to go out and heal the sick, cast out demons and help the lost of the world.

  • The spirits feared Jesus because, they knew that he had "ALL AUTHORITY"!! When Jesus said, greater works shall we do.  Jesus meant that they will be born, again in heaven.

  • The unclean spirits knew Jesus had all authority and power. We will be casting out more demons in the last days. The days of the great revival were many souls will be delivered and saved.
  • Knowledge they say is power. The demons feared Jesus because of the knowledge they had of him. They knew he was 'Jesus,Son of the most high God'(mk 5;7). So they feared the power and authority He carried. They knew as well that Jesus would torment them(matt 8:29) so they feared Him. When Jesus said greater works we will do He actually meant it as literal as it is. That was going to be possible with the coming of the Holy Ghost who was to help us do greater things,so we have the Holy Ghost now we are to do things starting from where Jesus stopped. Unimaginable things
  • Unclean spirits knew that Jesus is the Father(God) made flesh; that's why they feared Him.
    When He said that greater works shall we do, He meant we will do like Him and beyond His deeds. But that would be possible only when the Holy Spirit had come upon us. Then we will receive power from on high. In fact the Holy Spirit that Jesus talked about is the Father(God) in the spiritual form. That's why the Bible says:"Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world".
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