Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2508)

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A Simple Reminder

A Simple Reminder………..

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” I Peter 4:12 (ESV)

As endtime Leaders, it is imperative that we maintain our position of alertness in the realm of the spirit at all times.  Remembering this; our adversary is constantly attempting to find weakened areas, or breaks in our "wall" where he can gain access into our lives.

One of the tactics that is commonly used by him is to bombard us with various situations  - all at the same time - in an attempt to make us lose our focus.  Many times these occurrences are of various magnitudes, and will require varying degrees of strength and energy to conquer.   However, as a mature leader, you must maintain your focus at all times and not permit the nonsense of the enemy to distract you.  

Recently, I've encountered too many leaders who are making excuses for their lack of focus in their times of adversity or discomfort.  These statements have been spoken by Leadership: Pastors, Bishops, 5 - Fold Ministry Leaders, etc.; who have been releasing words of self -sabotage.  They have failed to realize that the releasing of such words that will not only hinder them, but their ministry as well. 

So let’s keep in mind that we can only become truly effective in our walk if we eliminate every hindrance and conquer every hurdle that the enemy strategically positions in our lives.  We must remember that every hindrance and every hurdle is sent to us as an attack from the kingdom of darkness -  with one ultimate purpose in mind.  They are only sent to us in an attempt to cause us to become distracted, unfocused and discouraged…. Thus causing us to release from our mouth words of doubt, defeat, and unbelief! 

Lastly… Know that your words are the powerful weapon that will be used in this season.  You WILL decree a thing and it SHALL come to pass; you WILL speak with new tongues; you WILL lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover;  and WHATSOEVER you ask in my name – in faith believing… said the Lord it SHALL COME TO PASS!

WARRIORS! Now is not the time to become "wimps" in the realm of the spirit.  Stand strong, Stay focused and Reclaim your territory.  

Begin NOW! Time is of the essence!  

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” I Corinthians 15:58 ( NIV)

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Enhanced Instruments of Righteousness

“………..but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.”  Romans 6:13b


What do your hear?  A new sound has been dispatched from the heavens and is seeking new instruments.  This sound is seeking the instruments that have the ability to receive it and blend it properly so that it forms a new chord! 

In this season, we must listen with the ear of our spirit for the new chord.  As we hear it, we must receive it into our spirits.  Then it becomes our responsibility to share it and to instruct others in the proper disciplinary spiritual insights, which are required for them to become “new instruments”.

This new sound is a call to alertness, a call to dedication and a call to true holiness.  The message is the same; however the tactical maneuvers have been enhanced.  In this season; God is requiring His true worshippers to hear a sound; which has been released from a dimension that has not previously been available to them.   

As this new sound is received here on earth, then blended by many (unified) and released back to the Lord - it will ascend as one voice; one perfected sound unto the Lord.  Although in the realm of the spirit - we may hear several complexed chords they will still ascend as one voice; one perfected praise unto the Lord. 

This new sound, once we have received it into our spirits, will enable our souls to become transformed into the expressed mind and will of God. Now, at this point, our minds will have the capability of becoming renewed, and our bodies will be disciplined enough to be brought under the subjection of the Holy Ghost; and presented as a living sacrifice.

Many prophetic gatherings - true prophetic gatherings, are receiving the manifestation and the divine presence of the Lord as never before, simply because they have disciplined their spirits; and have heard the new sound.  No more “church” as usual!  It’s a new day and there’s a new sound that needs to be released among the people of God – by those who have the maturity to hear it.

This new sound - prophetic in nature, has no limits and no boundaries! Yet, its nature and it focus is discipline, its character is divine and its application is strategic.

Leaders, Warriors, the new sound has been released…..Have You Heard It?

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Challenge for the day!

Challenge of the Day!!!

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34, 35


I recently visited a church where the congregation sang an awesome love song to the Lord.  When I left, the Lord said to me, “If half of the people who SANG about their love for me actually SHOWED that love, then the world would truly know who I am”.  He went on to say how in most instances we really don’t know how to express authentic love.  This is because what we call love is not true love, but usually some warped expression that has been passed on to us by others who were also unclear on the definition of love.  He said, “It’s so simple!  I’ve shown you exactly what love is and even had it penned in I Corinthians 13.” 


Sadly to say….normally, we will show expressions of what we call love to those to whom we think or feel are deserving of it.  Or to those who: look, sound, and smell like us!  …Those who shop where we shop, eat where we eat and drive the vehicles complimentary to ours.  Now don’t misunderstand – it isn’t wrong to enjoy the “finer things” in this life.  However, it’s now time to realize and begin to comprehend the full essence of God’s unconditional, uncompromising, “no holds barred”, love for us.  It’s time for you to realize that God needs to use you to extend to others the type of love that He has shown to you.  It’s time to for us to expand our mindset, slay that demonic spirit of pride, and begin to be an example of the love that we sing about.


So the mission for today (Should you decide to accept it!) …. is to SHOW an expression of unconditional love to someone that you normally would not consider.   Ask the Holy Spirit to work out all of the details….and He will.  He is just waiting for a “Yes” from you.  Then, daily ask the Lord to use you, as the channel through which He can show this dying chaotic world who He really is.  People need to know that all is not lost….. Because we have a God who is still the Lord over every situation and circumstance…. and who loves them unconditionally!  


Yes, it’s okay to sing about the love of the Lord…. And that appeases us.  However, it’s far better to SHOW His love…..and that pleases Him!


 “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” Romans 12:9-11 (ESV)



(Read: I Corinthians 13 in the Amplified Version and in The Message Bible)

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Marinating......But in what???

 Marinating…but in What?

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8 (ESV)


Preparation is always a vital instrument.  Our ability to successfully outwit the adversary is dependent upon our “spiritual marinating sauce”.  It is imperative that we sensor the type of “marinating mixture” that our spirit man is being exposed to on a regular basis.  Today, as never before, it is essential that we are ever cautious and remain on our guard concerning the types of material that we are constantly permitting to enter through our ear and eye gates.  Far too often we are permitting our spirits to be marinated with; and to become saturated with the concepts of this world – without our knowledge. However, if we maintain the proper relationship with the Lord, He will always alert us to the ploys of the enemy.


Don’t permit your spirit to become desensitized to what God has established as our foundational principles and guidelines.  With the advancements in technology, we have the ability to have God inspired material at our disposal as often as we desire. Therefore, it is our responsibility to “choose” what we will permit our spirits to bask, soak… marinate in.  


Remember what happened to Sampson when he became too comfortable and began to permit is spirit to marinate in the enemy’s camp.  We must always remain alert, and have an open ear to hear the warnings of the Lord; if we are going to maintain our stamina in this race.  Our every encounter with the enemy has been strategically planned by him. However when we have permitted our spirits to baste in the presence of the Lord; we can be assured that He will give us the necessary wisdom, power and authority to successfully outwit and discern every diabolical maneuver.  If we are going to stay at least a step or two ahead of our adversary – we must be on our alert at all times.  Everything that is a “good” thing may not be a “God” thing! 


In other words, we of our own accord can’t possibly be aware of every current device that the enemy will use in an attempt to bring defeat and or demise to our plan of action.  Nevertheless, when we begin to marinate in the presence of the Lord, we will have the ability to maintain a conscious awareness of Him – that will always alert us to every potentially adverse situation.


Yes… preparation is vital.  Remember, marinating is a preparatory process.  It is a current procedure, whose results will assure us of our future success. The problem is not “if” we are marinating…. But “what” we are using as our marinating agent.

“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.” Psalm 119:15 ESV

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But Do You Know Who You Are?

But Do You Know Who You Are?


The Lord has said that many of us don’t really know who He is; and therefore we can’t possibly comprehend who we are.  We know OF Him.  We know ABOUT His workings.  However, we haven’t fully grasped Him in His totality.  Therefore, we haven’t begun to realize who we are.


As you read through this list, ask the Lord for an added enlightenment; a new revelation and a different perspective from which to comprehend each statement.  Refuse to merely read through the list in 20 seconds!  The time has come and now is for us to walk fearlessly, boldly, completely knowledgeable and totally enlightened concerning who we are. As you read through the list, pause after each statement and wait for the Lord to reveal to you exactly how that statement applies to you…. individually. 


I AM: God’s child for I am born again of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God. (I Peter 


I AM:  The temple of the Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 6:19)

I AM: Delivered from the power of darkness and translated in God’s kingdom. (Colossians   


I AM: Qualified to share in His inheritance. (Colossians 1:12)

I AM: Overtaken with blessings (Deuteronomy 28:2)

I AM: Called by God. (2 Timothy 1:9)

I AM: God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. (Ephesians 2:10)

I AM: The apple of my Father’s eye. (Deuteronomy 32:10)

I AM: The enemy of the devil. (I Peter 5:8)

I AM: Dead with Christ and dead to the power of sin’s rule over my life. (Romans 6:1-6)


This list could continue on for pages ….and the half still would not have been told!  Just know that you must begin to UNDERSTAND who you are!  You were; because of your acceptance of Christ as your Saviour; immediately catapulted into a new place.   You were birthed into a place of royalty, authority, and influence.  However, because most of us have not succeeded in the essence and the application of Romans 12:2; our minds are still being lead and influenced by old mindsets.  Mindsets that and have not been renewed.  Therefore, in many instances; we are continuing to operate from the positions of defeat, inferiority, and mediocrity!


So…let’s get it together this year!  Waste no more time.  Aggressively seek the face of God and discover how we can be more effective in our daily walk….simply because we now KNOW who we are….. then we will begin to exemplify productive, dynamic lifestyles which will reveal the nature of our omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Father.

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Worship is not Superficial

Worship Is Not Superficial

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” John 4:23 (ESV)

Blessing Leaders (and potential Leaders).  Today’s focus is the thought: Worship is Not Superficial. When defining the word worship, we will discover its definition is diverse; offering a suggestion of various synonyms.  For our meditation today, we will select the section which states “implying and attributing extreme honor & reverence to”. 

When we consider just that portion of the definition alone, it bears witness of this one fact: “If I am to ascribe the characteristics of attributing “extreme” honor & reverence to someone or something; I must have obtained a heightened prior knowledge or an awareness of that person or object.  It is also necessary to realize that because of the in depth nature associated with this word worship, I cannot simply reduce its nature to the limits or the confines of my thoughts.   My worship for God will only be established when I realize the level of intimacy that is required for me to connect with Him in that realm.  When I haven’t properly established a worship relationship with the Lord, it is impossible for me to lead others to that place of true worship.  We must always remain cognizant of the fact that it is my responsibility to maintain the plateau of intimacy with God so that I can properly lead others into true worship. I am convinced that many leaders don’t have the type of intimate relationship with the Lord that will permit unhindered, totally focused worship.  Therefore, as I so often say; we have permitted our congregants to believe that worship can be reduced to the two slow songs which are sung during our quote “Praise and Worship” portion of the service. 

Leaders, don’t become so preoccupied with “doing ministry” that we forsake the time to build that intimate relationship with the Lord that will permit us to worship him.

Worship involves that intimate relationship with the Lord that will overflow into my daily dealings.  When I’ve learned to worship the Lord, I’ll have no problem aligning and curtailing my flesh and its desires.

It is only when we have learned the art of true worship, that we will obtain the power to successfully defeat our adversary.  The true worship of God will avail us of the power and ability to transcend our ideologies,  and conform them into those that are the expressed image of  God.

As we begin this season of change and restoration, begin to spend more time in the presence of God. .. Not for the sake of studying the Word, not in prayer - but just in His presence….not asking for anything… not decreeing and declaring ….just in His presence in fellowship with Him. 

It is only when we learn to intimately commune with Him, that true worship begins.  

Remember: “When I spend time IN worship, then I will be empowered TO worship.”

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.”

Psalm 29:2

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So.... How Spiritually Mature Are You?

Read: II Peter 1:1-11


Our journey towards Spiritual Maturity requires us to focus on those character traits which are often not viewed in their proper relevancy with regards to our spiritual growth.  So how spiritually mature are you?  Spiritual maturity has no bearing on our natural age.  Therefore one can never assume that simply because a person have obtained a level of maturity in the natural, that they are spiritually mature.  Although spiritual maturity reflects our “weightiness” in the realm of the spirit – our journey is enhanced by our actions in the physical realm. We must always remember that maturity is a process that requires us to “decrease” if we are going to “increase”. 


As we seek to increase, there are three pillars from which our spiritual maturity should take its platform. Proper growth requires: Desire, Diligence and Discipline.


I view the process of advancing in our growth towards spiritual maturity as a vine which grows.  When we observe mature vines which have been well groomed, we must remember that the gardener had to first have a desire to initiate the process.  They had to take the time, and display diligence in order to discipline and to guide the vines into the direction or pattern of intended growth.


Our actions must be as focused as those of the gardener.  Spiritual maturity doesn’t just occur without us assuming our places of responsibility.   God has given to us the proper tools (spiritual weapons, gifts of the spirit, etc) that will assure us that our growth will produce that fruit which will remain (fruit of the spirit).  Our level of spiritual maturity is measured by the ability that we have obtained that will permit the manifestation of a “spirit governed” versus a “self-controlled” lifestyle.


A desire, as well a sense of diligence must be exerted by us to restrain ourselves from ingesting irrelevant motives, concepts, and principles.  We must adhere to a mentality the will remain “militant”- as the daily onset of diabolical manifestations occur.   Above all, we must establish a standard of living that “mirrors” discipline.


Therefore a decrease must occur in whatever is not required for our individual spiritual diets.  A decrease must come in the area of those “weights” – which are not necessarily sinful acts…. but are those things which are no longer applicable to our progression.


As we advance the more along this road to spiritual maturity, we will realize that we are not as easily distracted by the occurrences of life.  Impatience, repeated latenesses, constant rushing, a lack of control over our emotions, “road rage”, etc. are all examples of some of the fruit that has been produced from a spiritually immature person.


So let’s take a step away from ourselves, and look to evaluate where we really stand.   We, who know the Word, must SHOW that we have the ability to adhere it to our lives – and not just read it using to it highlight the downfalls of others.  Remember – get the beam out of your eye first!  (Matthew 7:3-5).... Then we will be able to properly advance on this journey towards spiritual maturity.  Then not only will we notice our growth – but others, especially our adversary, will not have the advantage of engaging us in acts of immaturity!


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All Things Have Become NEW!!!!

                                                                   All Things Have Become New!

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”  Isaiah 43:19


Most of us have sensed the new atmospheric conditions that are ever present.   These conditions are only reflecting the spiritual tsunami  that has recently occurred.   

In the natural, when a tsunami occurs, the remaining site will never be able to return to its former state.  In other words, the enormous force of power  released, creates such  devastation, that the remaining is never the same. 

So in the natural, so in the spiritual.  When God sends a tsunami into our lives, we  can’t  expect ANYTHING to remain the same.

Leaders, we must lead by example and SHOW others how to amend their character traits,  their relationships and their daily communications to reflect our newly appointed positioning.

When others OBSERVE the changes in our spiritual lives—they will readily conform.  Now, especially now, we don’t have precious time to stand idly unfocused.  No time for distractions and delays in the realm of the spirit.

Seek the face of God for direction in uniting with those of kindred spirit.  If we remain connected only to our “old relationships” - even in ministry, we will tend  not to advance within this new dimension.

Yes, all things have become new, but it’s up to us to erect a new monument, still  rooted  in the former principles, however implementing  amended tactics and operating  by modified procedures.

Your challenge for today is to aggressively pursue new avenues in which to accomplish your God given dreams and aspirations.   Now is the time for YOU  to take the limits off of God; and permit Him to allow you, to make the impact in the realm of the spirit for which you were created!


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…… Can’t run this race with those “cement boots”!


“We have all these great people around us as examples. Their lives tell us what faith means. So we, too, should run the race that is before us and never quit. We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fall.”                                                              Hebrews 12:1 (ERV)  


Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins.”

                                                                                          Hebrews 12:1 (MSG)



In many instances we have turned from the sin – but we are still carrying too much excess “baggage”.  It’s time for an upgrade.  Let’s kick it up a notch.  In this season God is requiring a lifestyle of: discipline, integrity and diligence.


The Lord is saying, “Don’t lose what you’ve acquired during the past 21 days.”  It matters not the type of fast that you were engaged in; simply because your mind was focused EARNESTLY towards Him and His attributes – you have been thrust into a new dimension.  However, as you gradually return to your regular diet, don’t permit your mindset to return to: sinful (those things which are a transgression) or wicked (those things which may not be a sin, however, things that we become interwoven with and can taint our anointing) appetites.   To avoid returning or “slipping” backward; maintain a level of discipline; uphold a level of integrity and adhere to a level of diligence.  You must also release from your life EVERYTHING that is no longer necessary in this dimension.  Although some things may have been quite beneficial in the past; now….in this dimension…. they are only weights….cement boots!  In this dimension; in this portion of the race which you are now running – there is no place for unnecessary weight…. Cement Boots!


Can you identify the “cement boots” in your spiritual life?  God is daily revealing them to you.  Whatever or whomever He is attempting to strip from you - don’t try to cling on it or them.  Let them go! Trust God! 


When we fully trust Him – we will obey Him. Then we will have the ability to retain all that we have acquired during this time of consecration.

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Day 21 - The Day of VICTORY!!!!

Day 21- The Day of Victory


There is no battle that I will become engaged in or encounter where I will not be victorious.

Jehovah Izuz Wegibbor”

(The Lord Strong and Mighty – Psalm 24:8)

Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah”

(The Lord mighty in battle—Psalm 24:8)


“Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!”     Psalm 24:8


Read: Psalm 24, Luke 10:19 & I John 5


Lord, as this period of Consecration concludes, may I never forget your revealed perceptions and character qualities.  Daily you were reminding me of who you are, and that you alone have the authority, the power, and the wisdom, to enable me to become victorious, in every situation.


So this “IS” a day of victory because you have equipped me with the proper tools to successfully stand against the wiles of the enemy.

As I encounter various attacks throughout this year, may I remain focused on who you are.  May I obtain an increase awareness of your omniscient presence.  Since you, working through your Son Jesus, have already successfully defeated every adverse force – may I never forget that I have a blood brought right to the same victorious state.


I can only emerge from this consecration knowing that whatever I encounter at this stage; in this dimension—I will be victorious.  You have been revealing and re-establishing in me for these past 21 days, every facet of who you.    May I remain cognizant of the fact that I am required to stand firm and unmovable totally engulfed in who you are if I am going to maintain my effectiveness in the realm of the spirit.  I am therefore equipped with every tool which is now necessary for my advancement, my encouragement and to maintain my stamina in you.


Because you are strong and mighty, because you are mighty in battle; I can truly proclaim….


Hallelujah—I AM VICTORIOUS!!!!


 …and I decree and declare that it is so in the name of Jesus….AMEN!!

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Day 20 - The Day of Affirming Lordship


“ ...Because you are my LORD, you are my glory.”

Jehovah Kabodhi”

(The Lord My Glory – Psalm 3:3)

“But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.”        Psalm 3:3


Read: Psalm 3 & Psalm 27


Today, I will affirm that through your power, Jehovah Kabodhi, I will always bring your glory, magnificence, and splendor into every situation.  I affirm that you are the lifter of my head.   I also affirm that failure is never an option.  I have given to you the place of authority, and supreme “ruler ship” in my life.  Therefore, as I permit my will, emotions, and thoughts to be further conformed into your image – I am becoming that vessel of honor; yielded to your shield of protection.


May I never, ever become so overwhelmed by the nonsense of the adversary, that I forget that no weapon which he devises against me has the power nor the authority to prosper.  It is because of your place of lordship in my life, that you will delay but never deny anything necessary for my success until the proper time.    As my shield your power is both offensive and defensive.  May I always remember that as my Lord, it is through the sustaining power of your Holy Spirit, that you have sealed within me gifts and anointings that will be manifested in this season.   Lord, reveal to me every area where your lordship does not have the preeminent rule.  May I continually realize that in every area of my life where you are not Lord; I am committing self-sabotage.  I am opening the door; permitting an entrance for my enemies and placing a break in your protective shield.


May I never cease to honor, and uphold you as my true Lord over and in every situation.  May my mind never wander nor become double - minded….because you are my Lord.  May I daily cast down every vain imagination and every high thing that attempts to exalt itself against your divine Lordship in my life.


Lastly, because you are my Lord, may I daily bring every thought captive to your obedience. Since every action is preceded by a thought, if I correct my thinking, and establish a “Lordship” mindset totally dependent upon your principles….then my daily walk will be one that is worthy of your approval.


Thank you Lord that I will never walk in fear because I am perpetually protected, triumphant and successful in my every endeavor….. because of you my Jehovah Kabodhi.


  I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 19—The Day of “Remembering Israel”

“Lord may your peace and blessings be on Jerusalem”

Jehovah Elohe Yisrael”

(The Lord God of Israel – Psalm 41:13)

“Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen and Amen.”                           Psalm 41:13


Read: Psalm 41 & Psalm 122


 I know that I must not conclude this consecration O Lord, without my focus including your original chosen nation. 


So on today I lift to you and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  May I always remember to include them in my times of intercession and thanksgiving.  I pray that your peace will invade both their natural and spiritual realms.  I pray that Jerusalem as a whole will begin come to an awareness of and love your Son Jesus - thus receiving the true peace that only He can afford them. May they enjoy the benefits which result from a “peaceful mindset”… which has developed a spiritual appetite and acceptance of your Holy Spirit.  


Let me always remember that I have at my disposal a most powerful weapon available to assist my brothers and sister in Jerusalem.  That weapon is prayer. 


So may we obey your word as recorded: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.” For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say, “Peace be within you” (Psalm 122:6-8).


 “May I also come into agreement with these words of Matthew Henry in regards to the peace of Jerusalem:

“Let us consider all who seek the glory of the Redeemer, as our brethren and fellow-travelers, without regarding differences which do not affect our eternal welfare. Blessed Spirit of peace and love, who didst dwell in the soul of the holy Jesus, descend into his church, and fill those who compose it with his heavenly tempers; cause bitter contentions to cease, and make us to be of one mind. Love of the brethren and love to God, ought to stir us up to seek to be like the Lord Jesus in fervent prayer and unwearied labour, for the salvation of men, and the Divine glory.”


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 18 - The Day of POSTIONING

The Day of Positioning  

Lord, you are supreme in power & position.

Elhoy Marom”

(The God of heights – Micah 6:6)


Read Jeremiah 6:6-16


As this text is researched, we can observe that the word “height” here signifies supremacy of power and position.


So Lord, may I now aline and place everything under the authority of who you are.  May I never exalt the power of my thoughts or actions above what your word demonstrates and declares.


I will no longer surrender to; and I forbid, any other power to rule or to reign in my life.  My acceptance of your sovereignty and my knowledge of your omnipotence validates who you are.  I ask that those character qualities fully infiltrate my every thought.  May I renew my mind to the extent that I have reworded my vocabulary; to release from my mouth, only the words that will reflect what your Word declares.


There is no other; nor has there ever been; nor ever will be; any force; - visible or invisible, that is able to be in comparison with who you are.  Your attributes reveal that you are matchless. Therefore you are the monarch, the exalted one.  We could climb up to the highest mountain; even search the lowest valley….  And the supremacy of your power and authority would yet reveal that… There’s NOBODY GREATER THAN YOU!


May I continuous position my spirit to operate in submission only to your sovereign reign, your absolute authority and your ultimate guidance… For YOU ALONE ARE GREAT!


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 17 - The Day of COMPASSION

Day 17—The Day of Compassion


Yet he, being compassionate, atoned for their iniquity and did not destroy them.

El Rachum”

(The God of compassion. – Deut. 4:31)

"For the LORD your God is a compassionate God; He will not fail you nor destroy you nor forget the covenant with your fathers which He swore to them.”       Deuteronomy 4:31

                                                        New American Standard Bible (©1995)


Read: Deuteronomy 4 & Ephesians 4 (emphasis on verse 32)


Lord, may one of my objectives for today be to extend to others the acts of compassion that you have shown to me. 


May my heart not be hardened to those who are not even seeking to know you and love you.  May I not retaliate and avenge others for their acts of ungodliness towards me; – but be motivated to extend and show them true concern and consideration regardless of their acceptance or rejection of my actions of compassion towards them.


Lord, I do realize that I must receive and understand your empathetic love towards me, if I am going to have the ability to reflect the same. 


May I not just sing about your love and compassion, read about it, talk about it, and  confess it; but may I receive as another benefit from this consecration;  a daily increase my demonstrations of genuine compassion towards others.   


When I begin  to realize  and focus on how you, El Rachum, have been so compassionate and expressed  your unconditional love towards me; may I then remember that I have no other choice than to recompense the same.


“I CAN do all things through You, El Rachum, who has given me the strength!”


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 16 - The Day of BREAKTHROUGH

Day 16—The Day of Breakthrough 

“Breakthrough Oh Lord, so that I may break forth”

Yahweh Perazim ”

(The Lord of Breakthrough –II Samuel 5:20)


So David went to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, "As waters break out, the LORD has broken out against my enemies before me……………… (II Samuel 5:20)


Read: II Samuel 5


As we enter this New Year committed to a time of fasting, and consecration; Lord I am requesting that you would permit the power of the Holy Ghost to “breakthrough” and to break up any negative residue that is still attempting to linger in my spirit.  Any lingering mindset that will prevent your power from having its full range in my spirit, Yahweh Perazim, I summit my will to you now, and request that you break through it.  Burst forth as the waters through an overly stretched dam.  Break forth with your explosive, uncontainable power. 


As you broke through and rescued David from his enemies, breakthrough the plans and devices that my enemy, the master deceiver, has concocted for my demise and destruction.  

Break through every shackle that is still attached to my feet, thus attempting to prevent me from being in my “appointed places” at the correct times.

Break through the thorns and thistles in the realm of spirit, which produce the “snags” that permit me to misuse or waste valuable time. 

Break through unhealthy, nonproductive relationships. 

Break through every barrier and “smoke screen” that is hindering and blocking my vision - still preventing me from aggressively and confidently advancing.  

Break through every negative spirit that the traditions of man have instilled in me, which are hindering the effectiveness of our twenty-first century church. 


Yahweh Perazim, search my entire being, layer by layer.  Whatever concepts, precepts, ideologies, methodologies and the like; which are contrary to yours – break them up, move them out, & replace them with your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


And now Yahweh Perazim, as you break through, may I daily begin to perceive the results which are being produced from my enhanced position of power and authority.  May I begin to break forth into one who is: feared, detested, hated, envied and begrudged by the kingdom of darkness.  As you use me mightily, may I always remain cognizant and grateful to you, Yahweh Perazim - for your prodigious “break -through” anointing.  May I never become arrogant, conceited or heady – only more confident as I walk and rest in the freedom that only you have the ability to provide. 


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 15 - The Day of INTEGRITY

Day 15—The Day of Integrity


May I daily example to others a “lifestyle” of integrity.

Yahweh Sali”

(The Lord my rock. –Psalm 18:2)


The Lord is my Rock and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.                                           Psalm 18:2


Read: Psalm 18 & Psalm 34


The evidence that the Lord is my rock is proven and displayed to others by the degree of integrity that daily governs my life.   If the Lord is my rock, I will not fall prey to the mindsets of this world and its dishonest principles.  “IF" the Lord is my rock, I will not stand upon the motivations, nor, find rest in the comfort zones, of anything that doesn’t come into alignment with the integrity of His Kingdom Principles.


Therefore, as of today O Lord, may my every thought, motive and action I affirm the fact that you are truly my rock.  It is you that I run to daily to support and anchor me.  It is you that I depend upon as my pillar, as my prop, as my leaning post, as my only genuine stake which possesses the ability to remain stable and non-influential in this ever - changing world.


It is only because of your revealed quality as Yahweh Sali, that I am capable of remaining unshaken in the midst of every storm. Even nature has revealed that in the eye of every hurricane or tornado is a place of total peace. I have discovered that it is the guidance of your eye, Yahweh Sali, that is capable of giving me total peace and stability when the turmoil and devastative effects of hurricanes and tornados manifest themselves in my life.   No matter what occurs, because of your integrity, towards me - I can always find comfort in the fact that you have hidden me in the “cleft of yourself” and permitted me to find safety in the “secret place” of who you are.  You have allowed me to abide under your shadow. It is in you that I can wholeheartedly trust.  


I have learned to live a lifestyle of integrity because my life is founded upon the foundation  of; the pillar of who you are.  I will never lower myself to the place where my level of honesty yields to: deceitfulness, cheating, deception or pretense.  May I never forget that because you are that Rock; I must apply the essence of who you are to my life.   Whatever composes the nature of a rock; those are the identical traits upon which I must build my standard of integrity. May I never forget that you have been and will always be the example of true integrity…. Therefore YOU my perpetual ROCK.

“On Christ the SOLID ROCK I stand….ALL, ALL, ALL other ground is sinking sand!”


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 14 - The Day of LOVING GOD

Day 14—The Day of Loving God  

“Thou shall have no other gods”

El Chaiyai”

(The God of My Life –Psalm 42: 8&9)

But each day the LORD pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life.                           New Living Translation (©2007)


Read Psalm 42


King David was known as a man after the heart of God.  Although he had his faults, his heart was full of the love of God and love for God.  In Psalm 42, He is praying to “the God who gives him life”. 


Today, May I, O Lord, have a heart that is full of love for you.  May everything that I encounter only bring me to an increased awareness of your love for me - and birth within me an added dimension of who you really are.


In this era of time, when the foundational principles which had been established for our betterment, have now been abolished from the “white house to the poor house”; and when diabolical intents are influencing the minds of many; - and even various kingdom principles have been altered by man; ….  I can without a doubt; BUT with a full assurance, with a confidence, and with a definite aplomb; rely on your undying, unconditional, absolute, “no holds barred”; love for me.


 Therefore, because I love you…. as of today…  I will begin to further amend my entire being to reflect more of my love for you.   May you not just be first in my life – but may you become my life.  May you, El Chaiyai, truly be the God of my life.  May my every decision indicate the I love you.  May my every motive mirror that I love you. May I never be ashamed to permit my every action to be an open display of the fact that I LOVE YOU!


May my love for you so consume my heart, that I will know you as King David did and wholeheartedly say, ‘Lord never take your Holy Spirit from me”.   May the magnitude of my love for you prevent me from ever erecting any type of idol in my life… thus “overriding the guiding and protective power of the Holy Spirit”.  May my love for you be authentic and never provoke you to display your jealous anger.


I love you Lord, I love you Lord, LORD I LOVE YOU!…. therefore, my worship is generated from a heart of true love.   It is because of the degree of love that I have for you -  that my worship cannot be confined to a brief period during a scheduled church service.  Because I truly love you I am committed to a lifestyle of worship.  Because I truly love you a have conscience awareness of your presence “24/7/365”!


I will therefore… with great joy, continue to be a bold advocate for you.  I will daily “SHOW” others how to truly love you.  I will never cease to remind myself and others, that our survival in these endtimes, will only be possible if we present back to you that degree of unconditional love that you El Chaiyai, have first extended to us. 

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Day 13 - The Day of KINDNESS

Day 13—The Day of Kindness

“Kindness can only be sown from a heart that is tender.”

Elohay Chasdi”

(The God of my Kindness - Psalm 59:11)

Love is patient, love is kind…... I Corinthians 13:4


Read Psalm 59 & I Corinthians 13


It has been said that our actions speak louder than our words.  The Bible states, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV).   Lord, may I remember, to constantly walk in a disposition unforgiveness, haughtiness and arrogance; will cause my heart to be hardened; and prevent me from possessing the ability to express kindness to others.


So Lord, I ask that you reveal to me anything within me that is yet preventing me from the ability to show compassion, gentleness and consideration to EVERYONE.  May I not be biased in my actions; but develop the renewed mindset that has become yielding to the ability to express your unconditional love.


May the spirit of pride never mask its self in me, thus manifesting and opening the door for an: unkind, egotistical, conceited, rancorous, vindictive, narcissistic, overly confident heart.


May I never forget; because of my own pain, hurt or “convenient amnesia”, the countless acts of kindness that you have displayed and are yet displaying to me.  May I govern myself - and operate daily from a platform that will aggressively look for opportunities to express your kindness to others.


Lastly, may I receive your strength to endure all that this walk of kindness will present.  May I not become discouraged or bitter when my acts of kindness are met with a reciprocation of negative and adverse reactions with diabolical intent.  Elohay Chasdi, simply because you are a God of kindness; my determination is to be so engulfed with your presence that your kindness will have no other alternative than to flow from me to everyone that I encounter.


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 12—The Day of Accountability

“My awareness of your omnipresence elevates my accountability to you O Lord”

Yahweh Hashopet”

(The Lord the judge - Psalm7:8)

“Yahweh administers judgment to the peoples. Judge me, Yahweh, according to my righteousness, and to my integrity that is in me.”   Psalm 7:8            World English Bible


Read Psalm 7 and I Corinthians 4


Lord, as another benefit resulting from this period of consecration; I decree that I have an enlightened mindset in regards to my accountability toward you.   May I realize that I am answerable to You, Yahweh Hashopet regarding every plan, idea and every strategy that you have given unto me - whether it be for me, your people or for the entire universe. 


You “Yahweh Hashopet, judge my motives and my actions.  Therefore, I must discipline my mind as to not become stagnant in any area while excelling in another.  I must adhere to your wisdom to avoid nurturing the actions of procrastination that may attempt to become a comfort zone.   The opinions of people matter not; and I will not seek their approval nor their embrace their accolades.  It is you whom I must seek to please.   


Therefore, I acknowledge the fact that I hold in high esteem all that you have entrusted to my hands.  So…. as of today, I will begin to set in motion and actively pursue every avenue that leads me to, and takes me down, the path of your divine destiny for my life, with a renewed attentiveness to  your divine presence.   Because I regard my accountability to you far more superior than any earthly commitment, I have an increased zeal to aggressively accomplish your plans for my life.  


To summarize:  May it be my earnest responsibility to always remain cognizant of the fact that it matters not the presence or the absence of people…. My accountability is to you.  Therefore, because you are omnipresent I will always, and alway (no “s”) govern myself accordingly…… knowing that your all seeing eye will observe my actions prior to their execution; and that you will hear my every word prior to its release from my mouth.   


May I always place the proper restraints on my flesh as to curtail my actions.   May my actions always be disciplined and in alignment with the motives that you, the righteous judge, see within my heart. 


I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen. 

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Day 11 -The Day of WISDOM

Day 11—The Day of Wisdom 

“Lord may I daily walk in a state of wisdom that operates above my physical age, and experiences.”

El De’ot”

(The God of Knowledge - Proverbs 19:8)


“Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom and in all of thy getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7


Read: Proverbs 4 & James 1


To have information and have no knowledge of its application is equivalent to walking in a rain storm carrying a closed umbrella.  Many Christians today are experiencing a since of being “overwhelmed” by the circumstances and the occurrences in their daily lives.  Most are truly devoted Saints - who can tote, quote and know who wrote the Bible.  However, they have not received the wisdom for proper application of God’s word.


So today Father, I ask that you El De’ot, reveal to me the hidden treasures of your Word.   I understand that I can no longer afford to walk in ignorance concerning the application of your principles.  You have given me a work to accomplish.   I have the tools, I have the plans, and I have the true desire to continue to walk in your divine guidance.  However, the missing element necessary is your wisdom… which is vital, crucial, and extremely relevant for this next dimension of ministering and ministry.


El De’ot, May I always remember that for every minute that I am not aggressively applying your wisdom, “I” am permitting a delay in the manifestation and the execution of your plans for my life.   “I” am opening the door for diabolical distractions. “I” am giving fuel to kingdom of darkness and giving it permission release and execute its plans.   


Therefore, I will plunge into you and seek your wisdom at any cost.  The degree of your wisdom which I have already attained and obtained is no longer sufficient.   I therefore humbly release a new mandate into the atmosphere.   I will push through EVERY obstacle that is attempting to prevent me from this advancement, and cling only to you at this time…. as never before.


 I will, I can, I must, ….with a renewed tenacity seek the guidance and direction for the application of your wisdom.  May your wisdom begin to penetrate and saturate my spirit .  


I will not be content with the wisdom that I can glean for only subordinate source.  In this dimension; on this plateau; I will only find solace in your wisdom  … the wisdom …… that is only procured from you El De’ot. 


I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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