You Are Someone’s Bridge

You Are Someone’s Bridge

  Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2


Although you may not have viewed it from this perspective; but God has birthed within you the ability to be a bridge for someone else.  He has given to you the wisdom, compassion and the authority to safely transport someone from their current place to a new place in Him. 


In architecture, there are basically four different types of bridges (sources vary to the exact number; with some listing up to seven).  Nevertheless, all of them are responsible for transporting; and for being that reliable connection between two points.


The purpose of the bridge is to provide passage OVER a given situation.  Therefore it matters not the type, weight limitations, or composition of the bridge – its job is to transport OVER obstacles.


Therefore, because you are someone’s bridge; it is your responsibility to undergo routine, scheduled maintenance checks.  You can’t neglect your spiritual, as well as your physical overhauls.  You need to be effective and persevere as you transport the weight of another to the Lord.  Consequently, you must always remain cognizant of the fact that EVERYTHING you are involved in; positive or negative; will affect your durability, your tenaciousness and your level of sensitivity.   God has already given to each of us the character qualities necessary for us to perform efficiently according to the type of bridge that He designed us to be.


Don’t permit the enemy to cloud your mind or to disillusion you!  YOU are someone’s bridge.  Although you may not have considered it - nor be aware of who that person(s) is(are); someone is watching you and is depending on you to lead them over their next obstacle in life.


Lastly, remember that the bridge offers hope.  A bridge makes the unspoken statement that – “this is not the end of your journey”.  A bridge proclaims that, “I am your ACCESS OVER the problem, difficulty, hindrance, obstruction or blockage”.


In some battles the Lord will tell us to stand and to fight.  Then, there are others where He instructs us to simply “take a bridge OVER” them!  In other words, speak to it and keep it moving!  It is in those instances when you; as a God ordained “bridge”….can be used of Him to assist someone over their troubled water … by reassuring them that His undying, unconditional love…. YET still prevails.


 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:37-39 NIV

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