Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2510)

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You Still Have One More Move..

Therefore - It’s Never Too Late!


Life can be compared to a strategic game that requires its players at certain points, to make moves that cannot be changed.  One decisive rule that we must remember in this game is this: although we may not maintain the ability to alter the moves; we can always change the results.  In the game called life you will always have…..One more Move!


This concept is mirrored in many instances throughout the Bible.  As we read and glean wisdom, strength and encouragement; we can see that no matter what the circumstances or the situations that the people of God were confronted with – God always showed them that they still had – one more move. 


So as you continue to participate in the game of life, always remember that; “It ain’t over til God says it’s over”.  No matter what you’ve done in your past, if you: trust in God, make an about face (Repent), and begin to do things His way; instead of leaning to your own understanding – He can rectify, repair, resolve, amend and correct anything. (Proverbs 3:5 & II Chronicles 7:14)


Another very important fact to remember in this game called life is this: “We have the power to limit the manifestation of God’s desire to change things for our good”.  In other words, because God has given to us the place of dominion and authority on this earth; He will not override that decision.  That’s why He has told US that: death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21); He has told US to speak forth those things which be not.., (Romans 4:17); He has told US - I set before you this day life and death ….  (Deuteronomy 30:19); He has told US - No good thing will I withhold… (Psalm 84:11); e has told USH He has told US to – put on the whole armor …. (Ephesians 6:11-13) etc., etc.  – So, God is saying SPEAK it, and I’ve got your back!  God is saying, “You may have decided to make a wrong move – but I’ve allotted you the opportunity to cause that wrong move to work in your favor.” (Romans 8:28)


So remember that this game of life has many players but very few winners.  Why?  Because most people don’t realize …..that, our battle has already been won… and most importantly ……you will always have at least one more move……..Therefore…… “It’s Never Too Late”!

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Are You a Spiritual Schizophrenic?

Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.”                                                                                            Philippians 2:5-8 The Message Bible



Are you a Spiritual Schizophrenic?  If someone were to ask you that question, what would be your immediate response?  More than likely, everyone would emphatically reply NO!  But if we were to take an inventory of our lives- today - would our “walk” be in alignment with our “talk”?


Basically “schizo”; without getting into too much detail; is a mental disorder that makes it extremely difficult and sometimes impossible for a person to tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined.  This disorder hinders one’s ability to think clearly; to have normal emotional responses; and act normally in social situations.


So, think about your daily walk.  Then consider the following;

  1. In the realm of the Spirit…what influence do I impose to diabolical plots and plans?
  2. Can I readily make the distinction between the real and the “temporal”?
  3. Do I display on a regular basis wherever I go the character qualities of who I really am? ……Or am I still double minded; perpetrating a fraud and operating as an undercover Saint?


Schizophrenia is also categorized as a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history.  It’s a mental condition.  What is the real condition of my mind?   Has my mind been renewed to the extent that it has the ability not to fall prey to the down falls that have plagued my genetic bloodline?   Or am I just “pretending” when I am in the presence of others, that all is well?  Does my mind have the stability to resist and conquer the constant pressures which are hurled and directed towards me from the kingdom of darkness?  We are truly in a new season – one that has not been experienced in times past.  Therefore, if we are going to make an impact and persevere in these last days, we will need the endtime wisdom, to strategically comprehend our mission of walking by faith and not by sight – a principle that first requires a “disengaging” of our current mind set. 


We must encounter and embrace a spiritual “disabling brain disorder” that will permit us to be governed by the Holy Spirit; rather that by the ordinances of this world’s systems, its boundaries and its limitations  - (which is our former mindset which have been programmed into our minds for years).


To be classified as a schizophrenic in the natural would afford me the opportunity to be viewed from an extremely negative perspective.   To be classified as and operate as a schizophrenic in the realm of the Spirit, could lead to results which will be detrimental to the body of Christ! Now as never before, my walk and my talk – decrees and my confessions must advance to a place of total reality and manifestation.  I must totally believe that my words – every spoken word… has the power to impact the atmosphere... and bring about a change!     


So, prayerfully consider James chapter 1.  Seek the face of the Lord for the ability to effectively and thoroughly apply wisdom to every situation that you encounter.  As endtime Saints we are now in need of that type of wisdom which will enable us to be healed and made whole from any type of “spiritual schizophrenia” that might be still lingering within us…….

And operating…. Still undetected and still hidden by spiritual imposters!


“So get rid of all that is wrong in your life, both inside and outside, and humbly be glad for the wonderful message we have received, for it is able to save our souls as it takes hold of our hearts.” James 1:21  (The Living Bible)

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Learn How To Employ The Word of God

And Nothing Shall Offend You!

“Great peace have they which love thy law; and nothing shall offend them.” Psalm 119:165


Your ability to become offended reveals the level of maturity from which you operate.  The word offend in this verse refers to “stumbling block”.  Therefore when I permit anything to cause me to stumble or to divert my focus from the Lord; I have not learned to avail myself of His ever abiding peace. 


The peace of God represents the wholeness of God; His completeness – nothing missing.  When I realize that God has the ability to control the outcome of every situation; I will then receive the confidence in my spirit to rest in Him. 


I’m reminded of a toddler when learning to walk.  They must learn to be confident, as well as how to balance themselves.  When we haven’t learned to walk confidently according to God’s word; we permit the cares of this world, people and even our own undisciplined motives – to become a stumbling block and we lose our balance.  When we haven’t obtained the power to have the proper balance in our lives; we stumble and sometimes fall.


I must also realize that the spirit of fear is the anchored root system and underlying, hidden culprit that is still present when I am yielding to the influences of offence or of being offended.  When ungodly fear is eradicated from my life, I will recognize that offence will no longer be an issue.


Offences will come (Luke 17:1) – but I don’t have to permit them to divert my attention.  If I prepare myself daily with an awareness that I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37); I will know how to receive the peace of God; which has the power and the authority to permit me to remain stable and causes me to triumph in every situation (Philippians 4:7).  Peace is not the absence of chaos.  Peace is the mindset that affords me the ability to remain unshaken – regardless. 


To rest in the peace of God reveals that I have permitted the power of God to be my support system… and that I am trusting in His promises to be my daily provision.


Therefore, to prevent the offences that so readily appear in life from becoming a stumbling block in my life; the spirit of fear must be dealt with.  I also must appropriate the mindset that God’s unconditional love will yet prevail in every situation.  I can’t become distracted nor lose my balance; and above all I must trust the fact that God will vindicate every contrary wind that blows my way….and somehow….. always cause His favor to reign in my life! (Romans 8:28) 


“Those who love your laws have great peace of heart and mind and do not stumble.”

                                                                                                   Psalm 119:165(The Living Bible)

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Today is The National Day of Prayer

“….Man should always prayer and not faint!” Luke 18:1


As a reminder, The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May here in the United States, and was established in 1952.

So let’s collectively unite with the believers of Christ globally today and decree the Lord’s provision through the model prayer as referenced in Matthew 6.

The Model Prayer

Objective: To understand and accept each phrase.

  1. Our Father ………. Relationship
  2. In Heaven …………. Residence (yet omnipresent)\
  3. Hallowed Be Thy Name…. Reverence, Glory, Honor, Sacred, Most Holy & All Honored, etc.
  4. Thy Kingdom Come… “Your total domain, respect, glory & continuous reference be recognized with regards to the Heavens; and upon the earth. Past, present & total future.
  5. Thy Will Be Done…… Lord, your will be through us, by us, and upon us.  Let us be continuously transformed by us to others.
  6. Give Us This Day …… This is the portion of prayer that shows us how to pray for our needs to be met.
  7. And forgive us our debts ……. We must learn to walk a walk of forgiveness.
  8. And lead us not into temptation…. Let no man - when he is tempted blame it on God.
  9. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever, Amen. …. This prayer begins and ends by honoring God and giving Him the praise.

Let’s Continue to also pray for AMERICA



  1. GOVERNMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A. Federal Government Consider praying for our President, Vice President, Cabinet Members, Congressional Leaders, Supreme Court Justices                          B. State Government Consider praying for your Governor, Executive Leaders, Legislative Leaders, Judicial Leaders                                                                        C.Local Government Consider praying for your Mayor, City Counsel, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Judges, County Officials
  3. MEDIA

May the Lord continue to BLESS and KEEP us all!

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Ability & Authority

Ability & Authority

“And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” Matthew 10:1


In the book of Matthew chapter 10 we can read a recorded account concerning the instructions that Jesus relayed to His disciples.  He informed them that He had given unto them the two key components which would be essential for the success of their journey as His disciples. 


The power that was given to them as His disciples has not diminished. We still have that power today to accomplish every task that is mentioned. The Greek word for power that is used here implies the fact that we have been given the strength as well as the permission to assist this chaotic world in their quest to fulfill every void in their lives.


We must always remain cognizant of the facts that are stated in this chapter.  It is not by coincidence that in the very first verse is the mention of power against unclean spirits.  Today, many of these spirits which were previously working “behind the scenes” are now boldly and openly displaying their presence. Yet, we have already been given the ability and the authority to; eradicate, destroy and to totally dismantle them from wherever they decide to make their abode.  However because we have failed to properly apply our power, the world is now reaping the consequences of the same. 


Therefore we must be more determined to use the power that has already been given to us.  We must personally decree and affirm who and whose we are.  It is imperative that I remain cognizant of the fact that:  It is because of the ability and authority that I already possess that I can be that disciple who will decree and declare that:

  1. I will not conform to this world’s standards, policies and mindsets. (Romans 12:1 & 2)
  2. I will not become over whelmed as I labor for the Lord. (Galatians 6:9)
  3. I will not permit the advancement of the wicked to sway my decisions (Psalm 37:1)
  4. I will stand & praise the Lord in the midst of every situation - positive or negative (Ps. 34:1)
  5. I will remain faithful in the giving of my: gifts, assets and time. (Revelation 2:10)
  6. I will encourage myself; not lean to what I think; and daily enforce God’s plan for my life. (I Samuel 30; Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 61:8)
  7. I will stand steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord. (I Corinthians 15:58)


So…. Let’s walk in the Confidence and in the Conviction of the Lord…… because we have already been given the Ability and His Authority to uproot, bring to naught, dismantle and bring into complete alignment EVERYTHING that is not in agreement with what the Lord has purposed it to be.



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I’m Still Holding The Reins

Therefore, I’m Yielded ….. But Not Broken

“Not of works”....  Ephesians 2:9


The Lord wants to be in total control of our lives.  However, for the most part, far too many of His faithful followers haven’t received the boldness which is required for them to operate from a platform of being “broken”.  They are faithful in the “doing” while lacking in the “being”.  In other words we are basically still living our lives from the position of observing the law (the covenant of works); instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to accomplish His work though us.


We have yielded our thoughts, actions and words to the LEADING of the Holy Spirit which is a great achievement… for a new convert.   When I “yield” in a given situation; I remain in control and decide the outcome of that situation.   When I am yielded, I will faithfully and in all sincerity: pay my tithes, “assemble myself with other believers”, study and read my Bible, etc.  However, because I am only yielded – I am still basing my relationship with the Lord on all of these things that I am “doing”.


When I become that broken vessel …. I have matured to the place where I am no longer in control at all.  Therefore my mind has been renewed to the extent that I will move in instant obedience to the voice of the Lord.  A broken vessel truly “Takes no thought for tomorrow” when they receive a command from the Lord. A broken vessel doesn’t worry, fret or become overly concerned about the outcome of situations or circumstances.  A broken vessel has learned the art of resting in the assurance of the unconditional love of the Lord – regardless. 


A yielded vessel will know that they’ve heard the voice of the Lord; but may delay in obeying…

A broken vessel will know that they’ve heard the voice of the Lord and without giving it a second thought - instantly obey.


A yielded vessel will still “stake claims” on  and cling to their material possessions….

A broken vessel will say, “Lord EVERYTHING that I have is yours” - …. And they will freely release ANYTHING that they possess when the initial instruction comes from the Lord


A yielded vessel is still in the process of being molded, reshaped and refashioned.   A yielded vessel is still developing into a vessel that has been stripped of every hindering traditional ideology, concept and precept.  Then once stripped, this vessel can now be broken by the power of the Holy Spirit and refashioned to be used totally by Him for His glory.  


To be effective in these last days; we can no longer be just yielded vessels.  It’s a new day! The Lord doesn’t desire for us to only be yielded.   We must become broken vessels by Him for Him. 


I challenge you to sincerely seek the face of God, asking Him to reveal the areas in your mind where ungodly or immature strongholds still exist…. The areas where you are only yielded – and not broken.  


We must be determined to become broken vessels because:

Broken vessels are vessels of virtue;

Broken vessels are vessels of valor and above all;

Broken vessels are vessels of Victory!


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:19

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Create An Atmosphere of Excellence

“Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other presidents and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.” Daniel 6:3


As we proceed daily to accomplish all that the Lord has assigned our hands to do; we must always remain cognizant of the fact God expects us to be a living example of excellence by creating this type of atmosphere wherever we are.  This character quality appears not to be as important to some as it should.  One of the causes for the failure to build an atmosphere of excellence is the fact that many are still being held captive in a mindset that has been produced by a spirit of poverty and lack.  Therefore, although they are productive in the realm of the spirit; although they love the Lord; and are living a lifestyle that is well pleasing to the Lord…they lack the ability to create an atmosphere of excellence.


The Spirit of excellence; prior to its demonstration; must have the ability to engulf our minds to the extent they we can first detect anything that is in disarray within us.  Excellence begins inwardly and flows from within.  Excellence is a mindset that commands and demands that we bring into a state of order….. everything – on every level and in every situation.   Therefore, when we have permitted this Spirit of excellence to begin a work WITHIN us …. we will then possess the ability to permit that Spirit to be released FROM us and to infiltrate the atmosphere AROUND us.

Excellence refers to the ability to operate at a level that is superior to what is considered normal.  Webster states -The state of possessing good qualities in an eminent degree; exalted merit; superiority in virtue. 

One of the main culprits of the Spirit of Excellence is an undisciplined or unconscientious mind.  Therefore, my ability to bind and uproot any degree of “slackness” that may be within my mind… is to first be able to… “Recognize its fruit & uproot”!   So because excellence refers more to a mental condition; I can be a millionaire and still not have a disciplined mindset…. And lack the ability to create an atmosphere of excellence.  My ability to create an atmosphere of excellence is not based upon my material gain or assets.   My ability to create an atmosphere of excellence is dependent upon my weightiness and maturity in the realm of the Spirit.

To create an atmosphere of excellence I must:

  • Daily refuse to permit others to clutter my mind.
  • I must maintain a sense of freedom.
  • I must be determined to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
  • Finally, to create an atmosphere of excellence I must live according to Philippians 4:8 which states….

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

An atmosphere of excellence is not an atmosphere where pride is manifesting and demonstrating a “heady” arena.  When I create an atmosphere of excellence, I will walk in meekness – not weakness; and impact the lives of others wherever I am.

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…And Doubt Not

…And Doubt Not

“Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith, and doubt not……” Matthew 21:21


Our limited concept of the miraculous power and authority of God can often be compared to that which was housed in the minds of the Biblical disciples. Although they had actually seen the demonstrated displays of Jesus’ power, the Bible states that they marveled and they seemed amazed with the rapid results of His spoken words (Matthew 21:20).  What is even more interesting is the fact that God knew, that after all that they had seen – they still lacked in their ability to understand who He was.  Most importantly they didn’t know who TEYHEHHhhhhhHEY were because of their relationship to Him.  He responded to their insecurities and named them “doubt”; informing them that even though they have faith – doubt can’t be on board.


Today, we are often encased in that same “prison” of doubt.  Doubt has established invisible barriers around our minds and has prevented us from understanding and really gasping who we really are in Christ.  We fail to experience the enormous amount of power belongs to us simply because we permit doubt to enter in; get a latte, sit back and get comfortable!


So I present a challenge to you; refuse to permit this spirit to control your actions any longer.  How is this done? By the continual process of identification and eviction.  Daily we must move in the confidence that is established in the Word of God.  Therefore, when doubt attempts to surface – acknowledge it; and cancel the effects of its power by SAYING the Word of God.  Don’t doubt yourself!  You must know… If I can think it – (and it’s legal!) I can do it!  When Jesus walked the earth, He did what no other person had ever done prior to His existence.  Why? To give to us the example that we have been empowered by our God to manifest on this earth what other gods of other religions can’t produce.  He was the living example for us, to demonstrate to us, some of the things that we should be accomplishing.  However, we must rid ourselves of doubt.


Doubt comes to:

D – Destroy; O – Override; U – Upset; B – Bind; T – Threaten. In other words…

  • To destroy our dreams and hopes.
  • To override God’s power and authority.
  • To upset the foundation that has previously been established.
  • To bind us by limiting and forbidding our progress.
  • To threaten us by making us presuppose the worst.


Make a conscience decision to actually DO what God has placed in your heart, mind and spirit to accomplish.   Come into an agreement with; and a oneness with the plans that the Lord has for your life. 


When the people were attempting to erect the tower of Babel; the Bible said… and NOTHING shall be impossible for them because they are of one mind (Genesis 11:1-7). If we, as people can accomplish anything that we desire when we become “as one”….. can you imagine what would  result if we ever totally became  “as one”… in total agreement with God (John 17:21)?


So…..No more indecisiveness, no more instability, no more deceptions, no more limitations.  As of today, make a conscious decree… no more fear about anything…


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Sameach Pesach!  (Happy Passover!)

Begins at sunset today – ends on April 30th



Although most of us won’t observe the traditions that our Jewish brothers and sisters will adhere to; we should use this time to focus on some of the benefits that Jesus, our sacrificial lamb has purchased for us.


The overall theme of Passover is redemption. So, most certainly we can appreciate the fact that we have been redeemed.  We can focus on our availability to receive justification, sanctification and reconciliation because of the shed blood of Christ.


 We also should be mindful of our liberation from the bondage of  sin that once held us captive.  Daily we should acknowledge that the blood of Christ permits us to be privy to the victory that we are now experiencing. 


The celebration of Passover also reminds us that our liberation was very costly for Christ.  So, because we have been liberated, we no longer have a valid reason to remain in the bondage of any type.  God, our Father loved us unconditionally and permitted His precious Son to be the propitiation ….just for us.  Therefore, if the enemy is attempting to place restraints on you: spiritually, physically, emotionally, psychologically, or financially…. Just remind him that your freedom has been purchased by the blood of Jesus – your sacrificial lamb.  Remind the enemy that he has no legal right to invade your territory.  (Also make sure that you  have not given him any open doorway of access!)


Let’s use this time to further reflect on the intervention of the death angel  in our lives….because of the blood of Jesus.  Let’s also reflect on the fact that we are no longer bound to or in sin – but free…. And he who the Son has set free is free indeed!


Listed are some scriptures that can be our focus during this time.

  • Old Testament References to the Passover: Exodus 12; Numbers 9: 1-14; Numbers 28:16-25; Deuteronomy 16: 1-6; Joshua 5:10; 2 Kings 23:21-23; 2 Chronicles 30:1-5, 35:1-19; Ezra 6:19-22; Ezekiel 45:21-24.
  • New Testament References to Passover: 1 Corinthians 5:7; Luke 22:15

John 13:1-3; John 2:13-23; Matthew 26:17-28;  Mark 14:12-25

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The Comma ….. The Resting Place

“Be still, and know that I am God. …………..” Psalm 46:10


When using written communications to convey our thoughts to others, it is much easier for us to be understood when we use various punctuation marks.    Whether you are the writer or the reader; without the use of punctuation marks it would be virtually impossible for the written communication to be successfully comprehended.  


One such marking that most of us are familiar with is the comma.  The comma, unlike the period informs us the we haven’t arrived at the end of the sentence; there is still more to come; so just take a brief pause and continue on.


Our lives are also accompanied with various “accent or punctuation marks”.  There will be times when we arrive at the place when it becomes necessary to take a brief rest – and then continue on.  In other words – we’ve arrive at a place that we know isn’t the end or the final stage of the project.  Yet, we are not feeling as though we should proceed “right now”.  This may be the time when it is necessary to take a brief pause – and then continue on. 


You just might be experiencing the awareness of a “spiritual comma” that God has inserted into the “sentence of your life”.  God strategically places the commas in our lives where He knows that they will effectively impact us and those to whom he has called us to minister.  Don’t ignore the God inserted commas; if you do, the remainder of the spiritual sentence will be perplexing.  In other words, don’t push forward when God is telling you to wait.  Don’t try to MAKE God move in a given situation.  Far too often I hear people say that they are going to fast and pray when they are faced with a difficult situation….. because they want God to change His plans concerning their situations.  Fasting doesn’t change the mind or decision of God – it changes us and increases our level of faith.  Therefore, don’t lean to your own understanding.  Seek the face of God… and walk or wait there in.


So just remember, the comma is the signal to stop briefly; and then continue on.  Don’t become too comfortable or discouraged in the “comma” place.  There is still more to be accomplished. God will use YOU to achieve all that He has promised.  Don’t become disheartened when the situations and circumstances which were once “sailing smoothly” suddenly appear to hit a few bumps in the road…..even though you know that the journey isn’t complete.  Maybe you’ve just encounter a spiritual comma.  So remain calm, seek the face of God for any amendments that need to be implemented… and wait for the release to proceed further.


Acknowledge and appreciate the commas…. They are the brief resting places along this “sentence” of life.


And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while."……

Mark 6:31

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How can I still have peace?


It doesn’t matter what I’m encountering….I can still have peace.  However I must realize that God has given to me a strategy that must be implemented.  I must also realize that peace is not the absence of adversity – but a mindset.  

So… How can I renew my mind to the extent that I can receive God’s solution and apply it to every situation?   The following can assist.

P -“Presence” - If I invite the presence of God to intervene; (Exodus 33: 14)

E -“Endure”   - If I endure as a warrior, not whine like a wimp; and view  my situation as an open door and not a dead end;     (James 1:22; II Timothy 2:3)

 A -“Ask”        - If I ask God for guidance and the proper strategy to successfully  outwit the enemy in this situation.;, and don’t just do what “I”  

                           think is best;  (Proverbs 3:5-7)

 C -“Cry”         - If I cry out to the Lord first– and not to other people;  (Psalm 30:2)

 E -“Expect”   - If I expect and accept. Expect God to give me a strategy – so I’ll keep an open ear  - knowing that I must accept the process.

                               (Philippians 4:13; Psalm 86:11; Psalm 25:5)


So….YES! I can still have PEACE in the midst of it all…..But the key is to:

Invite in the PRESENCE of God;  Be determined to ENDURE; ASK God for help; CRY to Him and EXPECT Him to change ME even when the situation doesn’t APPEAR to be changing.      


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Assertiveness +Anticipation =Advancement!

“You lazy fool, look at an ant.  Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two, nobody has to tell it what to do.  All summer it stores up food; at harvest it stockpiles provisions.  So how long are you going to laze around doing nothing?  How long before you get out of bed?  A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next?  Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life, poverty your permanent houseguest!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Proverbs 6:6-11 (The Message Bible)


A while ago I read an article which had been written by John C. Maxwell regarding various lessons which can be learned from the ant.  He said that ants have:

A- Attitude of Initiative (Ants are self -motivated: I Samuel 30:6)

N- Nature of Integrity (Ants work faithfully and need no outside accountability; Proverbs 11:3)

T- Thirst for Industry (Ants labor hard & will quickly replace their anthill when it gets destroyed;   Proverbs 12:27; 10:4)

S- Source of Insight (Ants store provisions in summer; John 9:4)

    (Note: Scripture references were added by Apostle Boatwright and were not included in  John Maxwell’s article)


After reading the article, I concluded the following.

When we consider the ants we can also observe that they are never intimidated by obstacles or the presence of anything that they may encounter.  Whatever is placed in front of an ant will not defeat or convince it to surrender…. or become distracted from its mission.  They may be forced to discover an alternative route – however they won’t quit!  The ant is one of the smallest creatures – yet they are some of the hardest workers.


Also, the ants “make haste while it is day”.  They know that the night will come when they will not have the ability to work. We should become encouraged from the tenacity which is shown by the ant; because our night is coming! (I’m not referring the physical nighttime!)


The ants are always anticipating …..always in preparation for tomorrow.  The ants always keep in mind that they must advance…. That their mission is before them.  There are times when you may observe that an ant is attempting to carry a load that is twice their size – however, because they have a mindset that is motivated for success; they will always achieve their goal. 


We, like that ant, are “wired” for success.  Therefore whatever obstacles that present themselves must be conquered….. simply because the Bible says that we can do all things through God’s strength (Philippians 4:13) AND that we are MORE than conquerors (Romans 8:37)!


So, looking forward, let’s always, with great: expectation, motivation and determination have that same zeal which is found in the ants.  I challenge you today to “anticipate” and “advance”.  In other words, expect the daily “bumps in the road”; but don’t permit them to cause you to lose your focus.  Remember that a group of workers….  No matter how small……All pulling in the same direction….. all sharing the weight of the load….. Will get the job done successfully! Develop a mindset that because of who I am, whose I am and to whom I belong…. I am supposed to….. and I will emerge from every situation as the victor and not the victim! 


To summarize: if I develop an assertive mindset; if I maintain a spirit of anticipation and expectation; then I will victoriously advance and excel in all that I endeavor!


My road may be long and my journey may seemingly be up hill; however, I must keep in mind the old cliché: a winner never quits… and a quitter never wins! 

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There’s Been A Shipwreck

  Just Hold On To Your Broken Pieces

 “But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land: And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land.”   Acts 27:43 & 44       (Read the entire chapter for better insight)


There are times when, as Paul, we are always embarking upon some type of voyage or challenge where our “ship” becomes totally destroyed.   However we must remember one concept: There will always be fragments to gather.  So in the midst of your worst devastation – Hold on to your broken pieces!   If you hold on….and don’t quit……. And don’t become discouraged…You will be victorious.

We must also remember that Psalm 34:19 tells us that many are the afflictions of the righteous – BUT the Lord WILL deliver us out of them all. Afflictions refer to circumstances or hardships that cause pain or suffering; whether physical or mental; psychological or spiritual.   Paul was afflicted on numerous occasions – but he managed to flee safely every time because he kept his focus, and learned to hold on to his broken pieces.  As he stated in II Corinthians 4:8-9 “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;……”.

I’m reminded of an old school song that said, “I’m so glad, trouble don’t’ last always”.   So as I await God’s divine intervention….. I must remember that God is able to do just what he said he would do, He's gonna fulfill every promise to me.  I can’t give up on God, cause he won't give up on me….He’s Able!!!!


Therefore…..I’ll hold to God’s unchanging hand,…… and Build My Hopes On Things Eternal….. and continue Standing on the Promises of Christ my king…..  and Look Ever to Jesus; He Will Carry Me Through! (I still love hymns!)


So, no matter how devastating or destructive the storm; storms don’t come to last, they come to past…. there will always be broken pieces.  

I MUST maintain or regain my focus. 

 I MUST search out those broken pieces.

 I MUST value my broken pieces.

 I MUST remain cognizant of the fact that I can never, never let go of my broken pieces – for it is those broken pieces that will glide me safely to the shore!



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Failure is not an Option…..

It’s Not On My Menu

“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,…..” Ephesians 1:4


Every master chef knows the importance of having a well organized menu. The purpose of the menu is to inform everyone exactly what they can expect to receive from that particular establishment.  Therefore when one glances at the menu they can determine the type of facility, the expertise of the chef, as well as the clientele who frequent that place of business.  We also understand that we can’t order an item that is not listed on the menu – and then become upset if that item is either not available or not prepared to our liking.  The master chef will only order the essential ingredients which are required to properly prepare those items which are listed on the menu.  Now an experienced chef will on occasion, use some of the ingredients which were purchased for one item and prepare something that is not listed on the menu.  However, this is not always possible.  For example; you can’t become distraught if a fast food restaurant doesn’t fulfill your request for a fresh seafood order.  Why? It isn’t on their menu.


So it is with our lives.  God who is our Master Chef has a well-planned menu for our lives.  As the scripture text states; even before the foundation of the world – God had already written the menu for each and every one of our lives.  Therefore He knows which ingredients to include in our lives that will permit us to produce the highest quality of life.  He knows a forehand which circumstances, experiences, trials and the like to include on our menus of life.  He also knows: because He is God, the decisions that we will make in every given situation. However, because we already have a well-planned menu, when we make contrary choices in our lives; God has the ability to use those choices to still yet implement His plan for our lives (Romans 8:28).  He’ll take our burnt bread; scrap off the overly browned portions; cut it into squares and use it for croutons!  He’s the Master Chef and therefore knows exactly how to re-organize everything in our lives…..if we permit Him to!


Therefore, when you feel as though you are on the verge on becoming overwhelmed and going out of your mind – just declare that a nervous breakdown can’t occur… Why?.. Because Failure is Not an Option….it’s not on my menu! Declare Isaiah 26:3 & St. John 16:33!

When you feel as though you “can’t” – just decree that Failure is not an Option…It’s not on my menu. Declare Philippians 4:13!

When you feel as though everything is just taking too long to materialize – just remember that the best sauces must simmer for hours; and endurance IS on your menu! Decree Isaiah 40:41or Psalm 27:14!

When you feel as though the bottom has fallen out of your world and every stable foundation has been shaken – just relax… God may be testing you or just trying to get your attention so that He can elevate you to the next course of your menu! Decree 2 Timothy 2:3-5!


Learn to rest in the Lord and in what He is doing at this stage of your life.  We must remember that God had not “mass produced” us.  Therefore, we aren’t to compare our menu items with anyone else’s.  Although they may appear to be similar on the surface – because we are all uniquely made.… so are our menus.  We aren’t to be compared to the “chain” stores which all possess the same exact menus.  Yes, we are all God’s kids – but we are all so different!.... He planned it that way!


So it doesn’t matter how your circumstances may currently appear to you – simply remember that God is only attempting to get you to advance from the soup on your menu to the dessert. He has the entire menu of your life in mind.  You can’t simply produce the “soup” from your menu of life... forever!  It’s now time to advance to the appetizer and then endure every challenge of life.  God is only attempting to get you to the end of your menu…. Where your mind will be totally focused... and you will have the ability to enjoy the dessert course of life ….without regards to your current circumstances! View every item on YOUR menu as an opportunity to prove to the world that as for me.. “Failure is not an option; because It’s Not On MY Menu!”


“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”   I Corinthians 1:6

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“Another New Prophetic Sound….Have you heard it?”
“I will sing a new song to you, O God…..” Psalm 144:9

What do you hear? Another new sound has been dispatched from the heavens and it is seeking new instruments. This sound is seeking to reside within the instruments which have the ability to sense, grasp and blend it properly - thus forming a new chord!
In this season, we must listen with the ear of our spirit for additional new chords. As we hear, we must receive into our spirit-man the revelatory sounds which will usher us into a new prophetic time of worship. Our number one weapon during this end -time season is worship. Not the worship of times past, but an enhanced worship which is capable of permitting us to receive from the Lord the end-time strategy.
• That strategy which will bring a total transformation of our thought patterns, methodologies and “religious” convictions.
• That strategy which will usher us through economic crises, atmospheric irregularities and terroristic threats.
• That strategy which will enable us to remain totally focused and unmovable in the midst of every adversity.
• That strategy that will permit us to be engulfed with the peace and presence of God – regardless.
After we have received, it then becomes our responsibility to share the essence of the new chord and to instruct others in the proper disciplinary spiritual insights, which are required for them to become “new instruments”.
As this new sound is received here on earth, then blended by many, we will again release it back to the Lord. Upon its ascension it is heard as one voice; one perfected sound unto the Lord. Although in the realm of the spirit-we may hear several complexed chords, they will still ascend as one voice; one perfected praise unto the Lord.
This new sound, once we have received it into our spirits, will also enable our souls to become transformed into the expressed mind and will of God. Without the acknowledgement of this sound, our minds do not have the ability to embrace the “renewal process” (Romans 12:1). Without renewed minds we are not equipped with the necessary format nor the discipline to govern our bodies, and to bring them under the subjection of the Holy Spirit. We have no true revelation of how to become presented as a living sacrifice.
Many prophetic gatherings - true prophetic gatherings, are receiving the manifestation and the divine presence of the Lord as never before, simply because they have heard the new sound.
This new sound - prophetic in nature, has no limits and no boundaries! Yet, its nature is disciplined, its character is divine and its application is strategic.
Leaders, Warriors, the new sound has been released…..Have You Heard It?

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The Timing of Today’s Eclipse is Relevant!

The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. Joel 2:31 ESV


Today, here in the U.S. many are focusing on the rare occurrence of the eclipse that will be visible today.  However, I would question as to how many have inquired of the Lord what He is relaying at this time. There is no coincidence between the timing of the unexpected earthquake a few days ago and the expected eclipse  on today!


When we refer to our Bible, there are many references to the sun and moon darkening the sky.  Now because I don’t believe that anything happens without the divine direction of the Lord, in my opinion, our concern should be directed to the timing of this eclipse.  Many true prophets of the Lord who have their ear in alignment with the voice and intents of the Lord have marked this sign as a directive from the Lord, that this is a time for the body of Christ to enter into a season of deep intercession.


This eclipse is occurring at a time which has great significance to the Hebraic  calendar.  Chuck Pierce and other noted prophetic voices have released:

“Recent political developments, coupled with the upcoming total solar eclipse, suggest a pivotal moment in both the natural and spiritual realms, urging believers to discern the times with wisdom and respond with intercession.”


So, what does this mean to us?

  • We are to ask the Lord for an understanding prophetic ear with the ability to understand the times.
  • “It is time for the faithful to accept a posture of vigilance, strategic prayer, and seek God’s divine intervention in the affairs of nations and the protection of Israel. This call to prayer is not merely for the preservation of military aid but for the protection and blessing of the United States as well (Gen 12:3).” (Chuck Pierce)
  • As you are enlightened, share with others – those who are willing to receive.
  • Look for and acknowledge the signs that the Lord is giving to us, that remind us that His return is imminent!


“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4


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Too Full To Receive…..

Only Empty Vessels Receive!

“Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.  Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him. Sing hymns instead of drinking songs! Sing songs from your heart to Christ. Sing praises over everything, any excuse for a song to God the Father in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ.”  Ephesians 5:17-20 (The Message Bible)



It is only when we have been emptied – that we can be filled – full.  Any given container has a limit on the amount of a substance that it can keep in check.  Therefore, when a container has reached its maximum limit……that’s it.  It can’t hold another drop.  For example; you can attempt to pour a gallon of liquid into an already filled gallon sized bottle – and the bottle will not be able to receive the liquid.  Why? Because the first bottle is already filled full. Therefore, even though the substance in the second bottle may be of a superior quality – because the first bottle is already full; it can’t receive the better product.


God is saying that we are expecting Him to fill us with all of who He is – but He can’t; because there’s no room.  Our minds are still filled with the concepts and precepts of the world; when He has instructed us to empty them and renew them. (Romans 12:1&2)

  • He has told us to empty ourselves of the cares of this world (I Peter 5:7); but we are still filled with worry, doubt and unbelief.
  • He has instructed us to be not like the Pharisees and Scribes – hypocrites (Matthew 6:5); but we are still filled with pride, boastings and egotism.
  • He has warned us not to be filled with vengeance – because it belongs to Him (Romans 12:19). Yet we are not emptied of backbiting; we’re still holding grudges and harboring unforgiveness.


We must remember:

Ø  Only empty vessels can be filled.

Ø  Only empty vessels have the ability to totally receive all that is being poured into them. 

Ø  Only empty vessels will have the capability to contain the proper amount of wisdom needed to successfully up root the diabolical plans and plots of the enemy.

Ø  Only empty vessels have received the revelation that they must stay on the potter’s wheel and daily cleanse themselves with the Word of God – if they are going to remain emptied of the concepts and ideologies of this world.

Ø  Only empty vessels are those who were once yielded; but are now broken, freed and ready to have the anointing of God to empower them with His Presence, His Integrity and His Kingdom Authority.


So, if we are to be used totally of God…for God – then it is time for us to empty out ourselves and get rid of whatever is not relevant for this season in our lives.  Remember yesterday’s treasures just might be today’s useless clutter!


…….. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

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A Simple Reminder………..

A Simple Reminder………..

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” I Peter 4:12 (ESV)



As endtime Leaders, it is imperative that we maintain our position of alertness in the realm of the spirit at all times.  Remembering this; our adversary is constantly attempting to find weakened areas, or breaks in our "wall" where he can gain access into our lives.

One of the tactics that is commonly used by him is to bombard us with various situations  - all at the same time - in an attempt to make us lose our focus.  Many times these occurrences are of various magnitudes, and will require varying degrees of strength and energy to conquer.   However, as a mature leader, you must maintain your focus at all times and not permit the nonsense of the enemy to distract you.  

Recently, I've encountered too many leaders who are making excuses for their lack of focus in their times of adversity or discomfort.  These statements have been spoken by Leadership: Pastors, Bishops, 5 - Fold Ministry Leaders, etc.; who have been releasing words of self -sabotage.  They have failed to realize that the releasing of such words will not only hinder them, but their ministry as well. 

So let’s keep in mind that we can only become truly effective in our walk if we eliminate every hindrance and conquer every hurdle that the enemy strategically positions in our lives.  We must remember that every hindrance and every hurdle is sent to us as an attack from the kingdom of darkness -  with one ultimate purpose in mind.  They are only sent to us in an attempt to cause us to become distracted, unfocused and discouraged…. Thus causing us to release from our mouth words of doubt, defeat, and unbelief! 

Lastly… Know that your words are the powerful weapon that will be used in this season.  You WILL decree a thing and it SHALL come to pass; you WILL speak with new tongues; you WILL lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover;  and WHATSOEVER you ask in my name – in faith believing… said the Lord it SHALL COME TO PASS!

WARRIORS! Now is not the time to become "wimps" in the realm of the spirit.  Stand strong, Stay focused and Reclaim your territory.  

Begin NOW! Time is of the essence!  

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” I Corinthians 15:58 ( NIV)

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You Still Have One More Move..

Therefore - It’s Never Too Late!


Life can be compared to a strategic game that requires its players at certain points, to make moves that cannot be changed.  One decisive rule that we must remember in this game is this: although we may not maintain the ability to alter the moves; we can always change the results.  In the game called life you will always have…..One more Move!


This concept is mirrored in many instances throughout the Bible.  As we read and glean wisdom, strength and encouragement; we can see that no matter what the circumstances or the situations that the people of God were confronted with – God always showed them that they still had – one more move. 


So as you continue to participate in the game of life, always remember that; “It ain’t over til God says it’s over”.  No matter what you’ve done in your past, if you: trust in God, make an about face (Repent), and begin to do things His way, instead of leaning to your own understanding – He can rectify, repair, resolve, amend and correct anything. (Proverbs 3:5 & II Chronicles 7:14)


Another very important fact to remember in this game called life is this: “We have the power to limit the manifestation of God’s desire to change things for our good”.  In other words, because God has given to us the place of dominion and authority on this earth, He will not override that decision. 


That’s why He has told US that: death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21); He has told US to speak forth those things which be not.., (Romans 4:17);

He has told US - I set before you this day life and death ….  (Deuteronomy 30:19);

He has told US - No good thing will I withhold… (Psalm 84:11); e has told USH

He has told US to – put on the whole armor …. (Ephesians 6:11-13)

(and this list could continue on!)


So, He is saying SPEAK it, and I’ve got your back!  He is saying, “You may have decided to make a wrong move – but I’ve allotted you the opportunity to cause that wrong move to work in your favor.” (Romans 8:28)


So remember that this game of life has many players but very few winners.  Why?  Because most people don’t realize …..that, our battle has already been won… and most importantly ……you always have at least one more move……..Therefore…… “It’s Never Too Late”!

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I Have GODfidence, Therefore

I Won’t Sit In Fear….. I’ll Walk By Faith!


“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”.                                                                                                                                                 I John 4:18



No matter what comes my way, I now walk in GODfidence!  My hope, my trust, my everything is centered and placed in the Lord and in what HE is going to do!  I have learned to ask the Holy Spirit to signal me whenever that spirit attempts to invade.  Sometimes we are not aware of the entrances that this spirit has within our lives.   However, because we walk in GODfidence, we can NEVER be tricked or caught unaware of the enemy’s schemes. 


The spirit of fear is always looking for opportunities to enter, dominate and paralyze us.  Usually, when the time arises for us to embark upon and advance into a new place in the Lord, he (the spirit of fear) – will faithfully grace our stage for a grand performance!  In other words that spirit of fear will always seek to gain an entrance into our spirit man – and play a major role in preventing us from moving forward in the Lord. 


So, it’s time for us to “take the bull by the horns” and aggressively pursue our next adventure in the Lord.  Remember, walking in faith isn’t always walking in the absence of fear.  There will be times when you will have to move forward while “feeling” afraid….  But you must continue to advance.  If your level of faith is going to increase, you can’t stand still and wait until you don’t feel afraid. 


I would like to encourage you to embrace the prayer below that I had written quite a few years ago concerning the spirit of fear.  Remember….you are in control and the decision is yours.  Your actions will always reveal whether you have chosen to SIT in fear or to WALK by faith.    Although you may have undoubtedly read it before, because you are in a new place, this prayer will have an enhanced application.  Walk, stand and live in the GODfidence of the Lord in the your new season!


Fear Be Gone! (© 2003)


Father God in the name of Jesus, I denounce the spirit of fear in my life.  As of this day, I forbid the spirit of fear to dominate, reign or sit passively in any area of my life.


Holy Spirit, I surrender right now to you my entire being.  I ask that you reveal to me now every area of my life where ungodly fear is present.  Every area in my conscience or sub-conscience arena where fear may have a stronghold.  Any area from my past where fear has been the comfort zone.  Reveal every open door that satan has used to bring fear into my life.


Lord God, your word declares that your perfect love will cast out, drive away, eradicate and will replace fear.  So Father, I come to you now and ask that you reveal to me your perfect love in every area of my being.  Your love that will not fail.  Your love that is unconditional.  Your love that is incomprehensive to my natural man, but is conceivable in the spirit realm.


Father, as I have asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the entrances where fear has entered, I ask you for the wisdom needed to close every open door.  I decree those doors closed, shut, sealed - never to be opened again.


 I thank you Father God for my new found freedom in you now that the weight of fear is gone. Hallelujah!


Psalm 56:4 “When I am afraid, I will trust in you”.


“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”.                                                                                                                                                 I John 4:18



No matter what comes my way, I now walk in GODfidence!  My hope, my trust, my everything is centered and placed in the Lord and in what HE is going to do!  I have learned to ask the Holy Spirit to signal me whenever that spirit attempts to invade.  Sometimes we are not aware of the entrances that this spirit has within our lives.   However, because we walk in GODfidence, we can NEVER be tricked or caught unaware of the enemy’s schemes. 


The spirit of fear is always looking for opportunities to enter, dominate and paralyze us.  Usually, when the time arises for us to embark upon and advance into a new place in the Lord, he (the spirit of fear) – will faithfully grace our stage for a grand performance!  In other words that spirit of fear will always seek to gain an entrance into our spirit man – and play a major role in preventing us from moving forward in the Lord. 


So, it’s time for us to “take the bull by the horns” and aggressively pursue our next adventure in the Lord.  Remember, walking in faith isn’t always walking in the absence of fear.  There will be times when you will have to move forward while “feeling” afraid….  But you must continue to advance.  If your level of faith is going to increase, you can’t stand still and wait until you don’t feel afraid. 


I would like to encourage you to embrace the prayer below that I had written quite a few years ago concerning the spirit of fear.  Remember….you are in control and the decision is yours.  Your actions will always reveal whether you have chosen to SIT in fear or to WALK by faith.    Although you may have undoubtedly read it before, because you are in a new place, this prayer will have an enhanced application.  Walk, stand and live in the GODfidence of the Lord in the your new season!


Fear Be Gone! (© 2003)



ather God in the name of Jesus, I denounce the spirit of fear in my life.  As of this day, I forbid the spirit of fear to dominate, reign or sit passively in any area of my life.


Holy Spirit, I surrender right now to you my entire being.  I ask that you reveal to me now every area of my life where ungodly fear is present.  Every area in my conscience or sub-conscience arena where fear may have a stronghold.  Any area from my past where fear has been the comfort zone.  Reveal every open door that satan has used to bring fear into my life.


Lord God, your word declares that your perfect love will cast out, drive away, eradicate and will replace fear.  So Father, I come to you now and ask that you reveal to me your perfect love in every area of my being.  Your love that will not fail.  Your love that is unconditional.  Your love that is incomprehensive to my natural man, but is conceivable in the spirit realm.


Father, as I have asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the entrances where fear has entered, I ask you for the wisdom needed to close every open door.  I decree those doors closed, shut, sealed - never to be opened again.


 I thank you Father God for my new found freedom in you now that the weight of fear is gone. Hallelujah!


Psalm 56:4 “When I am afraid, I will trust in you”.

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