

The M(Inner)stry courses, training opportunities, materials, information, and videos are intended for spiritual educational purposes. They are neither designed to give legal, or health advice nor take the place of appropriate legal, professional, or medical consultation. As laws vary from State to State and from, Country/Providence to Country, participants are advised to discuss any specific question(s) with the proper authority (ies). The purpose of this information is to equip learners, to more fully understand the needs of individuals, and to be able to offer motivational, inspirational, and supportive information to help, assist, and uplift our communites.


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Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Heavy Weights Build Strong MusclesAnd not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; Romans 5:3 In earlier years we used to sing a song entitled, “Jacob’s Ladder”.  It was one of those songs which had a seemingly endless amount of verses!  Each verse would end with the statement, “Soldiers of the Cross”.  At that time, I didn’t fully understand the concepts that were attempting to be expressed and impressed upon us. Today we have saints who fail to…
2 hours ago
I Am A Ruby Network posted a discussion
I speak with my mouth and believe, trust, have faith, and I know in my heart, subconscious mind, and mind that I am healed of all sickness, pain, infections, rejection, disease/dis-ease, and everything from my childhood trauma. 
I speak, I am casting out out my body, my life, and my house now.
I am renouncing, and I am expelling, the sickness producing tendency in my mind, and subconscious mind. I am sending it to the dry places of love, and light.
I am depositing, uploading, and downloading, a…
Prophetess Domonique Smith posted a status
Blessings I AM A RUBY FAMILY!! Pray everything is well and good with you all! Have a blessed filled freedom filled day!! Remember I love you and God loves you too. Be blessed. Hydrated and motivated agape. ❤️ loves
  • I Am A Ruby Network Blessings Prophetess Domonique Smith 
    Thank you for the prayers 🙏 we truly appreciate it. 
    Yes everything All is Well, All is Healing and Abundant with us.
    We love ❤️ to Divine Healing, the Heaven's and beyond. 
    May you have a Marvelous night 🌙 on Purpose, Godnight, Agape 
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
From Fetters to Freedom Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishment on the peoples, To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron,                                                                          Psalm 149;6-8 Simply because we are privy to a dimension where the abundance of the Lord is ever present and manifesting itself in our lives; we must amend our ways to be assured…
I Am A Ruby Network’s discussion was featured
Psalm 37 (New International Version, ©2010) Psalm 37!!! Psalm 37[a] Of David.
1 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong;
2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
3 Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:
6 He will make your righteous…
I Am A Ruby Network posted a discussion


 Psalm 121

A song for going up to worship.

1 I look up toward the mountains.    Where can I find help?2 My help comes from Yahweh,    the maker of heaven and earth.3 He will not let you fall.    Your guardian will not fall asleep.4 Indeed, the Guardian of Israel never rests or sleeps.5 Yahweh is your guardian.    Yahweh is the shade over your right hand.6 The sun will not beat down on you during the day,    nor will the moon at night.7 Yahweh guards you from every evil.    He…
I Am A Ruby Network posted a video
We saw 👀 this and we had to share it with you all. It is so much confirmation 
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
The Search Is On…Do You Qualify? “……The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: ……. Luke 10:2The Lord is still seeking those who are qualified to be an example in leadership.  Now…. you’ve been “saved” for quite a few years; you know quite a few scriptures; and can effectively convince someone of their need to deepen their relationship with the Lord.  However, what would your true character reveal if you were selected for this current search? Let's take a look ……. Apply these…
I Am A Ruby Network favorited Apostle Claudia Boatwright's blog post Day of Evangelism
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
 Too Full To Receive…..Only Empty Vessels Receive!“Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.  Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him. Sing hymns instead of drinking songs! Sing songs from your heart to Christ. Sing praises over everything, any excuse for a song to God the Father in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ.”  Ephesians 5:17-20 (The Message Bible)  It is only when we have been…
Mar 20
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Keep YOUR Fire Ablaze “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”  James 1:12 If you can remember some of the lessons from your chemistry class, one of the first lessons was probably on the composition of fire.  As a reminder, three elements are required to cause the chemical reaction to occur that we call fire. They are: oxygen, fuel and heat.  If one of these components…
Mar 19
I Am A Ruby Network posted a video
We saw 👀 this and had to share it with you all
Sylvia and Eric Hawkins share their journey of simplifying and downsizing, transforming a rundown auto court into a tiny house community.
Mar 17
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
The Door is Open.. ACCESS GRANTED!!"I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” Revelation 3:8 Today the Lord is saying that because of your faithfulness to Him as you weathered every adverse condition; because of your diligence and perseverance to seek His face more than you sought His hand; because you planted your feet firmly in His Word REGARDLESS; because you refused to permit…
Mar 17
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
OH NO! Not This Time!!! “Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore, get wisdom; and in all thy getting, get understanding”. Proverbs 4:7 Today we appear to be forever learning – but never gleaning the proper understanding.  The Lord desires for us to remember and to understand three things;1.     WHO He is2.     WHAT He is doing3.     WHY He is allowing us to encounter certain situations and circumstances. Knowledge gives FACTS, but UNDERSTANDING permits me to properly apply the meanings of the…
Mar 14
I Am A Ruby Network posted a status
"Late Night Declaration: Lord, INCREASE my GREATNESS, and comfort me on every side.
(Psalm 71:21).
(Life and Power are in the Tongue) Goodnight Agape
Mar 13
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
It’s Never Too Late! Life can be compared to a strategic game that requires its players at certain points, to make moves that cannot be changed.  One decisive rule that we must remember in this game is this: although we may not maintain the ability to alter the moves; we can always change the results. This concept is mirrored in many instances throughout the Bible.  As we read and glean wisdom, strength and encouragement; we can see that no matter what the circumstances or the situations that…
Mar 13
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
“P.E.A.C.E.”Can I still have peace? Simply because I’ve learned that peace is a mindset and is not determined by my current situations or circumstances; peace is always available to me.  I just need to acquire the correct tools and avail myself to the proper implementation of the same! Tools For  Maintaining The Peace of GodP -“Presence” - If I invite the presenceª of God to intervene;E -“Endure”   - If I endure1 as a warrior, not whine like a wimp; and viewmy situation as an open door and not…
Mar 12
Bobie Smith and I Am A Ruby Network are now friends
Mar 10
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
The Message We SendA while agoministered at a church that is having a revival for this entire month.  Their theme is: “The Message We Send”.  So I pose the question to you.  What is the message that you are sending to your: family, friends, haters, co-workers, neighbors and to the kingdom of darkness?Well, without a doubt you should be sending the message: “I Can’t Be defeated!”Your daily walk should prove as evidence to all – especially to the kingdom of darkness that you can’t be defeated –…
Mar 10
I Am A Ruby Network posted a video
Mar 9

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  • I love you family with all my heart. 

    • Awww, we love ❤️ you too Apostle Trina Davis to the Heaven's and beyond.

      May you have a Fantastic night 🌙 on Purpose, Godnight, Agape 

  • May the God of infinite comfort and timeless peace envelop you in His gentle embrace, shielding you under the warmth of His loving arms.13350314654?profile=RESIZE_584x

  • 13172098066?profile=RESIZE_584x

    • Awww, bless you and thank you Apostle Trina Davis absolutely love it. Thank you, and may you have a Fantastic night on Purpose. Godnight, Agape innocent

  • 13055656881?profile=RESIZE_584x

    • Awww, bless you, and thank you Apostle Trina Davis 

      This picture 📸 is so beautiful and exquisite 😍 

      We all love you to the Heaven's and beyond. May you have a Fantastic day on Purpose, Agape.

  • Merry Christmas

    Apostle Teyshana Wiley is a remarkable woman who has devoted her life to serving God. Her passion for spreading the word of God is evident in everything she does, and her commitment to living a life that reflects her beliefs is genuinely inspiring. Apostle Wiley is a shining example of what it means to be a faithful servant of God, whether preaching the gospel, leading worship, or simply engaging with people in her community.

    Her dedication to her faith is matched only by her love for others. She is a kind and compassionate person who always goes out of her way to help those in need, whether it be through prayer, counseling, or simply offering a listening ear. Her generosity and selflessness have touched the lives of countless people, and she continues to be a source of comfort and inspiration to those around her.

    Apostle Wiley's strength and dignity testify to her unwavering faith in God. She faces each day with courage and determination, knowing God is always with her. Her positive outlook and steadfast spirit are a source of encouragement to all who know her.

    In short, Apostle Teyshana Wiley is an exceptional woman who has profoundly impacted the lives of so many. Her commitment to God, love for others, and unwavering strength and dignity make her a true blessing to this generation and beyond.

  • 12335870483?profile=RESIZE_930x

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I Am A Ruby Network is a Nonprofit 501c3 Transforming community that equips and empowers Men and Women in their Purpose, Dreams, and Destiny.