YOU HAVE THE POWER TO WIN-know the enemy

Why is it important to 'know the enemy'? Do you think when this world's military engages in a conflict they are ignorant of their enemy? "Of course not," you say. "They need to know their enemy's purposes, strengths, and weaknesses, tactics, weaponry, and any advantages that are available."

Do you not think then, because of these same reasons, it is important for Prayer Warriors to also be aware of their enemy?

The devil IS real! And he opposes every spiritual life. But the Scriptures tell us "we are not ignorant of his devices." ~2 Corinthians 2:11. Though our focus is to be heavenward, we still need to have information about the devil's tactics and strategies to prepare ourselves confidently for our warfare against him and his cohorts. The more we know, the greater our advantage on the battlefield.

The Father, who knows all, knew that "intelligence of the enemy" is vital and provided much Scriptural data about this subject. The following are 8 FACTS that will help us to be prepared and ready at all times:

FACT 1: The devil, also known as satan (notice I do not capitalize his name, for that is a sign of respect), rarely comes out in the open, or appears as himself. Most frequently he works through people, and he gains control through their choices/habits, desires, and/or appetites.

FACT 2: The devil and his evil associates are created beings. (see Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28:14). They are not all-powerful. Only GOD is!

FACT 3: The devil and his cohorts are limited in knowledge. They do not know of a certainty what people will say or do, not even those seemingly under their power. They cannot read minds.

FACT 4: The devil is limited in presence. Because he is created, he cannot be in more than one place at a time. Only the HOLY SPIRIT has that capability. Since the devil does not have this ability, he is dependent on his demons...and they are in the same situation.

Because of this limitation, we may never, ever have satan, himself, personally involved with us. However, the adage "like father, like son" holds true for the devil and his demons.

FACT 5: Though the other four facts are true, we must never underestimate the devil's cleverness and his power to deceive. He, and his companions, will do anything to stop you from praying to and praising GOD. They will try to destroy you spiritually (through disunity, doubt, depression, worry, a critical spirit, stress, etc.) or physically (through accidents, diseases, appetite, or through danger, such as crime). The one and only purpose for all this is to hurt our heavenly Family.

FACT 6: Likewise, we must never overestimate the devil and his cohorts either. JESUS won the victory over him and all evil on the cross and at the resurrection. This victory is ours as Christians. Evil's doom is sealed. The devil and his demons are the defeated foe, but only if we remain "in CHRIST." And they are well aware of this fact, which is the reason for their frantic and desperate acts.

FACT 7: Many people even Christians, if they give it any thought, have some misconceptions about satan and his cohorts. When asked they seem to think that the devil and his demons are red, green, or black ugly creatures with wicked-looking teeth, horns on their heads, forked tails, part animal with split hooves. And according to some religious denominations, they go around carrying pitchforks so they can toss unrepentant sinners into hellfire. Viewed in such a light, would you not keep as far away from such a creature as you could?

How satan gloats when we think of him and his kind looking like that. Though the Bible describes him as a liar (John 8:44); an adversary (1 Peter 5:8); wicked (Matthew 13:19); slanderous (Job 1:9); cowardly (James 4:7) also says he can change his appearance into that of an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) and v.14 also says, his demons can change themselves into ministers of righteousness. We must expel every erroneous image from our minds, or we could be taken in by their evil cleverness.

They use people, non-Christians, or professed Christians who are not fully committed. These people can be family members, friends, neighbors, or...people who are admired: movie, music, or sports celebrities... The enticements extended are intended for one purpose only: to keep Prayer Warriors from praising and praying to their GOD.

FACT 8: Our enemy cannot invent a problem, test, trial, situation, or circumstance, for which our Commander-in-Chief has not already provided a way of counter-attacking, and driving them from the battlefield

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  • We take God’s word meaning just “1” thing and God has us covered for all that and shall happen to us. Healing it’s not just our bodies, it’s for our finances, relationship, careers, education, all that we are involved in. As stated in 2 Peter 1:3-4 (MSG) Don’t Put It Off; 3-4 Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust. How do we look at this scripture; Everything, the enemy, the no name, his tactic, his emps, all that he do, God has given us a way to handle it.

    Isaiah 54:17 (MSG)

    “Afflicted city, storm-battered, unpitied: I’m about to rebuild you with stones of turquoise, Lay your foundations with sapphires, construct your towers with rubies, Your gates with jewels, and all your walls with precious stones. All your children will have God for their teacher— what a mentor for your children! You’ll be built solid, grounded in righteousness, far from any trouble—nothing to fear! far from terror—it won’t even come close! If anyone attacks you, don’t for a moment suppose that I sent them, And if any should attack, nothing will come of it. I create the blacksmith who fires up his forge and makes a weapon designed to kill. I also create the destroyer— but no weapon that can hurt you has ever been forged. Any accuser who takes you to court will be dismissed as a liar. This is what God’s servants can expect. I’ll see to it that everything works out for the best.” God’s Decree.

    FACT 8: Our enemy cannot invent a problem, test, trial, situation, or circumstance, for which our Commander-in-Chief has not already provided a way of counter-attacking, and driving them from the battlefield.

  • It is  important to 'know the enemy.I believe this world's military engages in a conflict they are not ignorant of their enemy. 

    It is important for Prayer Warriors to also be aware of their enemy?

    The devil IS real! 

  • Syllabus Notes: on the facts:

    8 FACTS that will help us to be prepared and ready at all times:

    FACT 1: The devil, also known as satan (notice I do not capitalize his name, for that is a sign of respect), rarely comes out in the open, or appears as himself. Most frequently the devil works through people, and he gains control through their choices/habits, desires, and/or appetites.

    FACT 2: The devil and his evil associates are created beings. (see Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28:14). They are not all-powerful. Only GOD is!

    FACT 3: The devil and his cohorts are limited in knowledge. They do not know of a certainty what people will say or do, not even those seemingly under their power. They cannot read minds.

    FACT 4: The devil is limited in presence. Because he is created, he cannot be in more than one place at a time. Only the HOLY SPIRIT has that capability. Since the devil does not have this ability, he is dependent on his demons...and they are in the same situation.

    Because of this limitation, we may never, ever have satan, himself, personally involved with us. However, the adage "like father, like son" holds true for the devil and his demons.

    FACT 5: Though the other four facts are true, we must never underestimate the devil's cleverness and his power to deceive. He, and his companions, will do anything to stop you from praying to and praising GOD. They will try to destroy you spiritually (through disunity, doubt, depression, worry, a critical spirit, stress, etc.) or physically (through accidents, diseases, appetite, or through danger, such as crime). The one and only purpose for all this is to hurt our heavenly Family.

    FACT 6: Likewise, we must never overestimate the devil and his cohorts either. JESUS won the victory over him and all evil on the cross and at the resurrection. This victory is ours as Christians. Evil's doom is sealed. The devil and his demons are the defeated foe, but only if we remain "in CHRIST." And they are well aware of this fact, which is the reason for their frantic and desperate acts.

    FACT 7: Many people even Christians, if they give it any thought, have some misconceptions about satan and his cohorts. When asked they seem to think that the devil and his demons are red, green, or black ugly creatures with wicked-looking teeth, horns on their heads, forked tails, part animal with split hooves. And according to some religious denominations, they go around carrying pitchforks so they can toss unrepentant sinners into hellfire. Viewed in such a light, would you not keep as far away from such a creature as you could?

    How satan gloats when we think of him and his kind looking like that. Though the Bible describes him as a liar (John 8:44); an adversary (1 Peter 5:8); wicked (Matthew 13:19); slanderous (Job 1:9); cowardly (James 4:7) also says he can change his appearance into that of an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) and v.14 also says, his demons can change themselves into ministers of righteousness. We must expel every erroneous image from our minds, or we could be taken in by their evil cleverness.
    They use people, non-Christians, or professed Christians who are not fully committed. These people can be family members, friends, neighbors, or...people who are admired: movie, music, or sports celebrities... The enticements extended are intended for one purpose only: to keep Prayer Warriors from praising and praying to their GOD.

    FACT 8: Our enemy cannot invent a problem, test, trial, situation, or circumstance, for which our Commander-in-Chief has not already provided a way of counter-attacking, and driving them from the battlefield

  • Awesome reading.

  • Amennn thanks for the information I know now 

  • yes there are many no names and we should be able to cast them out and rebuke them and loose them in the name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN.

  • Amen, this should be shared with everyone about the no name.  We must change out mindset and eliminate everything tradition and religion taught us about the no name and replace it what God just showed and revealed to us above in the eight facts about the no name and his minions.  In JESUS NAME, AMEN!!!

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