Apostolic Manifestations

The Lord is restoring true apostolic anointing and empowerment. This revival is apostolic in nature. It's a restoration of the fullness of the five-fold ministry and with that, a restoration of the fullness of God's presence and power in the earth. 


There's a place where mass miracles break out. It's that mass breaker anointing that releases miracles on a mass scale, where all throughout the city, miracles will be happening. In all the churches seeking God, miracles will be happening -- out on the streets, in the homes, in the church services -- miracles will be happening. People will just get healed walking into the presence of the glory. People won't even necessarily have to pray for the sick. They will be healed just walking in. Homes will be so filled with the glory that people will be healed just walking into them. There will be such a weight of God's glory upon all of you. 

There is a reason God releases this level of power. In Acts 3, Peter and John were walking to the temple, and God's power healed the lame man. As a result of this one miracle, many heard the word and believed -- this number of men came to 5,000. Instantly overnight, there was a supernatural multiplication because of the miracle power. The whole city was in an uproar because of this one miracle. Its mass miracles for mass harvest. That's the revival I'm talking about for mass harvest. In Acts 8:4, they preached the word with miracles. Multitudes were saved, and there was great joy in the city. When miracles happen, the city will be a happy place. 


Even the government and those in leadership will have to take notice. They will say, "What is happening in our city? What is happening with these Christians? We've never seen anything like this. There's no crime, no sickness in the city; there's just joy in the city." Even the government will have to take notice, whether they want to or not. 

In Acts 9:32-35, there's a connection between apostolic power and mass salvation. Ananeas was bedridden 8 years because he was paralyzed. Peter prayed, and he was healed. And all who dwelt in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord. Two cities were saved -- great power, great miracles, mass salvation, and great joy in the city. It's all connected together. 


The waiting is part of the birthing. This place is an incubator in the Spirit. God is incubating you in the Spirit. Out of the incubator, new life comes forth. There is a place of waiting that will birth this thing into the earth. God has been speaking to me about waiting and tarrying in His presence because there is something released out of that place. It's connected to the latter-rain glory. There is a place of birthing that rains into the earth. 

In I Kings 18:1, God spoke to Elijah. He said, "I am going to send rain on the earth, just like Joel prophesied the latter-rain is coming, and all of your sons and daughters will prophecy." God has been saying that the rain is coming. God spoke to Elijah, and he went up to the top of Mount Carmel. In verse 42, he bows down to ground and puts his face between his knees. In verses 43-46, Elijah is in this place of birthing and waiting on the promise of God. God said that the rain was coming.

There was no doubt in Elijah's heart that it was coming. Six times he sends his servant to see. On the seventh time, he sees a small cloud the size of a man's hand. I see the cloud. It's here. IT'S HERE! We are sitting in the cloud right now. 


There is the simplicity of the gospel coming forth. It's the pure simplicity of the gospel message. The pure simple word of God that causes men to bow down before Jesus is, "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." The sinners repent because it's a simple, pure gospel message. Don't over complicate it.

"Nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved." -- Acts 4:12

There is no other name that can save us. In Acts 8:4-5, Philip preached Christ to them. He preached the simple message of who Jesus was. He preached the word with power. There is a restoration coming of the pure gospel message. There is a new breed being raised up that will carry the pure gospel message like Billy Graham. They will proclaim, "There is no other name by which you can be saved." A pure gospel message will go forth.


A new believer's faith is so simple and childlike. They just believe God's word. That's the key: just believe. They haven't been over-indoctrinated. They take the word for exactly what it says. It's simple, childlike faith -- only believe. Jesus knew we needed it to be easy. We get lost if it gets too complicated. 


In Acts 4:32, we see the apostolic power to get wealth. No one lacked. They sold lands and houses and laid the proceeds of what was sold at the apostles' feet. The apostles distributed wherever there was need. It's the power to get supernatural wealth, not to just get rich.

I'm not saying that God doesn't want us to be blessed, but when the Lord brought the finances to the apostles, they distributed as anyone had need. The power to get wealth was to meet the need of the people. There is a power to get wealth. There is an anointing to get wealth. The wealth of the gentiles is being stored up for us. The apostolic anointing actually draws supernatural finances to itself. It's part of the apostolic authority, so they can then give and distribute to meet the need of the people and see that the work of the kingdom goes forth.

I believe that in the process, God does want to bless us. Jesus never condemned anyone for being rich. If you're rich make sure that you're not worshipping money. Make sure that you are giving to the poor. Jesus never condemned the rich person for having money. He condemned the love of money and holding it more precious than your relationship with God.

We need some good Holy Ghost millionaires. The money was laid at the apostles' feet, and they gave it away. There has been an abuse of finances in the church. You can take anything to an extreme, but that doesn't negate the truth of God's word. God wants us to have lots of money so that we can feed the poor, evangelize to the lost, and see the gospel spread throughout the whole earth. Believe God for abundant blessing in your life! 

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    This blessed us so much; This is where we have felt we have been; but Now It's time to Arise and go forth like never before. incubator is for gaining strength, energy, knowledge, confidence, learning to listen, to hear God specfically, now there is a time to come forth with all that you have gained, bring forth restoration to the people of God. My God. 
    The waiting is part of the birthing. This place is an incubator in the Spirit. God is incubating you in the Spirit. Out of the incubator, new life comes forth. There is a place of waiting that will birth this thing into the earth. God has been speaking to me about waiting and tarrying in His presence because there is something released out of that place. It's connected to the latter-rain glory. There is a place of birthing that rains into the earth. 

  • Amen to thus reading in case I will be patiently waiting in the incubator for new birth amen

     and I love how I read at the end about how God don't condemned you because you have lots of money he condemned you if you worship money and hold it so preciously to you that it affects your relationship with God. he desire us to have lots of money to help the poor and evangelize to the lost and see the gospel spread through out the earth. basically seeing us actually doing our part. what comes back to my rememberance is when God said its hard for rich people to please God now reading this gave me clarity of why and what he desires out of them. amen.

  • Praise God for Mass power and authority Mass salvation and Mass healing praise God for wealth transfer Revival glory to God...

  • Amen. I pray that one day I can become one of those Millionaires to help those in need. We are living in a world that has let the love of money to control them. They have become lovers of themselves and their concern is not about those who are in need.

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