Thus says the Lord of hosts, “If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here” (Zechariah 3:7).
Today’s Devotional:
An experience of “being there” in the council of God is significant for several reasons. First of all, it is an honor when God grants this kind of audience.
Second, the more subjective the experience, the greater the possibility of pure revelation.
Finally, our own thoughts are out of the process, and reception in the spirit realm is in clearer focus. These are important factors to consider because they help us establish the proper mindset for walking in that realm. After all, if God grants us the privilege of such a supernatural encounter as standing in His council, we had better know how to act when we are there.
God gives us instructions for this in His Word (Zechariah 3:7) contains God’s conditions for standing in His council: “walk in My ways and…perform My service.” This involves progressive(developing) steps of faithfulness. If we do those things, God promises that we will govern His house, have charge of His courts, and have free access to those who are standing there.
There are three important guidelines to help protect us from an error during supernatural encounters:
1. Avoid unhealthy familiarity and fascination with their personage(importance).
2. Watch out for the issue of “commanding angels” in spiritual warfare encounters.
3. Be careful to use proper spiritual discernment in the distinction( difference)between true angelic encounters and demonic counterfeits.
Following God’s conditions for entering His council—walking in His ways and performing His service—as well as following these three guidelines for how to avoid error will position us to be among those who “stand there.” The significance of being in the council of God is threefold (see Zech. 3:7).
Look at these questions below and give input on each using the following:
1. What mindset do I need to properly spiritually discern God's true angelic angels and fallen angels?
2. How would I respond to God after he allows me to be an audience in his Holy Heavenly council? What do I need to do within myself before I enter into this dimensional realm? What should I be doing right now to prepare myself, for what is to come?
3. What needs to come subject, for me to experience pure eyesight of a greater revelation with God? How can I fix and change it now? What do I need to do for this experience to take place in my life?
4. What is the significance of my reception in the spirit realm to establish a clearer focus? How can I focus more on God? Did you know when we are FOCUSED(Faith Open Chosen Unlimited Successful Empowerment Doors) it opens up your Spiritual Discernment more?
1. How would you act if God granted you to stand before His throne at this very moment? Would you know what to say? What to do? How to follow the heavenly protocol? (Please be honest, it is ok if you do not know what to do) this is a training Bootcamp, that is preparing you for such a moment as this.
2. Look at the promises we can look forward to if we perform His service in progressive steps of faithfulness. Of these— governing His house, having charge of His courts, and having free access to those who are standing there—which is most exciting and why? Which are you most unsure of? Why?
3. The three guidelines to help protect us from an error during supernatural encounters show what traps we need to avoid. Of these three, which would be the trap that might ensnare you the most easily? Why?
4. How do you intend to seek the counsel of God? What will put you in a position to be in the council of God and receive its benefits or promises?
5. How then should we walk among those who are standing by in the council of the Lord? What should be our demeanor in His presence?
6. How do you enter the presence of God? Does humility accompany your communion?
The key—the only acceptable posture—is a spirit of humility in the holy fear of the Lord.
1. What mindset do I need to properly spiritually discern God's true angelic angels and fallen angels? Praise God we believe the mindset of God and Jesus. Having know your position and there position l after studying them you will know how to call on them in certain situations. Activating them and having faith that they activated to do what they position is to do. God put us in charge over the Angelic Angels they are there to go at our command. We must know that. We must they here to help and assit us in all ways they can spiritually. We must think how God dose when it comes to calling on them.
2. How would I respond to God after he allows me to be an audience in his Holy Heavenly council? What do I need to do within myself before I enter into this dimensional realm? What should I be doing right now to prepare myself, for what is to come? For me i wouldnt know how to repond i probably will babble to make light of the situation but no real conversation meaning anything just speaking because im in amazement that He has me there. Let go of Fear and thinking i will mess up the experience. I need to Forgive myself also i dont desire to be in his place he can clearly see i havent forgiven myself. I need to read more to of His word as well in case of a quiz omg so much to be done. I feel now i should keep studying and recapping and i feel i should keep being in my new small ciricle of people because it was alot of people i have to let go. Even the ones i have regular talks with alot i have changed to hear God better that i didnt know was a issue at first. Glory to God so just going to keep this circle small so i can hear Him.
3. What needs to come subject, for me to experience pure eyesight of a greater revelation with God? How can I fix and change it now? What do I need to do for this experience to take place in my life? For me I'm going to say fear again it's just fear that I'm going to mess up everything you know and disappoint him so that's what I need to work on now to come subject to because I really want God to be impressed and happy with me. i still have that you know inkling in the back of my head. I've been battling it for a while now so brushing it off to the side I think I need to just deal with it now you know and remind myself that God is with me every step and I am not going to fail because there is no failure in HIM so there's no failure and me so just constantly reminding myself of that now so it can be changed before I have the experience.
4. What is the significance of my reception in the spirit realm to establish a clearer focus? How can I focus more on God? Did you know when we are FOCUSED(Faith Open Chosen Unlimited Successful Empowerment Doors) it opens up your Spiritual Discernment more? I believe i can focus more establishing my times better for Him so far im coming along better with speaking sway over my life and more focus. So setting times and getting myself in a more quite space. Yes i believe my discerment is open up more with me being focused. i caught myself recently picking up on a situation i normally would have missed so reading this reminded me of Yes i believe the more focus the open i will be to spiritual discernment.
1. How would you act if God granted you to stand before His throne at this very moment? Would you know what to say? What to do? How to follow the heavenly protocol? (Please be honest, it is ok if you do not know what to do) this is a training Bootcamp, that is preparing you for such a moment as this. Blessings we would have to say no we think I'm I would have went blank because we wouldn't know what to think or say because we are at the throne literally at God's feet and he is such a spirit being that we have been Desiring to meet in person so it's just to see in the be in the courts and then you know I'm on the council it would literally would have blew our minds back and we literally wouldn't really know how to utter a word. We probably would have felt a little pressure because even though he's been with us this entire time it's a whole nother situation to be in his domain when he's so used to being in our domain wherever we are and for us to be in his domain and Heaven you know visitation it's a little pressure.
2. Look at the promises we can look forward to if we perform His service in progressive steps of faithfulness. Of these— governing His house, having charge of His courts, and having free access to those who are standing there—which is most exciting and why? Which are you most unsure of? Why? We are excited about all of it all of it excites us it's just so it's such an honor to be over it you know we would be totally honored also we would feel like I mentioned before a little pressure because we want to impress him and we want him to be proud of us so we think we would be you know giving it our best shot to make sure that he's not regretting giving us the position of being over the courts and the houses and such praise God.
3. The three guidelines to help protect us from an error during supernatural encounters show what traps we need to avoid. Of these three, which would be the trap that might ensnare you the most easily? Why? Praise God we are going to go with number two and number 3 we believe that we need to work more on our spiritual discernment and we need to work more with knowing more about our angels we know some of them Michael r a c l Carmichael we know about a few of those angel that is in you know the head command warrior angel but there's more Angel we still need to get to know and we feel we need to get into a place where in our study time we're making sure we put in that in we don't want to miss out we do know about far as the angel goes how the evil angel can even posed as light you know in heaven as well but we also know that the Angels lie you know the evil angels they lie and they can't help you know from doing that because that is where they come from you know a place of Lies so we believe we're okay on that point but far as how the positions are of each angel I feel like I need to go back and read study their positions you know of the rest of them.
4. How do you intend to seek the counsel of God? What will put you in a position to be in the council of God and receive its benefits or promises? Honestly we don't know I've never been interested until yesterday's reading and it's made me really think about it and really you know wonder you know have I ever been told any of his secrets and just having noticed have I ever shared it when he didn't want me to share I think I may have but I'm not 100% sure but I know it definitely put me in a place where I don't want to if you know if I wasn't supposed to and you know I want to make sure that I am in alignment with God and only move when you tells me to as well as speak when he tells me to so we don't have the slightest clue on how to proceed to seek the counsel of God.
5. How then should we walk among those who are standing by in the council of the Lord? What should be our demeanor in His presence? We should walk in boldness we should walk in fearlessness we should walk in on prophetic and 19th we should walk in our Seer anointing we should be walking and gossett is in everything when we are in the presence are those standing by in the counsel of the lord we should be walking the walk as well as talk as a top for me I think that we should have a spirit of humbleness and calmness about us when we are in his presence and we should also have an open ear so here and we should have just a understanding and Counselable Spirit ready to be taught you know what needs to be done.
6. How do you enter the presence of God? Does humility accompany your communion? We are going to say we think we should have the spirit of humbleness when in his presence we believe that we should be in our spirit and be able to discern and keep up with what's going on and what's the instead we believe that we should have a clear mind we believe that we should have a ready spirit for what he is about to share with us and what we need to do you know so that's our frame of mind on that and we also should put on our thinking cap to think like the Lord would you know and and situations like this and around people that are in his council standing by.
1: I will say we need to have the same mindset as God because we can’t know which Angels are which if we have our fleshly mindset. Because the fallen angels still have their wings and their powers as well even though they use it for the negative. So we really need to have our minds like Christ. That’s the only way we are going to have spiritual discernment to know which one is which.
2: I will respond in honor because he has trusted me to be in his holy council. It will feel like a fairy tale because God is including me in his inner audience kind of like God introducing me to his family. It’s like when a man is really into you he wants you to introduce you to his family. some God is doing that to me. I will need to clear everything, destroy every old habit, every negative thing in my life. Have Godfidence in God. Trusting in me and loving me completely. You have to clear everything so you can move on to the dimensional realms. Getting mycellf in preparation, studying, up on in so i can know what to expect. Trusting in your realationshift with God.
3: Being tapped into the spiritual realms. As I was yesterday God came in and had his way. He was talking to me about pulling all the old weeds up. And plant the new garden so my mind can transform just like his. That’s my pure eyesight seeing mycellf picking the weeds and letting go. I can fix it by letting go because all that stuff doesn't need to come with me. On this journey God wants to show me a great awesome life with just me and him and we make it happen. He is my future. I can’t live without him.
4: My reception is to clear everything out to focus on the target and allow God to show me whatever he desires to show me. God will show me my life and tasks sometimes. My reception is good in the spiritual realm so many beautiful realms that are out there more to see. Yes it does I discernment I think I’m not focused on it at times that’s prolly why I have been slacking at it. I have to focus on my spiritual discernment more in order for it to work that’s with everything in life.
1: How would I act if God granted me to stand at his throne? I will be very excited, honored, speechless, very loved. Because he is taking me to his most sacred place. I remember he showed me one of his thrones when I was younger. However, now I am in a new mindset. It will make me feel so special , it will be like a privilege. I will never want to wake up. I will say I am honored to be here and trusting me in your presence. Just go with the flow, ask him for guidance and have Godfidence. By asking God to give me the wisdom I will have to have the same mindset as him thinks he will think.
2: He trusted us to handle his affairs and put everything back as if he would have. We have the power to change people's hearts and minds. That’s what makes it so exciting. We have the power to help him. Even though he doesn't even need our help. He still trusts us to do his will. None anymore I know what must be done. The reason why is because I have no time to play anymore that’s why.
3: I will say the third one will be the one I think that will catch me in a trap it has already caught me in. So this is why I need my spiritual discernment to kick in. I have to be focused other than that it will most definitely keep trapping me. The reason why I have to study to know more about my gifts is that's all it is to it. It’s time for me to get to work.
4: I intend to keep seeing him and doing whatever there is I need to do to keep seeing his counsel. His counsel is the most important counsel there is. The title you are willing to claim in him. Are you going to follow your purpose or are you going to follow yourself. The position he has placed in your life I have no choice but to follow his counsel I am a prophet. To get the promise obey the instructions he gives us, and speak the promises you desire to existence.
5: We should walk normally and help them get where we are. We must walk the same way as Christ Jesus, did he walk normally and he walked with loving everyone and helping everyone. Our demeanor should be us living the life of happiness and love. That’s all it should be, it shouldn’t be with our noise up in the air we must try to help one another. The Lord was us to walk with the spirit of love. We must be grateful to walk this walk with God in the first place.
6: By praying or meditating on his word. Meditating and getting to know you and him. Silence is the best key to being in his presence as well. Ir worshifting him as well trusting in him is the number one key. No humility does not accompany my communion because God is the whole reason why we are in the positions where we are in today, because of him. He is the reason why my life is like it is right now. Thank you Lord!
1.We would be kneeling, with great gratitude, worshiping Him, praising Him, bowing down to Him. We would be in such awe, words probably wouldn’t come out, but our heart would be truly so happy and in delight we would begin to worship with songs. Knowing we have ever heard of this but saying to us we would be worshiping Him; Ps. 100:4 “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him and bless his name. That’s what we feel in our Spirits; it’s a song coming is our Spirit as we are typing this. “bow down and worship Him”, My God bow down and worship HIM.
2.This is exciting to us as well as rewarding, something to look forward to; We feel with God’s help that “having charge of His courts, and then having free access to those who are standing there. We are unsure of “governing His house”. But we will be willing to learn about it. We are taking ownership of all that God planted down on the inside, embracing the “LeaderShifter”. All of the Assignment He has set in place for us, Pastoral-ship within our Spirit. Knowing that God has called us to this, we must be at our best behavior, laying aside all that will take us out of His will, committing ourselves the more.
3.Watch out for the issue of “commanding angels” in spiritual warfare encounters. This we feel that we don’t know much about Angels, we know some, but we don’t know enough to watch what we are doing. We shall begin to study more in-depth, to have the true understanding and how to use what we know. This is especially important, because we have to know, where we are going, we have to know, understanding what is really going on.
4.Seeking God, getting more into His word; Ps. 73:24 “With Your counsel You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory.” Ps. 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. Understand and apply it to our daily lives. Fasting, praying as well as walking in obedience, show love the more, we have to abide in God, His Word.
5.We walk among the leadershifter with great gratitude, not placing them above God, but presenting from our heart to them the upmost respect, flowing with love, expressing true loyalty, with sustaining responsibility. At awe, our expression should be in honor to Him, to our God, releasing thanksgiving, appreciation, worship, and praise, as well as sitting and listening to His Words that He is revealing.
6.For us, we may begin listening to a worship song such as “I need your Glory” or “Defender”, which allow our mind to release all that is not needed. We begin to give Him adoration, esteeming Him, we find out it’s not all about asking at this time, but reverencing Him, with great exaltation, admiring, glorifying Him with worship from our heart. Most definitely humility plays a dynamic role, bowing down to Him whether physically or from our heart. MY God.