Seer's Devotional Realm Day 6

Now, there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).

Today’s Devotional Clearly, the prophetic anointing manifests in many diverse ways. All arise from the same Holy Spirit, who gives as He wills. With this in mind, a warning is in order. There is a deadly poison that can kill our ministry and our ability to walk in our anointing, whatever it may be: the poison of covetousness.

Comparing ourselves to someone else and wanting what they have produces death. We should never judge or evaluate our anointing by someone else’s anointing. It is vitally important to avoid jealousy and insecurity. God has plenty of anointing to go around. Let’s be satisfied to seek our own calling and walk in our own anointing. The antidote to this poison is to learn to walk in accountability with others, cultivating faithfulness while giving ourselves to the unique expression of grace that God has imparted to each of us. Sometimes we are prone to allow ourselves to be hindered by rejection, criticism, legalistic traditions, and the restrictive yokes and molds of others’ unrealistic and erroneous expectations.

The Holy Spirit will help us and liberate us to be unique and varied expressions of His wonderful prophetic presence, and yet to walk circumspectly with integrity within the Church.

1. When God assembles His people, the anointing manifests itself in diverse ways. Why do people tend to think that there is a formula or one-size-fits-all anointing?

2. Why does covetousness become a major deterrent to the anointing? How does this happen? Have you ever coveted another per- son’s anointing or experience?

3. Have you ever judged or evaluated your gifts or anointing by someone else’s anointing? What dangers lie in such an evaluation? How can we be freed from such comparisons?

4. When we are satisfied with our own calling, we acknowledge certain aspects of God’s character. What are some of these? How does faith come into play in order to walk in our own anointing?

5. Do you have accountability to people with whom you can cultivate faithfulness to your gifts? If so, how do they call you to accountability? If not, who could become your team of exhorters to keep you on track?

Meditation God has never been in a box.

We are the one's inboxes! It is time to let the Holy Spirit take the lid off, so that, in gratitude to Him, we can become all that we can be in Him.

Let’s let His anointing destroy the yoke. Instead of wishing we were somebody else or had what somebody else has, let’s be faithful and accountable to walk in the unique expression of grace that God has given to each of us.

What box are you in?

What will you do to let the Holy Spirit take the lid off your box?

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  • 1.Answer. I feel that the people may think that one fit all because they may not of been taught and so they think that theres not a diverse anything.

    2.  Answer i believe it comes in by when a individual may have been battling it any how even before they enter the ministry world. I mean some tend to get jealous of others of what they dont have and so when entering tye ministry and you havent delt with that side of yourself then yes when someone anointing is shining to you you see them getting alot of attention from it they become jealous at that. Instead of building on they relationship with God. And flowing under the anointing he bless them with. 

    3. Answer. I havent did the compare anointing thing..i seen how prophets and prophetess are and wanted to be powerful like that and seen what prophets are cable of...i was inspired. Once i seen that my flow was different from theres i was greatly ok with it. I was at a point were since i didnt start off flowing in the way i thought i should i was discourage. But i kept at it and seen i do flow just differently. But to get rid of the comparing and such is mors time with yourself and God and he will let us know that we operate differently for a reason. 

    4. Answer. What i got from God character is that he is a Man of his word so what he say he means. And thats facts. Im greatful for the faithfullness he shows me daily it inspired me to be faithful as well. Really enjoy spending time with him. He shows me i can come to him for comfort. He corrects me and make sure i watch my step. He always speaking to us he desire us to live right and be faithful right back. 

    5. I have a few that likes to come to me about of there situations and they like to hear the wisdom i carry of what to say to them. Or they like to tell me they dreams. I have a team of I AM A Ruby that i can count on and they also help keep me on track as well.

    1. Answer. I feel i grew out the box i was in. God has upgraded me further in my gifts.

    2. Answer. He has given me free access to explore and go deeper in it. Thats what im doing now. Ne'eman

    1. We feel people think there is a certain way or formula, it comes from traditional teaching, not seeking out the real, they believe exactly what the leaders are teaching and/or preaching. With the scripture, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6; “Now, there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. The key is “The Same” everyone is different, situations ae not the same, but with the Holy Spirit it can accomplish, but with different actions.
    2. Most people and especially people of God they have a competition spirit, feeling like they are the only one God gave something to; jealousy, enviousness begin to circle around then there come division then the anointing is very much limit. Holy Spirit is gentle, well mannered, among many other characters. People have to believe there is room, enough to spread around, no matter what, we have to stop tearing people down, stop bashing, stop hindering. Yes, we walked in jealousy because wondering why that person had the opportunity to do as God said and we couldn’t. So, we wanted what they had until God Spoke and pull me to the side and said there is room. We had to pull ourselves together and begin to seek Him. That’s why today when God speak for us to do something doesn’t matter who’s doing it or who’s not, we shall go forth with it. Because there is room.
    3. Yes, when we didn’t know who we were, who we didn’t recognize what was on the inside of us. The danger in that was, being disobedient to God, that’s dangerous, not being whom He created you to be. Become the Best You, knowing the YouwithinYou is the best and pure way to be free. HalleluYAh.
    4. One is deep down in our Spirit we know God is Faithful. Knowing whom we really are, has recognize when God says something, that is what it is. Seeking God has brought out a lot, by knowing God is Faithful take us to Real, God is Real from there He is a corrector, He will correct You. Because He wants you to be all He has designed you to be. Trusting God for who He is, getting to know that God is Faith, when we “try Him” at His Word that opens the door even wider for Faith to come in.
    5. Yes, because if we say we are going to do something, and we don’t we will be getting a call. And that helps us to be accountable to God as well, if we can’t be accountable with ourselves then move to people how can we be accountable to God. Practice, try it you will definitely enjoy the freedom.
  • 1: Because they are afraid to see if their is more than what they are. They wrather have the pastor tell them, what they are then to ask God what they anointing is in him. What did he called them to do?  So people are afraid to step out on there own and do the ministry God has design for them. So now there gifts as just sitting there wasting away. 

    2: Because people see other people anointing and they are like wow, He or she anointing and they start to question they own ability and see that they want someone else anointing instead of there own. But they don't know what they person have to do get where they are at.  By them being afraid of the other persons anointing and wanting the same thing. Yes I have had some experiance I wanted to have the anointing of this Women she was a powerful women of God. I said I want to speak just like Her, and a couple of prophets from the bible. But now I told God that I just want my own anointing know whar they had been through makes you say I have my own anointing to carry not other anointing to carry.  So I'm no longer afraid of someone else anoining anymore because I'm learning mines. 

    3: Yes I have and it is not good why do us as people need to judge anointings for. We all have the same spirit but different gifts and different styles of doing the work of the Lord. We can't be afraid of other people anointing we all have to spirit of God inside of us so why are we afraid of our fellow brother or sister anointing. Yes it is and that's where jealously come to place and all the other spirits comes in and try to make you feel all types of ways. By casting out those spirit and embracing your own anointing in God. 

    4: Being awaken with your eyes open to all certian stuff you used to do and feel. And you look at it like what was you thinking and how dare you. You also start to be grateful for your gift that God has given you. You begin to work on it and grow it up like it's your baby. Believing in the power within you and knowing that your abililty is just as good as everyone else. 

    5: Yes we have five thousand people listening in and they a very faithful to my anointing. They love to hear us speak the Word of the Lord. They look at me as a leader in the spirit and as administrative over a large nationwide oragnitzation. By praying and fasting daily getting all of that negative stuff out of our lives. Loving who we are in God. 

    No box anymore I'm free to explore my Gifts freely in the Lord. 

    By reaching even higher in the Lord daily. 

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