Kingdom wealth will evolve from the three biblical dimensions of Kingdom riches: spiritual riches, community riches, and economic riches. The word of God is rich with a balance between all three. We have entered a time in which these three dimensions will operate in concert with one another as Kingdom entrepreneurs who have specialties in each begins working together. And these Kingdom entrepreneurs will change the world, as we know it today.
The five-fold ministry of apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and evangelist will always be with us. But the needs for the coming harvest are such that functionally they can be expected to manifest more strongly in the community and economic arenas, as the Body begins operating with a greater unity and singleness of purpose. What that will mean will be the ministries making the biggest impact in the days before us will be those that touch not just lives, but entire communities. Ministries that understand the dynamics of the interactions between the spiritual, the community and the economic dimensions of “God’s Kingdom riches” --- and know how to apply them toward the advancement of His Kingdom.
The ministries poised for the coming power shift will recognize the very significant role of the emerging group of nation-changers patterned after the Biblical Joseph and Daniel, and that of the enterprises they direct. Modern-day Josephs will serve key roles as anointed kingly leaders in the accomplishment of God's purposes. “Leaders” modeled after Old Testament “entrepreneurial kings,” like Abraham, Isaac, Joseph and King David who time and again served God’s purposes of redemption and restoration for His people.
Similarly, alliances between these modern-day nation-changers and anointed, chosen non-believers patterned after the Joseph-Pharaoh alliance will take the kingly paradigm a step further. It is an apt parallel to the unique opportunities associated with God's initiatives that will be brought forth for the critical times we are entering. The fact is the Joseph-Pharaoh model was outside the box of the traditional religious mindset God’s people had in Joseph’s era. It was an unusual, unconventional alliance to the religious standards embraced by Joseph’s family. But it was the divine strategy God chose to circumnavigate the famine coming to the earth at that time.
Today’s Josephs will address the power shift and upheavals of our day by anticipating change and facilitating initiatives beyond the scope or vision of traditional ministries. At the forefront of their key functions will be the spearheading of the wealth transfer. And this role of releasing Kingdom riches will facilitate the restoration and redemption needed to build communities and impact nations. Restoration and redemption facilitated by coalitions and strategies targeting the restoration of Israel and the command in Isaiah 58:10 of reaching out to help the oppressed, the poor, the hungry, and afflicted.
As this wealth transfer begins unfolding, there will be a shift from the ministry model of recent decades. Most established parachurch organizations are the result of entrepreneurial exploits that have built medium-sized to worldwide organizations based on a high profile, personality-based, fund-raising model. There is no question that this God-given model has served an essential role for its time in connecting and building up the Body spiritually.
But the times are changing. And the parachurch model that arose in the fifties and sixties will give way to models more suited to the needs of the era we have entered: models incorporating not only the spiritual but the community and economic dimensions of God’s riches. These models will birth a mix of both micro and macro-level entrepreneurial Kingdom initiatives.
AND these models will operate on the basis of God’s economy, and be driven by cooperative, community and inter-organizational efforts. They will exemplify the principle of the power to get wealth that He might establish His covenant. As the establishment of God’s covenant paradigm reemerges, it will be coupled with the restoration of God’s economic model.
God’s economy will release redemption and restoration that will build communities and change nations. The old paradigm will shift to one with Kingdom entrepreneurs and modern-day Josephs and Daniels advancing cooperative initiatives encompassing the spiritual, community and economic dimensions of God’s riches.
Kingdom entrepreneurs who will operate with a gift for spotting an opportunity and translating that opportunity into community-building and nation-changing agendas that advance the Kingdom of God.
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My God, never heard this before, but taking note, however, we knew there was a more excellent way, God truly has a plan for us to live, operate in His Riches. Implementing the impact in the spiritual, community, and the economic riches arena. This is awesome.
If we stay in the word, live and breathe the word, these blessings will change dynamics of our lives. We should surround ourselves with like minded people....
Praise the Lord.... God’s economy will release Property purchase pursuit recovery redemption retrieval salvage winning, and Rebuilding reclamation recovery rehabilitation renewal renovation revival alteration Cure healing reformation rejuvenation remaking return reestablishment remodeling, that will build communities and change nations. The old paradigm will shift to one with Kingdom entrepreneurs and modern-day Josephs and Daniels advancing cooperative initiatives encompassing the spiritual, community and economic dimensions of God’s riches.
Kingdom entrepreneurs who will operate with a gift for spotting an opportunity and translating that opportunity into community-building and nation-changing agendas that advance the Kingdom of God.
I take ownership of every word in Jesus mighty name amen
Great reading. Wealth lines up with the word of God.
Kingdom wealth will evolve from the three biblical dimensions of Kingdom riches: spiritual riches, community riches, and economic riches. The word of God is rich with a balance between all three. I just learned something never knew. And how they all form together as a balance.