Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2584)

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True Love Comes Only From God!

True Love Comes Only From God


It never ceases to amaze me how people who don’t: know, comprehend, believe in or even acknowledged the very existence of our God; can set aside a day …..that honors the very essence of who He is!


Our Sword simply stated in that God IS love.  Therefore, anything that is outside of who God is cannot be categorized as love.  This concept of God as love is difficult for many to grasp – especially those of us who use English as our primary language.   Many other dialects don’t use the same word to show emotions of various degrees.  However, we use a singular word “love” to express our feelings in every arena - from food to our possessions, to our spouses, to our children, to our pets – EVERYTHING that we have a deep affection for.


However, anything that is not in accord with who God is, is not Love.  Many, for centuries have adapted the enemy’s concept and have been so misinformed concerning the definition of love. Man has thought that he can apply this word love to and in any situation. To simply state it - every affection or relationship that is outside of, and is not in conformity with God’s word, is not truly love.  Call it what you will – however you are only deceiving yourself!


Man has made an attempt to fill that place in his life that God has reserved just for Himself with various “counterfeits”.  When we begin to understand the true Love of our God – then we will aggressively begin to remove every imitation, every fake expression, every “pacifier” that the enemy has provided. 


Sooooo here we go…. On the Valentine’s Day – if you’re involved in any relationship be it: extra-marital, adulterous (sex w/ a married partner that is not yours), fornication (sex outside of marriage), gay or lesbian - and you THINK that you are in “LOVE” – wake up and smell the coffee!  You have settled for something much less than the true love God has intended for you to enjoy. 


God’s love for us has no limits or boundaries.  God’s love is expressive.  It’s because of His love that He has placed inside of each of us, that we have a desire, to also communicate that love to others.  However, it’s His game and He has set the stakes high!  Don’t lower your standards.  Don’t diminish your royal, priestly position (I Peter 2:9).   Be determined that you will only accept the best.  Be determined to go “against the grain”.  Dare to be different!  But above all dare to be RIGHT! God is LOVE (I John 4:7) ….. and whatever is not of Him….is not love!  

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.....From The Inside Out

…..From the Inside Out


Today marks the beginning of a time when we in the Christian arena turn our focus towards the period of temptation and persistence that our Saviour endured just for us.   This season of Lent affords us the opportunity to learn many valuable lessons from the Lord. 


Christ was able to endure every temptation that He encountered because He lived His life from the inside out.  He didn’t allow the occurrences that transpired to diminish who He knew that He was.  He maintained His focus and never lost sight of His ultimate goal.  He lived His life from the inside out.


In my opinion, the duck is a perfect example for today’s meditation.  Many people don’t like to eat the duck because they say that it’s too greasy.  No doubt you heard the expression, “Like water rolls off of the duck’s back.” (Or something to that effect.)  Well, the reason why water will roll off of the back of a duck, is because the back of the duck is composed with glands that constantly secrete oil.  Just to summarize the whole process; when water falls on the back of the duck, the water can’t penetrate the oil covering that’s being produced – from the inside to the outside! Therefore, that water on the outside, has little or no effect on the duck, because of what’s on the inside.


As we go through this Lenten Season I would encourage you to not just give up something for a 40 day period. Why not during this period of consecration…. allow the power of the Holy Spirit to illuminate some of the areas on the “inside” of you where He is not in full control?  During this Lenten Season let’s draw our attentions more to the Spirit realm instead of the sensual realm.  (What is discerned by our senses; what we see, hear, taste, touch and smell.) 


Our only chance for successfully walking down our God ordained path, is to learn to live this life from the inside out.  What’s on the inside will come out.   Matthew 23:26 instructs us to clean the inside of the cup and the outside will be come clean. 


So during this 40 day period, initiate a permanent change. Be determine to allow your “back” to become so saturated with the oil of the Holy Spirit that dwells in you; that whatever the enemy throws you way, will have no lasting effect. …… it will just roll on off……because you are living your life from the inside out.

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Miracle or Lifestyle????

Miracle or Lifestyle?


Are you still waiting with great expectation for your next miracle?  Well… that’s great!  However there needs to come a time in our lives, when our level of faith augments from little faith to great faith.  In other words, in all actuality – Why did Christ perform miracles?  Was it not to affirm His character among the non-believers, increase their level of faith, and to draw them into a trusting relationship with Him?

A miracle can be defined as an act of God that can be identified by both believers and non-believers; and that defies the laws of nature. 

As we do a little research we will readily discover that every miracle is associated with some degree of faith.  Miracles are for those who are still yet “babes” in their level of faith concerning the Lord.

So, let’s climb down out of those high-chairs, take the bibs from around our necks and walk in the assurance of every Word that God has spoken!  It’s time for us to live a lifestyle of daily occurrences that defy the laws of nature. It’s time for us to walk in the confidence of the Lord that is recorded in I John 5:14. 

How do we increase of level of faith?.... By getting out of the boat.  In other words …by coming out of our comfort zones and trusting God to do exceeding, abundantly MORE that we could ever ask or think…  And know that He will do it according to that power that works, lives and reigns in us. (Ephesians 3:20)


Come on now… The world needs to see US; the true believers God, living a lifestyle that is “Faith” filled and not join with them in a “Fear” filled lifestyle.

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Challenge For Today!

Challenge of the Day!!!

I recently visited a church where the congregation sang an awesome love song to the Lord.  When I left, the Lord said to me, “If half of the people who SANG about their love for me actually SHOWED that love, then the world would truly know who I am”.  He went on to say how we really don’t know how to love – because what we call love is not true love, but usually some warped expression that has been passed on to us.  He said, “It’s so simple!  I’ve shown you exactly what love is and even had it penned in I Corinthians 13.” 


Sadly to say…normally, we will show expressions of what we call love to those who: look, sound, and smell like us!  …Those who shop where we shop, eat where we eat and drive the vehicles complimentary to ours.  Now don’t misunderstand – it isn’t wrong to enjoy the “finer things” in this life.  However, it’s now time to realize and begin to comprehend the full essence of God’s love for us.  It’s time for you to realize that God needs to use you to extend to others that unconditional love that He has shown to you.  It’s time to for us to expand our mindset, slay that demonic spirit of pride, and begin to be an example of the love that we sing about.


So the mission for today (Should you decide to accept it!) …. is to SHOW an expression of unconditional love to someone that you normally would not consider.   Ask the Holy Spirit to work out all of the details…and He will.  He is just waiting for a “Yes” from you.  Then, daily ask the Lord to use you, as the channel through which He can show this dying chaotic world who He really is.  People need to know that all is not lost….. Because we have a God who is still the Lord over every situation and circumstance…. and who loves them unconditionally!  


Yes, it’s okay to sing about the love of the Lord…. And that appeases us.  However, it’s far better to SHOW His love…..and that pleases Him!


(Read: I Corinthians 13 in the Amplified Version and in The Message Bible)

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Still No Peace!!!

Still No Peace!!!


As I communicate with many of you it is apparent that a majority of you are still not allowing the peace of God to rule your lives. You must remember that peace is not the absence of troubles, trials, sickness and the like.  Peace is displayed in a mindset that is totally reliant on God for wholeness - and not our circumstances or situations. 


Only as I understand what peace isn’t, can I appreciate the concept that peace means: nothing missing and nothing broken.  One of the statements that I often repeat is…”Don’t lose your focus.”   So again, Saints of God I say…. “Don’t lose you focus!!!”  Set your affections on things above – and not on the things of this world (Colossians 3:2).  We can enjoy some of the benefits and pleasures of this world (as long as they don’t contradict the principles of God!) – But we are not to love them nor permit them to dominate our thinking, actions and our motives (I John 2:15-17).


When we totally comprehend the love that God has for us – then we will permit Him to be the Lord in our lives.  Then it won’t be a struggle to surrender every area of our minds unto Him.  Then the process of renewing our minds can begin.  Then I can begin to absorb the concept that – it is because of His love for me – no good thing will He withhold from me (Ps. 84:11).  


So, whatever is attempting to invade your mindset today; whatever is causing you to doubt the Word of God; whatever has “moved in”;… brought their relatives,  the cat and the dog! – Whatever is drowning out the presence of God….. MUST GO!   I therefore, authorize you today to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH!  Today is eviction day! Kick out every squatter!  Allow the legal resident; in the person of the Holy Ghost, to once again come in and have a free reign of your house.  When He comes in and has access to every area of your house – then he will bring with Him the peace of God that can surpass all understand. 


To have Peace….stand on the Promises…..and walk in the Provision.    If we are going to be triumphant in these endtimes, then we must learn to allow our minds to rest in our all wise, all knowing, everlasting Father…..who has, who is and who will always be.. more than enough! 


As sang by: Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Jehovah Jireh, my provider
You're more than enough for me.
Jehovah Rapha, You're my healer,
by Your stripes, I have been set free.

Jehovah Shamma, You are with me
and You supply all of my needs;
You are more than enough,
You are much more than enough,
You are more than enough for me.

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Defeated Foe or Confident Warrior…….The Decision is Yours!


If we were to take a quick poll of those who are operating in leadership positions within the body of Christ, we would readily discover that many are operating from the mentally of “defeat” instead of “confidence”.   


Today ask yourself from which platform you are truly functioning.  Does your confidence in the promises of God end at the onset of the least little “boo” from the enemy’s camp?  If so… you’re a Defeated Foe!  Has your level of faith still not matured to the state where you can place your petitions before the Lord; according to 1John 5:14 & 15 and move on?  If not….. you’re a Defeated Foe!   Are you still “hoping” after you’ve confidently made all of your decrees and declarations?  If so… you’re a Defeated Foe! 


A warrior is one who can’t be conquered!  Even in the event that the outcome of a given situation may appear to show signs of loss – a true warrior always wins!  Why?  Because a true warrior has the mental stability to maintain their focus in the midst of any situation.  A true warrior will have many battle scars – yet they will still say and mean – “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face” (Job 13:15).  A true warrior will genuinely believe that their hope and trust are in the Lord. (And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee. Ps 39:7). A true warrior will “Always and ALWAY” (w/o the “s”) – have a Praise in their hearts and a shout in their mouth (Ps. 34:1).  A true warrior never quits – but maintains the tenacity of a bull dog.  A true warrior is NEVER impressed nor surprised by anything that emanates from the enemy’s camp – but views every circumstance as an opportunity for God to do the miraculous and His name to be glorified!


So I ask again – Which are you… Defeated Foe or Confident Warrior? Your works and lifestyle tell the story!

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Did You Hear That???

Did You Hear That?


“And when you shall HEAR the sound of marching in the top of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly.”  I Chronicles 14:15


Today the Lord, our Baal Perazim (the God of Breakthrough) is confirming His position in our current battle.  Just as He was with David, He is reminding us that His wisdom still supersedes that of the adversary. 


When reading this story in I Chronicles (or II Samuel) we discovered that Baal Perazim required  David’s response  to be quick and at precisely the right time.  Let’s consider David’s responsibility.

  1. David had to know the voice of the Lord.
  2. David had to remain alert and attentive in the realm of the spirit.
  3. David had to already have his weapons and be positioned offensively.


When we attempt to correlate this story to our daily lives, we must remember that:

  1. David sought the Lord for direction prior to the onset of the battle.
  2. The Lord went before David and “Broke Through” the front line of the enemy’s defense.
  3. Whatever the Lord has done before, He still has the power to do again.


I found it interesting that David was told to LISTEN for a certain sound. If we are going to know exactly when to advance, conquer and reclaim our territory; then we must critique or fine tune our ability to recognize a specific sound. Far too often we are listening to and follow the wrong sound!  For example, David was instructed to listen for a specific sound - the sound of marching.    

Next, the sound was in a designated pace - the tree tops.  Not on the ground, nor in the air, but in the top of the mulberry trees.


So because Baal Perazim had already preceded David, he (David) was able to be victorious.

Our God is still operating as Baal Perazim today.  He has broken through enemy territory and is permitting us to recover all!  But we must LISTEN for our specific marching orders.


Don’t permit a delay in your recovery because you didn’t hear or recognize voice of God concerning His specific instructions, advising you how and when to advance - and recover all!


Just as David did…. Seek the face of God, Listen for the Sound, and March your way to victory.  

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Are You a Spiritual Schizophrenic?


If someone were to ask you that question, what would be your immediate response?  More than likely, everyone would emphatically reply NO!  But if we were to take an inventory of our lives- today - would our “walk” be in alignment with our “talk”.


Basically a “schizo; without getting into too detail; is a mental disorder that makes it extremely difficult and sometimes impossible for a person to tell the difference between what is real and not real; to think clearly; have normal emotional responses; and act normally in social situations.


So, think about your daily walk.  Then consider the following;

  1. In the realm of the Spirit…would it be a plus or a negative to be a schizo?
  2. Can I readily make the distinction between what is real and “temporal”?
  3. Do I display on a regular basis wherever I go the character qualities of who I really am? Or am I still double minded, perpetrating a fraud and an undercover Saint?


Prayerfully consider James chapter 1.  If we are going to make an impact and persevere in these last days, then we will need the endtime wisdom, to strategically comprehend our mission of walking by faith and not by sight!

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It's Manifestation Time!

It’s Manifestation Time!

“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.  Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel: “They’ll rebuild their ruined cities. They’ll plant vineyards and drink good wine. They’ll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables. And I’ll plant them, plant them on their own land. They’ll never again be uprooted from the land I’ve given them.” God, your God, says so.               Amos 9:13-15 (MSG)

I had read the following vision of a Prophet concerning the above verses: “Two men walked through a freshly plowed field, dark and rich with ready soil. The first man had a very large canvas sack hanging in front of him full of corn seed. The man behind him had a large sickle. They began to walk down the first row in the field and soon were walking in perfect step, right-left, right-left... As the first man walked, he would drop a corn kernel, then drive it deep into the soil using his right heel. As soon as his heel came up out of the deep soil, the corn stalk would immediately spring up to full height and the ears of corn would "pop" into fullness. At almost that exact instant, the man carrying the sickle would swipe through the base of the plant, harvesting it immediately - just barely missing the heel of the man in front of him. This continued down the row: at each step, the seed would fall, be planted, spring to life and be harvested - in an instant.”

Many in the body of Christ are daily beginning to reap the benefits and provisions that have been previously prophesized and witnessed by the Saints of old.  The Word for us as endtime warriors is FAITHFULNESS! God has begun to return to us ALL that has been stolen - and lost; be it through ignorance, negligence or abortion.

However, as you begin to receive, you must remain faithful and sincere in your devotion to your calling, your vision, and your purpose. Manifestation without the proper maintenance will result in failure!  

So… Launch out of the box in your cognitive capacities and don’t limit the interpretation of these verses to just your finances. Expect such an increase in your wisdom, knowledge and understanding, that you will begin to become more proactive instead of reactive, in your approach to the dismantling of every diabolical device aimed in your direction.

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…… Can’t run this race with those “cement boots”!


“We have all these great people around us as examples. Their lives tell us what faith means. So we, too, should run the race that is before us and never quit. We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fall.”                          Hebrews 12:1 (ERV)  


Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins.”                                                                                          Hebrews 12:1


In many instances we turned from the sin – but we are still carrying too much excess “baggage”.  It’s time for an upgrade.  Let’s kick it up a notch.  In this season God is requiring a lifestyle of: discipline, integrity and diligence.


Can you identify the “cement boots” in your spiritual life?  God is daily revealing them to you.  Whatever or whomever He is attempting to strip from you - don’t try to cling on it or them.  Let them go! Trust God!  


When we fully trust Him – we will obey Him.  

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Prayer for Wisdom

Prayer for Wisdom

Father God, in Jesus’ name, I come to you thanking you for the wisdom to acknowledge you in all of your ways. 


Your word declares that Wisdom is the principle thing - “The foremost ingredient”.  So today I will begin the process of renewing my mind to the extent that I will seek your wisdom above all else.  With your wisdom, I will accomplish every task to the perfected level that pleases you.


Your wisdom demands that we not simply alter and amend every thought, but every motive, every dream and every issue of life - bringing them subject to your divine will.  Your wisdom demands integrity to the utmost in every area of life from the most minute to the most extravagant.


Your wisdom promotes and provokes us to diligently press towards the mark of that higher calling in Christ Jesus. 


Your wisdom orchestrates the tenacity, the endurance, the discipline, the assertiveness, the guidance and the forbearance required by me to discern and uproot every satanic and demonic weapon formed against me.  Therefore as your word declares, these weapons formed will not be able to accomplish or even initiate the tasks that were assigned to them.


Father, I thank you for the wisdom to press beyond the veil.  The wisdom to no longer be content on this level, or in this place - the wisdom to seek you and you only for my divine direction as I advance in this dimension.  


Because of my uniqueness in you and because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, personally designed and hand crafted by YOU and for YOU; I willingly surrender my entire being - spirit, soul and body to YOU.  You alone and those whom YOU send to me have the wisdom to shape and mold me into your divine vessel.  I thank you for the wisdom to recognize my uniqueness in you.  It is through the revelation of that uniqueness, that I am motivated.  I realize the fact that I will “do things differently”.  Therefore, I decree that I will pattern my life after Jesus and those qualities he displayed.


Father, lastly, I thank you that because I have received your revealed knowledge that wisdom is truly the principle thing;   I will strive now as never before to comprehend, to obtain and to excel in your Kingdom Principles……in your wisdom.                                 


…… In Jesus’ Name.   Amen.



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Can I Still have peace?


Can I still have peace?


P -“Presence” - If I invite the presenceª of God to intervene;

E -“Endure”   - If I endure¹ as a warrior, not whine like a wimp; and view

                         my situation as an open door and not a dead end;

A -“Ask”        - If I ask² God for guidance, and not just do what “I” think is best;

C -“Cry”         - If I cry³ out to the Lord first– and not to other people;

E -“Expect”   - If I expectº and accept. Expect God to give me a strategy – so I’ll

                          keep an open ear  - knowing that I must accept the process.


So….YES! I can still have PEACE in the midst of it all…..But the key is to:

Invite in the presence of God; Endure; Ask God for help; Cry to Him and Expect Him to change ME even when the situation doesn’t APPEAR to be changing.  



a - Exodus 33: 14

1 –James 1:22; II Timothy 2:3

     2 –Proverbs 3:5-7

     3 – Psalm 30:2

     o – Philippians 4:13; Psalm 86:11; Psalm 25:5

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The Day of VICTORY

Day 31- The Day of Victory


There is no battle that I may encounter where I will not be victorious.

Jehovah Izuz Wegibbor”

(The Lord Strong and Mighty – Psalm 24:8)

Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah”

(The Lord mighty in battle—Psalm 24:8)


“Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!” Psalm 24:8


Read: Psalm 24, Luke 10:19 & I John 5


Lord, as this period of Consecration concludes, may I never forget your revealed perceptions and character qualities that I’ve read about for the past 30 days.  Daily you were reminding me of who you are.  Daily you were revealing to me that you alone have the authority, the power, and the wisdom, to enable me to become victorious, in every situation.


So this “IS” a day of victory - because I have come to an awareness that you have equipped me with the proper devices to successfully stand against the wiles of the enemy.

As I encounter various attacks throughout this year, may I remain focused on who you are.  May I obtain an increase awareness of your omniscient presence.  Since you through your Son Jesus, have already successfully defeated every adverse force – may I never forget that I have a blood brought right to the same victorious state.


Therefore, I can only emerge from this consecration with a transformed mindset.  May  I  daily remember that whatever I encounter at this stage; in this dimension, on this plateau and from this platform where I now stand,  -  will propose no  threat to me—I will be victorious.  You have been re-establishing in me for these past 30 days, every facet of who you are.  I am now equipped with the wisdom tools that are necessary for my advancement, my encouragement and to maintain my stamina in you.


Because you are the LORD strong and mighty, because you are the LORD who is mighty in battle; because you cannot be defeated; and because you through your Holy Spirit live and abide in me, I have that same power within me.  Now I can truly proclaim without a doubt that….



Hallelujah—I AM VICTORIOUS!!!! 

(and I know it!!!)

 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 30—The Day of Evangelism


 Ha'ed Ha-Ne'eman”
Jesus -The Faithful Witness (Rev. 1:5).


“……………Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,                             Revelation 1:4 & 5


             Read:Revelation 3:14; John 8:14; Proverbs 14:5 

In these remaining days of this consecration, let us enhance and embrace the mandate that God though Jesus has given to each and every one of us.  The concept which is contained in what we refer to as, “The Great commission”.


The Scriptures reveal that Jesus illustrated to us the importance of being that faithful witness in every aspect of life.  Therefore no matter what we are experiencing, we should remember that we are undergoing: the good, the bad and the ugly; for no other reason than to be a faithful witness to the awesomeness of God the Father.  We are called to endure as good soldiers, and to remind everyone that our God is still the Lord over circumstance.


So Lord, I ask for your assistance in altering my outlook on evangelism.  May my concepts on evangelism not remain condensed to the notion of distributing tracts and specific “outreach programs”.   May my attitude emanate from the viewpoint that I am God’s evangelist “24 - 7 - 365”. May I remember that I am to be a faithful witness for the Lord on a daily basis through my: lifestyle, appetites, desires, conversations and even my appearance.   May I always remember that Jesus, as that faithful witness, never lost His focus; nor permitted the daily occurrences of life to persuade Him or cause Him not to be faithful in His commitment to you, His Father.  May I no longer relinquish or diminish the power and presence of the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost by stating, “Well I’m not Jesus”.  May I now advance towards the walk of maturity and willingly submit, surrender and transform myself to mirror: “I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me the strength” – even become a faithful witness.


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 29 - The Day of Affirming Your Promises

Today O Lord….. surround us with the manifestation of  your promises.


“Ruach HaKodesh ka'sher dibber”

(Holy Spirit Of Promise (Eph. 1:13)



Read:  Acts 2:33 Galatians 3;14; Ephesians 4:21; 4:30


Lord, when your Son walked this earth, there came a time when he had to return back to you.  However, prior to his departure, he promised those whom he loved that he wouldn’t leave them alone – but would send another comforter to them. 


The Holy Spirit is your fulfillment and the revelation of that promise.  Jesus’ disciples now had to trust and rely on the Holy Spirit – one who they couldn’t see, to replace the physical presence of the one that they loved so much. 


As I go THROUGH difficult times and the normal occurrences of this life; may I always cling to and depend upon the eternal, all sufficient power of the Holy Spirit.  May I stand anchored and yet affirm that His manifested presence makes accessible every promise that you have stated in your Word. 


Thank you Lord for being ever present.  Thank you Lord for the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit.  Thank you Lord that I can affirm and confirm the authenticity of your promises through the Holy Spirit.


I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 28—The Day of Realization

……Am I a Good Shepherd or a Hireling?


 HaRo'eh HaTov

(Jesus - The Good Shepherd - John 10:11, 14)

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. St. John 10:11



Read: St. John 10


Lord God, you have chosen to permit your Son to reveal to us a unique relationship – that between the Shepherd and his sheep.


Many of us in reality; cannot fully comprehend the amount of dedication, and unconditional love that is felt by the Shepherd for his sheep.  However, you have told us that the GOOD Shepherd is willing to risk their own life to protect and defend his sheep. That’s love.


So may I mirror the example of Jesus – the good shepherd.  May I establish motives, desires   and guidelines which are in accord with those of a good shepherd. 


May I yield and submit entirely to all that enables me to safeguard my possessions; in the realm of spiritual and in the physical realm.    I will never possess the character qualities of a hireling….thus causing me to abandon what you have entrusted to me.  I will effectively stand against the forces that emanate from the kingdom of darkness; which attempt to cause me to desert dreams and visions that you have given to me.


May I come to an awareness that as your Son gave His life for us –your sheep; I must express the same amount of love for you by being a good shepherd and not a hireling - at any cost.


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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The Day of REALITY

Day 27—The Day of Reality 

The truth will always prevail!


(Lord of all the earth.)


“The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth”.  Psalm 97:5                                                                                                                                  


Read:  Jos. 3:11, 13; Ps. 97:5; Zech. 4:14; 6:5.


Lord, you have established and revealed yourself throughout history as the “Lord of all the earth.”   Without regards given to the: political, economic, religious customs and any other trend of this world – the truth yet remains ….. YOU are still the Lord of all the earth.  


So today may I do a reality check.  I ask that you produce within me awareness that will illuminate every thought pattern that contradicts the reality of who you are.  Areas that have not yet been survived.  Areas where I may have permitted the cares of this world to become residents.  May I carefully “weed out” and forcefully evict these thoughts which have caused me to conform to the ideologies and methodologies of this world.  (Realizing that they have opened the doorways for fear, doubt, unbelief, and the like to enter.)


Since your character qualities don’t possess the ability for you to change; may find security in knowing that it doesn’t matter what occurs within this earth – you are still the Lord of this earth and all that transpires in it.  You have given to us the dominion over the functioning and governing this earth – but you are still Lord.


Therefore, I will exercise my power and authority to exemplify the reality of the fact that your Lordship is ever present.


  I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 26—The Day of Servanthood


 Eved HaKadosh

Jesus, The Holy Servant – (Acts 4:27)


“Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed.”  Acts 4:27 NIV


 Read: Matthew 20:26-28 (NIV); I Corinthians 7:22 (NASV); Philippians 2:7 (NIV); I Corinthians 9:19 (NIV)


Prayer of Servanthood

(Extracted from my book, “Because I Know Your Word, I STAND” @2003)


Father God I thank you for the opportunity to be used of the Holy Spirit to minister to your people.......


Therefore, I have come to the realization that if I am to lead effectively, I must first become a servant.  I will therefore refine my servanthood mentality to the upmost.                                               


As I seek to obtain a more in-depth perception of those whom you have given me to serve, may I continue to curtail or “redirect” my own opinions.  May I submit to the spirit of humility that is required of me, to serve you effectively through serving them.


Lord, I realize the mandate on my life to constantly cultivate every area of my being.  I will never permit pride to mask itself in my life, thus enabling me to become nonchalant, self-satisfied, or complacent in my relationship with you.


You require an excellent commitment.  I therefore decree to align every aspect of my life to display the same.  I will continue to press into your sovereignty.  I will lead with integrity, with expectation and with dedication.  I am a faithful and obedient steward over all that you have positioned in my charge.  This places me in the position to be totally used of you as your proficient servant.


Daily may I continue to realize that I if I am going to be your profitable servant, I must strive, with my entire being to: love the unlovable, teach the unteachable, and reach the unreachable. Then will I be able to demonstrate the servanthood qualities displayed by Christ, and have at my disposal the mentality to serve you to the highest, by serving all men.


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 25—The Day of Establishing Priorities  

Today O God, may I not provoke your anger.


(The Jealous God – Exodus 20:5)

“You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,” Exodus 20:5                                                                                                                                   



(The jealous God – James 4:4&5)

Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously”?                      James 4:4-5 NKJV


Read James 4


When we refer to the words jealous or jealously, normally, we relate to them from a negative prospective.  However, there are always at least two sides to every coin. 


Every attribute of God is still an expression of His love for us.  It is because of that love, that He only desires for us to acquire only the best in every arena.  Many times, because we don’t fully understand the total concept of God’s love for us; we think that He has established unrealistic demands or limits on us.  God’s guidelines for our lives, is always motivated from a perspective of genuine love, true love – the which we have no true concept.  If we could ever understand His love – then we would have no problem adhering to His word – Regardless. 


When in our lives, we have not received the proper application of unselfish love, then, we in return are more prone to lack the ability to properly love God.  In life, this is the reason why we can willingly and willfully disobey Him and reject His love.  Whenever we decide to walk according to our own desires or to delight ourselves in what the world has to offer; we are rejecting the love of God. In reality I am saying – “God I Still Don’t Understand Your Love For Me!”


The Message Bible states James 4:4-5 this way. “You’re cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way. And do you suppose God doesn’t care? The proverb has it that “he’s a fiercely jealous lover.” And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you’ll find. It’s common knowledge that “God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble.”


So Father God I will continue to keep you as the focal point of my life.  In my list of priorities, I will esteem you.  I will bring an amended consciousness to your love for me.  Because I understand your unselfish, “no holds barred” for love for me, I will return the same.  May I always remember that everything I do must be for no other reason - than to express to you and show others my love for you. Anything that has moved you from your place of supremacy in my life; be it prestigious positions, business or personal relationships, money, assets – WHATEVER – will now be moved a position of subordination.  I will no longer “cheat on you” Lord.   You are number one and my actions and motives will reflect the same.  


  I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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The Day of COMFORT

Day 24—The Day of Comfort


 “Jehovah El Ha-Melitz

…….My Lord, My God, My Comforter


(The Lord God my Comforter - Isaiah 51:12A)

                                     "I, even I, am the one who comforts you. Isaiah 51:12A


Read Psalm 91


Storms don’t come to stay…they come and pass.


Therefore, Oh Lord, may I always retain of focus – regardless.  May I never permit the tragedies, the abrupt and sudden onset of situations; to overtake my mind or emotions.  May I always find the comfort and peace that I need, in my assurance of who you are.


Every storm has a purpose.   You have fore warned us that in this world we will have trouble, trials, and tribulations - storms.  However, you have also said to be of good cheer because you have overcome the world.  Therefore, since you have successfully overcome all that this world has presented to you - I also am an overcomer.


When I reflect, I can hear my Grandmother saying that the darkest hour is just before dawn.  So Lord, may I always take comfort in knowing that the sun WILL always appear again.  May I perpetually find comfort in you, Jehovah El Ha-Melitz .  May I stand in the midst of every storm and still yet declare that you are Lord.   


May I remember that you have orchestrated the timing and the nature of every storm in my life.  May I trust and cling to your immutable anchor.  May I never cease to find solace in the guidance of your omniscient and omnipotent eye. 


You ARE my Jehovah El Ha-Melitz – my COMFORTER, my LORD, my GOD!  Hallelujah!


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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