Prayer for Wisdom

Prayer for Wisdom

Father God, in Jesus’ name, I come to you thanking you for the wisdom to acknowledge you in all of your ways. 


Your word declares that Wisdom is the principle thing - “The foremost ingredient”.  So today I will begin the process of renewing my mind to the extent that I will seek your wisdom above all else.  With your wisdom, I will accomplish every task to the perfected level that pleases you.


Your wisdom demands that we not simply alter and amend every thought, but every motive, every dream and every issue of life - bringing them subject to your divine will.  Your wisdom demands integrity to the utmost in every area of life from the most minute to the most extravagant.


Your wisdom promotes and provokes us to diligently press towards the mark of that higher calling in Christ Jesus. 


Your wisdom orchestrates the tenacity, the endurance, the discipline, the assertiveness, the guidance and the forbearance required by me to discern and uproot every satanic and demonic weapon formed against me.  Therefore as your word declares, these weapons formed will not be able to accomplish or even initiate the tasks that were assigned to them.


Father, I thank you for the wisdom to press beyond the veil.  The wisdom to no longer be content on this level, or in this place - the wisdom to seek you and you only for my divine direction as I advance in this dimension.  


Because of my uniqueness in you and because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, personally designed and hand crafted by YOU and for YOU; I willingly surrender my entire being - spirit, soul and body to YOU.  You alone and those whom YOU send to me have the wisdom to shape and mold me into your divine vessel.  I thank you for the wisdom to recognize my uniqueness in you.  It is through the revelation of that uniqueness, that I am motivated.  I realize the fact that I will “do things differently”.  Therefore, I decree that I will pattern my life after Jesus and those qualities he displayed.


Father, lastly, I thank you that because I have received your revealed knowledge that wisdom is truly the principle thing;   I will strive now as never before to comprehend, to obtain and to excel in your Kingdom Principles……in your wisdom.                                 


…… In Jesus’ Name.   Amen.



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  • My God such a beautiful prayer, this is the pray it needed to pray for wisdom. I am so excited that God as placed her in my life she is wonderful and beautiful. Her strength  is very powerful. When she teaches me a lot about everything I need to know about me and the Lord. I am going to share her to the World that man had made. Because everyone needs her in they life trust me. I love you Lord and I love all the Trinty.

  • Lord, we come with Jesus, thanking you for this day, a day to acknowledging you, and to come into your presence after emptying out all the stuff of the day, all the residue that we have on us from ourselves and others. Lord we thank you for your loving kindness, your compassionate for us, we come boldly in confidence, pulling down all distraction, confusion, smoke screens that would try and block our thoughts, from focusing on you. Before all the activities of the day we come quietly before you Oh Lord, developing an ear to hear and listen as you speak. Lord we come at your feet to ask you for the Wisdom to recognize and understanding that real wisdom is knocking at our door, waiting patiently to come in, so we can activate our very purpose, to walk in the fullness of You Oh Lord. We are able to apply it to our lives each day through Jesus, to move effectively to affect others, to obtain the wealth the healing in all areas of our lives, we are coming with Jesus with wisdom by our side.  Your Mighty Words to all hearing so ever gently swiss through the morning, afternoon and the evening, covering all that we need, taking time every day to get into your presence to hear and obey. Thank You Lord, we sealed and shield this prayer with Jesus. Ne’EMAN.  

  • AMEN thank you LORD for the Prayer of Wisdom by Bishop Claudia Boatwright AMEN.

  •  AMEN

  • Father God in the name of Jesus, I receive every word amen

  • Amenn amen and amen

  • Wisdom and knowledge are key factors in our ministry and Father I thank you for crowning my Head with these precious gifts. I receive this in Jesus name.

  • In Jesus name, Lord I thank You for wisdom. Amen Amen Amen 

  • Prayer for Wisdom

    Great prayer I receive it in Jesus Name!

  • Father, I thank you for wisdom and understanding to your will in my life and ministry. I receive this prayer in Jesus Name. 

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