Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2662)

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Day 27 - Day of Reality

Day 27—The Day of Reality 

The truth will always prevail! 

(Lord of all the earth.)


“The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth”.  Psalm 97:5                                                                                                                                  

Read:  Jos. 3:11, 13; Ps. 97:5; Zech. 4:14; 6:5.


Lord, you have established and revealed yourself throughout history as the “Lord of all the earth.”   Without regards given to the: political, economic, religious customs and any other trend of this world – the truth yet remains ….. YOU are still the Lord of all the earth. 


So today may I do a reality check.  I ask that you produce within me awareness that will illuminate every thought pattern that contradicts the reality of who you are.  Areas that have not yet been surveyed.  Areas where I may have permitted the cares of this world to become residents.  May I carefully “weed out” and forcefully evict these thoughts which have caused me to conform to the ideologies and methodologies of this world.  (Realizing that they have opened the doorways for fear, doubt, unbelief, and the like to enter.)


Since your character qualities don’t possess the ability for you to change; may I find security in knowing that it doesn’t matter what occurs within this earth – you are still the Lord of this earth and all that transpires in it.  You have given to us the dominion over the functioning and governing this earth – but you are still Lord (Psalm 24:1).


Therefore, I will exercise my power and authority to exemplify the reality of the fact that your Lordship is ever present.


  I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.



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Day 26 - Day of Servanthood

Day 26—The Day of Servanthood 

 Eved HaKadosh

Jesus, The Holy Servant – (Acts 4:27)

“Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed.”  Acts 4:27 NIV


 Read: Matthew 20:26-28 (NIV); I Corinthians 7:22 (NASV); Philippians 2:7 (NIV); I Corinthians 9:19 (NIV)



Prayer of Servanthood © 2003

(Extracted from my book, “Because I Know Your Word, I STAND” )


Father God I thank you for the opportunity to be used of the Holy Spirit to minister to your people.......


Therefore, I have come to the realization that if I am to lead effectively, I must first become a servant.  I will therefore refine my “servanthood mentality” to the upmost.                                                       

As I seek to obtain a more in-depth perception of those whom you have given me to serve, may I continue to curtail or “redirect” my own opinions.  May I submit to the spirit of humility that is required of me, to serve you effectively through serving them.


Lord, I realize the mandate on my life to constantly cultivate every area of my being.  I will never permit pride to mask itself in my life, thus enabling me to become nonchalant, self-satisfied, or complacent in my relationship with you.


You require an excellent commitment as a servant.  I therefore decree to align every aspect of my life to display the same.  I will continue to press into your sovereignty; as you servant.  I will lead with integrity, with expectation and with dedication…as your servant.  I am a faithful and obedient steward over all that you have positioned in my charge….as your servant This places me in the position to be totally used of you as your proficient servant at all times and in every situation that I may embark upon.


Daily may I continue to realize that I, if I am going to be your profitable servant, must strive, with my entire being to: love the unlovable, teach the unteachable, and reach the unreachable. Then and only then will I be able to demonstrate the servanthood qualities displayed by Christ, and have at my disposal the mentality to serve you to the fullest, by serving all men.


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 24 - Day of Comfort

Day 24—The Day of Comfort

 “Jehovah El Ha-Melitz

…….My Lord, My God, My Comforter


(The Lord God my Comforter - Isaiah 51:12A)

                                     "I, even I, am the one who comforts you. Isaiah 51:12A


Read Psalm 91


Storms don’t come to last…they come to pass.


Therefore, Oh Lord, may we always retain our focus – regardless to the severity of any storm that we may encounter.  May we never permit the tragedies or the abrupt and sudden onset of negative situations; to overtake our minds or emotions.  May we always find the comfort and peace that we need, in our assurance of who you are our Jehovah El Ha-Melitz


Every storm has a purpose.   You have fore warned us that in this world we will have trouble, trials, and tribulations - storms.  However, you have also said to be of good cheer because you have overcome the world.  Therefore, since you have successfully overcome all that this world has presented to you – we also are overcomers.


When I reflect, I can hear my Grandmother saying that the darkest hour is just before dawn.  So Lord, may we always take comfort in knowing that the sun WILL always appear again.  May we perpetually find comfort in you, Jehovah El Ha-Melitz .  May we stand in the midst of every storm and still yet declare that you are Lord.  


May we also remember that every storm has been orchestrated with the correct timing and the correct nature to push us towards our destiny.  May we always trust and cling to your immutable anchor.  May we never cease to find solace in the guidance of your omniscient and omnipotent eye. 


You ARE– our COMFORTER, our LORD, our GOD…… our Jehovah El Ha-Melitz…. Hallelujah!


We decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 23 -The Day of Conscientiousness

 Elohim Kedoshim

(The Holy God)

 Joshua 24:19


 "And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the LORD: for he is an holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins."               Joshua 24:19


Read: Joshua 24


What is meant by the word “holy” or “holiness”?  These two words are two of the most misunderstood words in Christendom.  From God’s perspective; neither refers to an outward appearance, denomination, or anything that can be accomplished in our flesh.  True holiness is that quality within us that brings us to a conscious awareness of the sinless nature of our God.  It is then, because of that enlightenment, that we begin to transform and conform everything that is in us, to reflect the same.


Let our prayer for today be as follows.

Lord, when I begin to become conscientious of the awesomeness of God; I will with pleasure delight myself in Him and Him alone.  Not in Him AND whatever my flesh desires – but in Him alone.  I must always remember that it is a diabolical plot from the enemy, that causes me to allow my thoughts and actions, to challenge the Word of God.  I can no longer entertain thoughts that are contrary to the Word of God.  If my actions are going to change, my thought patterns must first be amended.  May I not remain so immature, as to not realize, that my strength and power, lies in the releasing of those concepts, motives and actions, that are not in accord with who God is.


May I from this day forward, ask you Lord, to increase my territory – the territory of my mind. That portion which stores and houses everything that I consider when I think about the word “holy”.  Since you have told me to be “holy” as you are Holy; and, without Holiness no man can see you; then this “holiness” attribute is one that I am well capable of accomplishing.  I know that these are the last days and that the end of time as I know it is fast approaching.  I am therefore determined, with urgency; to begin the process of renewing my mind; AGAIN! (Because I’m in a new place now.) Then, that conscientiousness obtained, will be displayed in accord with who you are, my Elohim Kedoshim, my HOLY GOD.


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen 

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Day 22- The Day of  Resurrection  

 “El Hay”

(The Living God – Joshua 3:10, Jeremiah 23:36, Daniel 3:26)

            “And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know that the living God is among you, and that he will without fail drive out    

                   from before you the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites.”   Joshua 3:10


      Read: Joshua 3


    To bring resurrection to something it must first be: dead, lying dormant, non-productive, insensitive, or non-responsive.  Therefore, every position, every platform, every angle from which I operate, must be brought into the alignment of what corresponds with “life”.  


Today is the day that I will look in retrospect at my life from my earliest remembrance.  I will search for those character qualities that were once common ground and associated with who I was.  Although there may have been instances when those character traits where “out of control”, I must now resurrect them by the power of you, El Hay. I must realize that since you instilled them in me – they are to be used for your glory.  Everything and anything that at one time may have been distorted; and used for the edification of the kingdom of darkness – and that I have discarded; must be resurrected and used for its intended purpose; which is the exaltation of your glory.


Since you, El Hay are the living God; and you dwell in me, I have the power of life within me.  I have the ability to effectively administer C.P.R. (Controlled Positioning & Restoration) to the heart of the many ideas, dreams, and aspirations that I have “placed on the shelf”.  I also have your God given authority, to take an affirmative position against the enemy and to place his attacks of death under “H.G.A.” (Holy Ghost Arrest).   I will never again permit him to intimidate me through disappointments, discouragement and the like.  


Because you live – I SHALL live.  Because you restore life – I SHALL restore life.  Because you produce rebirth – I SHALL produce rebirth. Because you generate revival – I SHALL generate revival.  It is because of whom you are, my El Hay; that I SHALL LIVE and not DIE, but efficiently and successfully declare the works that you have assigned to me.


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 21- The Day of Victory 

Day 21- The Day of Victory 

“There is no battle that I will become engaged in or encounter where I will not be victorious.”

Jehovah Izuz Wegibbor”

(The Lord Strong and Mighty – Psalm 24:8)

Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah”

(The Lord mighty in battle—Psalm 24:8)


“Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!”     Psalm 24:8


Read: Psalm 24, Luke 10:19 & I John 5


Lord, as this period of Consecration concludes, may I never forget your revealed perceptions and character qualities.  Daily you were reminding me of who you are, and that you alone have the authority, the power, and the wisdom, to enable me to become victorious, in every situation.


So this “IS” a day of victory because you have equipped me with the proper tools to successfully stand against the wiles of the enemy.

As I encounter various attacks throughout this year, may I remain focused on every concept of who you are.  I have obtained an increased awareness of your omniscient presence.  Since you, working through your Son Jesus, have already successfully defeated every adverse force – may I never forget that I have a blood brought right to the same victorious state. HALLELUJAH!


I can only emerge from this consecration knowing that whatever I encounter at this stage; in this dimension—I will be victorious!   You have been revealing and re-establishing in me for these past 20 days, every facet of who you.    May I remain cognizant of the fact that I am required to stand firm and unmovable totally engulfed in who you are,  if I am going to maintain my effectiveness in the realm of the spirit.  I am therefore equipped with every tool which is now necessary for my advancement, my encouragement and to maintain my stamina in you. As one of the benefits of this consecration, I realize that I have been catapulted to an augmented plateau from which I will only ascend higher – never to return to my former status.


Because you are strong and mighty, because you are mighty in battle; I can truly proclaim….


Hallelujah—I AM VICTORIOUS!!!!


 …and I decree and declare that it is so in the name of Jesus….AMEN!!

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Day 19 - The Day of Remembering Israel

“Lord may your peace and blessings be on Jerusalem”

Jehovah Elohe Yisrael”

(The Lord God of Israel – Psalm 41:13)

“Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen and Amen.”                           Psalm 41:13


Read: Psalm 41 & Psalm 122


I must not continue this consecration O Lord, without my focus including your original chosen nation. 


So on today I lift to you and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  May I always remember to include them in my times of intercession and thanksgiving.  I pray that your peace will invade both their natural and spiritual realms.  I pray that Jerusalem as a whole will begin to know and love your Son Jesus as their Saviour - thus receiving the true peace that only He can afford them. May they enjoy the benefits which result from a “peaceful mindset”… which has developed a spiritual appetite and acceptance of your Holy Spirit.  


Let me always remember that I have at my disposal that most powerful weapon available to assist my brothers and sisters in Jerusalem...  That weapon being prayer. 


So may we obey your word as recorded: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say, “Peace be within you” (Psalm 122:6-8).


 “May I also come into agreement with these words of Matthew Henry in regards to the peace of Jerusalem:

“Let us consider all who seek the glory of the Redeemer, as our brethren and fellow-travelers, without regarding differences which do not affect our eternal welfare. Blessed Spirit of peace and love, who didst dwell in the soul of the holy Jesus, descend into his church, and fill those who compose it with his heavenly tempers; cause bitter contentions to cease, and make us to be of one mind. Love of the brethren and love to God, ought to stir us up to seek to be like the Lord Jesus in fervent prayer and unwearied labour, for the salvation of men, and the Divine glory.”


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 16 - The Day of Integrity

Day 16 - The Day of Integrity

 May I daily example to others a “lifestyle” of integrity.

Yahweh Sali”

(The Lord my rock. –Psalm 18:2)


The Lord is my Rock and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.                                           Psalm 18:2


Read: Psalm 18 & Psalm 34


The evidence that the Lord is my rock is proven and displayed to others by the degree of integrity that daily governs my life.   If the Lord is my rock, I will not fall prey to the mindsets of this world and its dishonest principles.  “IF" the Lord is my rock, I will not stand upon the motivations, nor, find rest in the comfort zones, of anything that doesn’t come into alignment with the integrity of His Kingdom Principles.


Therefore, as of today O Lord, may my every thought, motive and action  affirm the fact that my allegiance is based in integrity. It is the principles of your integrity that I run to daily to support and anchor me.  It is your integrity that I depend upon as my pillar, as my prop, as my leaning post, as my only genuine stake which possesses the ability to remain stable and non-influential in this ever - changing world.


It is only because of your revealed quality as Yahweh Sali, that I am capable of remaining unshaken in the midst of every storm. Even nature has revealed that in the eye of every hurricane or tornado is a place of total peace. I have discovered that it is the guidance of your eye, Yahweh Sali, which is capable of giving me total peace and stability when the turmoil and devastative effects of hurricanes and tornados manifest themselves in my life.   No matter what occurs, because of your integrity, towards me - I can always find comfort in the fact that you have hidden me in the “cleft of yourself” and permitted me to find safety in the “secret place” of who you are.  You have allowed me to abide under your shadow. It is in you that I can wholeheartedly trust.  


I have learned to live a lifestyle of integrity because my life is founded upon the foundation of the pillar of who you are.  I will never lower myself to the place where my level of honesty yields to: deceitfulness, cheating, deception or pretense.  May I never forget that because you are that Rock; I must apply the essence of who you are to my life.   Whatever composes the nature of a rock; those are the identical traits upon which I must build my standard of integrity. May I never forget that you have been and will always be the example of true integrity…. Therefore, YOU... my perpetual ROCK.  My integrity is solid…..as solid as a rock.

“On Christ the SOLID ROCK I stand….ALL, ALL, ALL other ground is sinking sand!”


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen!

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Day 15 - The Day of Breakthrough

Day 15 - The Day of Breakthrough 

“Breakthrough Oh Lord, so that I may break forth”

Yahweh Perazim ”

(The Lord of Breakthrough –II Samuel 5:20)


So David went to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, "As waters break out, the LORD has broken out against my enemies before me……………… (II Samuel 5:20)


Read: II Samuel 5


As I enter this New Year – a time of fasting, and consecration; Lord I am requesting that you would permit the power of the Holy Ghost to “breakthrough” and to break up any negative residue that is still attempting to linger in my spirit.  Any lingering mindset that will prevent your power from having its full range in my spirit, Yahweh Perazim, I summit my will to you now, and request that you break through it.  Burst forth as the waters through an overly stretched dam.  Break forth with your explosive, uncontainable power. 


As you broke through and rescued David from his enemies, breakthrough the plans and devices that my enemy, the master deceiver, has concocted for my demise and destruction.   Break through every shackle that is still attached to my feet, thus attempting to prevent me from being in my “appointed places” at the correct times. Break through the thorns and thistles in the realm of the spirit, which produce the “snags” that permit me to misuse or waste valuable time.  Break through unhealthy, nonproductive relationships.  Break through every barrier and “smoke screen” that is hindering and blocking my vision - still preventing me from aggressively and confidently advancing.  Break through every negative spirit that the traditions of man have instilled in me, which are hindering the effectiveness of our twenty-first century church.  Yahweh Perazim, search my entire being, layer by layer.  Whatever concepts, precepts, ideologies, methodologies and the like, that are contrary to yours – break them up, move them out, replace them with your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


And now Yahweh Perazim, as you break through, may I daily begin to perceive the results which are being produced from my enhanced position of power and authority.  May I begin to break forth into one who is: feared, detested, hated, envied and begrudged by the kingdom of darkness.  As you use me mightily, may I always remain cognizant and grateful to you, Yahweh Perazim - for your prodigious “break -through” anointing.  May I never become arrogant, conceited or heady – only more confident as I walk and rest in the freedom that only you have the ability to provide. 


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen


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Day 14 - The Day of Kindness

Day 14 - The Day of Kindness

“Kindness can only be sown from a heart that is tender.”

Elohay Chasdi”

(The God of my Kindness - Psalm 59:11)

Love is patient, love is kind…... I Corinthians 13:4


Read Psalm 59 & I Corinthians 13


It has been said that our actions speak louder than our words.  The Bible states, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV).  


Lord, may I remember, that when I constantly walk in a disposition of unforgiveness, haughtiness and arrogance; I am preventing myself from possessing the ability to express kindness to others.


So Lord, I ask that you reveal to me anything within me that is yet preventing me from the ability to show compassion, gentleness and consideration to EVERYONE.  May I not be biased in my actions; but develop the renewed mindset that has become yielding to the ability to express your unconditional love.


May the spirit of pride never mask itself in me, thus manifesting in an unkind, egotistical, conceited, rancorous, vindictive, narcissistic, overly confident, heart. 


May I never forget; because of my own pain, hurt or “convenient amnesia”, the countless acts of kindness that you have displayed and are yet displaying to me.  May I govern myself - and operate daily from a platform that will aggressively look for opportunities to express your kindness to others.


Lastly, may I receive your strength to endure all that this walk of kindness will present.  May I not become discouraged or bitter when my acts of kindness are met with a reciprocation of negative and adverse reactions with diabolical intent.  Elohay Chasdi, simply because you are a God of kindness; my determination is to be so engulfed with your presence that your kindness will have no other alternative than to flow from me to everyone that I encounter.  May your unconditional love be mirrored through me daily; thus producing a degree of kindness that will flow from me ….. UNCONDITIONALLY!


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen 

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Day 13 -The Day of Accountability

Day 13 -The Day of Accountability

“My awareness of your omnipresence elevates my accountability to you O Lord”

Yahweh Hashopet”

(The Lord the judge - Psalm7:8)

“Yahweh administers judgment to the peoples. Judge me, Yahweh, according to my righteousness, and to my integrity that is in me.”        Psalm 7:8            World English Bible


Read Psalm 7 and I Corinthians 4


Lord, as another benefit resulting from this period of consecration; I decree that I have an enlightened mindset in regards to my accountability toward you.   May I view with a higher regard every plan, idea and every strategy that you have given unto me - whether it be for me, your people or for the entire universe. 


Although you “Yahweh Hashopet, judge my motives and actions, I must never become stagnant, thus further nurturing the actions of procrastination, that attempt to become a comfort zone.


Therefore, I acknowledge the fact that I hold in high esteem all that you have entrusted to my hands.  So…. as of today, I will begin to set in motion and actively pursue every avenue that leads me to, and takes me down, the path of your divine destiny for my life.  Because I regard my accountability to you far more superior than any earthly commitment, I have an increased zeal to aggressively accomplish your plans for my life.  


May it be my earnest responsibility to always remain cognizant of the fact that it matters not the presence or the absence of people…. My accountability is to you.  Therefore, because you are omnipresent I will always, and alway (no “s”) govern myself accordingly…… knowing that your all-seeing eye will observe my actions prior to their execution; and that you will hear my every word prior to its release from my mouth.  


So Lord, may I place the proper restraints on my flesh as to curtail my actions.   May they always be in alignment with the motives that you, the righteous judge, see within my heart.


Yahweh Hashopet, because my accountability is focused solely on you – I can declare that YOU have empowered me to stand fearless and unashamed.  You have called me to a level of excellence that supersedes the leadership of mankind; and enables me to always adhere to Kingdom Principles….. It is because of this level of accountability that I am and will always be a threat to the kingdom of darkness and an asset to the Kingdom of God!


I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 12 -The Day of Wisdom

Day 12 -The Day of Wisdom

“Lord may I daily walk in a state of wisdom that operates above my physical age, and natural experiences.”

El De’ot”

(The God of Knowledge - Proverbs 19:8)


“Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom and in all of thy getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7


Read: Proverbs 4 & James 1


To have information and to have no knowledge of its application is equivalent to walking in a rain storm carrying a closed umbrella.  Many Christians today are experiencing a since of being “overwhelmed” by the circumstances and the occurrences in their daily lives.  Most are truly devoted Saints - who can tote, quote and know who wrote the Bible.  However, they have not received the wisdom for proper application of God’s word.


So today Father, I ask that you El De’ot, reveal to me the hidden treasures of your Word.   I understand that I can no longer afford to walk in ignorance concerning the application of your principles.  You have given me a work to accomplish.   I have the tools, I have the plans, and I have the true desire to continue to walk in your divine guidance.  However, the missing element necessary is your wisdom… which is vital, crucial, and extremely relevant for this level of ministering and ministry.


El De’ot, May I always remember that for every minute that I am not aggressively applying your wisdom, “I” am permitting a delay in the manifestation and the execution of your plans for my life.   “I” am opening the door for diabolical distractions. “I” am giving fuel to kingdom of darkness and giving it permission to release and execute its plans.   


Therefore, I will plunge into you and seek your wisdom at any cost.  The degree of your wisdom which I have already attained and obtained is no longer sufficient.   I therefore humbly release a new mandate into the atmosphere.   I will push through EVERY obstacle that is attempting to prevent me from this advancement, and cling only to you at this time…. as never before.


 I will, I can, I must, ….with a renewed tenacity seek the guidance and direction… the wisdom…… that is only procured from you El De’ot. 


I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 10 - The Day of Illumination 

Lord may I permit your light to shine through me—REGARDLESS.


(The Lord my light - Psalms 27:1)

“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men love darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”    St. John 3:19 (NIV)


Read Psalm 27


To encapsulate the concept of “Illumination”; we could state that illumination is when God, through the working of Holy Spirit, conveys to us an UNDERSTANDING of a revealed Bible truth.  


So today, Lord I ask that you illuminate every area of my mind that appears to be dark - void of understanding.   Your Son has come to us as our Light; as our path … as that road which reveals an understanding of your desires for us.   


Jehovah Ori; as the ultimate Illuminator; you are the lamp unto my feet (my current situations; where I walking now) as well as the light unto my path (my future; the situations that I have not yet encountered) .


Today, I seek the Holy Spirit as never before for a fuller revelation of who you truly are Jehovah Ori…. For without revelation I will have no illumination. 


I ask you Lord, my JEHOVAH ORI; that as a result of this consecration, I will continually seek your face for the true illumination.  May I never fall prey to the ideologies, concepts, and endtime thought patterns that have been released from the kingdom of darkness.  If I must stand seemly alone; then so be it.  Permit me; empower me to never compromise or keep hidden the illuminated revelations that you have given to me.  My effectiveness and stamina as an endtime warrior will only be maintained if I seek you daily for a more in-depth illumination of my previously learned strategies.  This is a necessity because yesterday’s strategic planning has been exhausted.  Only you can illuminate my understand to the extent that I am assured of my success daily against every diabolical plot and plan.


May I realize that just because it’s a new year, that fact alone won’t assure me of receiving your “multidimensional” illuminations.  Lord, enlarge my territory…. - the territory of my mind, which will produce new imaginations, a new comprehensive vision and an unquenchable thirst for you.


“Jehovah Ori, may I permit your LIGHT to so shine through me, that I may then in return, have that ability to share with others the wisdom, revelation knowledge and endtime strategies that you disclose to me.

                             I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 9 - The Day of Redemption

Day 9 - The Day of Redemption 

HALLELUJAH! I am redeemed!


(The Lord thy redeemer - Isaiah 49:26 & 60:16)


“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons”                    Galatians 4:4 & 5                                                             English Standard Version (ESV)


Read Isaiah 49 & Galatians 4


Even though it has been many years ago, whenever I hear the word redemption, I remember the redemption centers for those S & H Green stamps that people used to collect here in America. 

To summarize the entire process; at the center, you would bring in the stamps that you had collected from various food markets - and had pasted in a book.  Then you would trade or “redeem” your stamps for something of value.

The stamps were just worthless paper, when brought to the redemption center, would be traded for an item whose value was far greater that mere paper.

So it is with us. In our sin nature, we were nothing short of mere paper; just dirt, just clay, and just a blob of useless worthless nothing.  However, God; because of His unconditional love for us has the power to convert, to trade, to exchange and to forever “buy back” our souls.   He desires to release us FROM (the bondages of our former state) and release us TO (our new dimension in the Lord).

There’s a hymn (for those of you who are still be blessed to sing them!), which says:

Redeemed -how I love to proclaim it! Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
Redeemed through His infinite mercy, His child, and forever, I am.

Redeemed, Redeemed, Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed, Redeemed, His child, and forever, I am.

So on today, let us reflect on all that the Lord has permitted us to accomplish….. however great or small.  Let us realize - had it not been for our “JEHOVAH GOELEKH” we would be nothing more than mere S & H Green stamps - with no future or hope.


As Jesse Dixion wrote:

I am redeemed, bought with a price; Jesus has changed my whole life.

If anybody asks you, just who I am, Tell them I am REDEEMED.

Where there was hate, love now abides, where there was confession, peace now reins

I’m walking with Jesus; I’m a child of the King. All because I AM REDEEMED!


I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 8 - The Day of Strength

Day 8 - The Day of Strength

Lord, YOU are my strength!


(The Lord my strength - Psalms 28:7)


(O Lord my strength - Psalm 19:14)

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. “  Psalm 3:26                                                   New Living Translation (©2007)


Read Psalm 28 & Psalm 73


As we have daily encountered the circumstances of life, we have realized that we have only maintained the ability to yet be triumphant because of an inner strength that has been and always will be prevalent.   This strength is not our strength, but strength of the Lord.


The words in the above text for strength translates as “rock”.  Lord, may I remember that you are my perpetual “ROCK”.  When all else fails—you will remain constant.  Even if there comes a time when my health, wealth, and spirit become overwhelmed—you are still my strength.  Daily may I never attempt to stand in my own strength.  Daily may I acknowledge you in all of my ways.  Daily may I remember that I CAN do all things through your strength which is that rock, that pillar and that fortress forever in my life.    Daily may I remain cognizant of the fact that “In Times Like These”…I have an anchor; my anchor holds…. And it grips you…. that solid Rock!


So Lord, when everything: every foundation, every prop, every support system that has been erected in my life—is shaken…. “when the earth all around me is sinking sand”; on Christ that solid rock I’ll stand!  When I need shelter, when I need a friend; “I go to the rock”.   May I never, never, never forget that YOU, Jehovah Uzzi,  are my strength…..my rock. 


May I fully understand and cling to the essence of an old favorite hymn which states:

“On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”.  


   I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 7 - The Day of Truth

Day 7 - The Day of  Truth

Today, Lord I embrace your truth.


(Lord God of truth - Psalm 31:5)

“Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.”                                              Psalm 25:5


Read Psalm 31


Within today’s arena, there has been such a distortion of what is really “truth”, that without the indwelling guidance and direction of Holy Spirit we will be lead down the path of error.

Many foundational concepts that were once upheld as the truth have now been replaced with the cunning influences of the enemy.    Not only has our government and its judicial system strayed from the truth, what is even more disheartening is that the body of Christ is beginning to lose its authenticity concerning what is truth.

We must now as never before plunge into the truth of God which He has revealed to us in His Word.   We must embrace it with a “bulldog” type of tenacity.   As we embrace what is truth, it then becomes our responsibility to enlighten those to whom we come in contact with.  It is our mandate to read the truth, understand the truth, and above all apply the truth to every area of our lives. 

As the fast approaching end of time as we now know it draws nigh, the kingdom of darkness will cunningly attempt to discredit the truth even the more.  However, God is truth and we must continue to proclaim His truth, avail ourselves of His truth and uphold His authentic Kingdom principles that He has given to us.

If we adhere to the truth and allow it to infiltrate our minds, then we will have to ability to discern error immediately.  SAINTS don’t be blindsided – this is an urgent plea.  We cannot afford to be passively ignorant concerning what is truth.  Time is of a grave essence.  We MUST, by any and every means necessary “raise the bar” and live daily a life founded on “JEHOVAH El EMETH”.

Lord, my plea today is that you assist me as I pray for a keener, endtime discernment.  Jehovah El Emeth establish a supernatural alarm system over ever portal that permits an entrance or access to my spirit.  May I immediately become aware of every diabolical intruder that attempt to enter.  I vow to never yield, entertain or compromise with err; thus weakening the heighten level of integrity that you have ordained for me.  I will be one of the end time warriors who will embrace your truth and enlighten others of the same.

  I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen

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Day 6 -The Day of Forgiveness

Day 6—The Day of  Forgiveness

Lord, May I remain cognizant that forgiveness is a decision!


(God that forgave - Psalm 99:8)


Read Psalm 99 & I John 1


Without getting an in-depth comprehension of God’s love for us, we cannot even initiate a conversation on His forgiveness. 

Although we don’t usually envision it to be so, the concept of forgiveness is birthed from a seed of love.  Inevitably, when we increase and engulf an awareness of God’s love—then the decision to forgive one another will become as natural to us as breathing.


For far too long we have been deceived into thinking that forgiveness must involve forgetting as well.  Forgiveness is a decision not a feeling.  Forgiveness is not reliant upon the acceptance nor the initiation of the offender.  


Forgiveness is a principle that was established by God because He knew that man would sin. He also knew that (1) sin would separate man from Himself and (2) His love for man was so great that He didn’t want to be separated from him.   Hence, He has given to us His most precious gift in the person of His son Jesus to atone for our sin, thus bridging the gap caused by sin.


Therefore, whatever “traps” that I become ensnared in that will cause me to commit a sin - because of God’s unconditional love for me - the blood of Jesus has already made atonement for them. I must now learn how to receive El Nore’s forgiveness for myself and apply it to others who may offend, misuse and abuse me.  I must also realize that to walk in unforgiveness is only a deceptive tactic which has been released from the kingdom of darkness!


When people are offended, those who still have not exceled in the wisdom of the Lord will make the statement, “I’ll forgive them; but I won’t forget what they’ve done”.   Well, why not embrace this concept.  What a blessing it is to forgive and not forget – but REMEMBER! To remember the offenses that have scarred me – yet, to have finally reached a plateau of spiritual maturity in the Lord, where I now possess the ability to DECIDE that I will administer true forgiveness to my offenders…while remaining totally cognizant of their offenses toward me!  Hallelujah!  Now that’s true forgiveness!!!


Lord may I daily embrace and extend to others the true forgiveness that you have extended to me.  Thank you El Nore!

 I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 5

The Day of Creation


                              (The Lord Creator - Isaiah 40:28)

“Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.”                                                                     Psalm 51:10


Read Psalm 51


Today O God may my cry unto you flow from a heart that has the capacity to receive more of your creative nature.   I acknowledge now that it is only through your Divine craftsmanship that I will be freed from every impurity.  So I ask you not to just renew my heart; but to create - to take from “my nothingness” and compose a completely new heart; a throne from which I will have the ability to receive a renewed spirit.  May I no longer be enslaved to those concepts, precepts, ideologies and strongholds that are relative to my former sin nature. 


Today Jehovah Bore, may I begin to totally understand the awesomeness of who you are.   Only you could CREATE a plan that would permit the redemption of fallen man.  Only you could CREATE a plan for the justification of fallen man. Only you could CREATE a plan for the sanctification of fallen man.  Only you Jehovah Bore could CREATE a plan that reveals your ultimate love for fallen man.

So today, I submit and surrender my heart to you Jehovah Bore, for a complete cleansing; thus producing a “newly created” heart which is now composed from none of the negativity or the ignorance of my past.  A brand-new heart which possesses a “newness” that only you through the power and presence of Holy Spirit have the ability to CREATE……


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Your Axe-head Will Float Again (part 3)

(Read: II Kings 6:1-7)


Resurrection power.   The axehead in our story also brings to mind the ultimate potential of resurrection.  IF something is to be resurrected, it must first be dead, without hope and unable to perform its intended purpose.


So, whatever in our lives that we consider of grave importance for our advancement will always be available.  Circumstances may appear to leave us in a state of despair, confusion and dismay.

Yet, we must always remain cognizant of the fact that “El Hay” the Lord of resurrection is ever present.


El Hay has the power to reverse the laws of nature.  He has the supernatural ability to operate above nature, through nature and around nature.  This very power was exhibited at the Cross.  Jesus demonstrated that although once dead – even death had no victory over Him.


Even though the axehead in this story was out of sight physically, because of the resurrection power that was always present, the axehead had the ability to defy the laws of nature – receive the resurrection power, and be an open display for all to observe.


Therefore, we must always remain hopeful, confident, unwavering and assured in the resurrection power that is at our disposal.  We must never lose sight of who and whose we are in the realm of the Spirit.


The axehead (something in the natural) had to succumb to resurrection power (something  supernatural). 


We must be determined that from today forward, we will walk above the limitations of nature.  We must call on our El Hay to resurrect any and everything that is required for our advancement.  REMEMBER: Impossibilities are transformed into possibilities when we learn to SPEAK to adverse conditions and exercise our authority and power over them - our resurrection power!


“That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, …..” Philippians 3:10a

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Your Axe-head Will Float Again (part 2)

(Read: II Kings 6:1-7)


In Monday’s devotion our focus was drawn to the servant.  Today we will begin to discuss the stick in this story.


Briefly, here are a few facts:

  • The stick that was used was a freshly cut branch. Elisha, didn’t use the “helve” after the hatchet had been lost.  He dispatched something new to retrieve something old. 
  • He released a lesser vessel (the wood) – to expose the heavier (the iron axhead).
  • The stick is symbolic of the cross.

What is our application for today?

  • God is using new strategies to bring restoration to old situations. The axehead was symbolic of hard work.  Today, God’s new strategy is to get us to realize that HE has already done the hard work – physically.  Our focus must now be directed more to the realm of the spirit than to that of the natural.  We are no longer accountable to the law – which gave us rules and regulations that were accomplished through “working”.   We are now governed by the grace of God – which requires us to appropriate faith.   (Yes, faith w/o works is dead – but we don’t work to gain faith.  We work as a corresponding action “TO” our faith….. Another lesson!) 
  • In this season God is using those people and ministries that appear to be of a weaker and less notable reputation to have an authentic impact in the realm of the spirit. He is using those who have the ability to be threshed into situations; and to bring exposure, closure and restoration to that situation.  He is using those who are pure in heart, actions and devotion to Him.  It therefore doesn’t matter how weak or limited one may appear to be….. Purity = Power. 
  • The stick represents wood.. which represents the cross. The cross settles everything.  Whatever the issue, dilemma, adverse situation or problem.  It was settled at the cross.  It doesn’t matter what.  The blood which was shed on the cross – settles EVERYTHING!  The blood of Christ was shed from at least 7 different places on His body.  Therefore wherever we throw our stick ….(wherever we apply the cross); restoration will occur.

(To be continued at another time.)


Just as God was able to use Elisha to move strategically in that emergency situation; He wants to have the ability to use you – immediately in any given situation.  However you must have made the proper preparations prior to the onset of an emergency situation.


Are you ready to be used as an “Elisha” ?   If so…. Expect God to use YOU in seemingly impossible situations and say… “Here I am Lord use me!”


(Not ready to be used?  Then stop the procrastination and begin TODAY the daily process of mind renewal.)

 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Hebrews 13:8


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