If you want to help people
"If you wanna help people, tell them the truth. If you wanna help yourself, tell them what they want to hear"
-Thomas Sowell
Read more…"If you wanna help people, tell them the truth. If you wanna help yourself, tell them what they want to hear"
-Thomas Sowell
Read more…The Definition of Achievement and Success is:
God, Faith, Self-Esteem, Confidence in God and the ability that has been given unto you.
Identity, Wisodm, Knowledge, Patience, Positive attitude, Perseverance, Prayer, Obedience, and Laughter is the re
Read more…"God said you are almost there. Indeed, the appointed time has come.Read and Meditate on(PS 102:13) #IAmARuby #FavorwithnoLimits"
Read more…I Am Grateful, the Divine Light of Awareness empowers my heart, mind, subconscious mind, soul/psyche, spirit, vessels, blood, cells, veins, DNA, ATOMS, arteries, bones, and every malfunction part of my body, I Am.
I am Decreeing my unity, and onenes
Read more…Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 12
I know that there is nothing better for me than to be happy, and to do good with my life.
13 Therefore, I can eat good, and drink good, and find satisfaction in all my activities —that is indeed a gift from God.
Read more…I love that my Favor can, and is opening up all good doors in my life. I know that my Favor can, and is manifesting good breakthroughs, good breakouts, and good burst throughs in my life.
I know my Favor is removing, and eliminating years of strugg
Read more…Night Manna:
As a dog eats its own vomit, so fools recycle silliness
(Prov 26:11 MSG)
My God, this right here is a Transformational word all by itself
Fresh off the Press from the Spirit.
Love with Agape love, have Governor Faith, be strong and courageous, laugh loud, pray hard, live in the moment, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Smile often, you never know what someone else is going thro
Read more…Prayer is the anomaly of God, his peculiarity, his trademark, hallmark, and his written essay to us daily. Prayer is the divergence of God realms, in the supreme of the different dimension of the Heavens. Prayer is the supernatural release of God’s
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I speak, proclaim, and I decree my cells, are no longer a house that no longer harbors any negativity, toxicity, anger, bitterness, illness, disease, dis-ease, anxiety, fear, panic, stress, regret, jealousy, or any other negative emotion, or demon
Read more…New Year Declaration:
Say this with me:
I Am a Mega Hit
I am a Powerball
I am a Supernova, and my Gift’s will make room for me this year, in the presence of great, prestigious, wealthy, prosperous, healthy, anointed, humble, peaceful, ambitious, a
Read more…I speak, I am attracting loving, positive, and Beautiful people into my life.
I am entering into the greatest, and healthiest moment of my life on Purpose for my Purpose.
I speak that I am so financially stable, that God is using my pockets and ha
Read more…Blessings Royal Platinum LeaderShifters Family, today is 1/11/24 do you know what this means?
Today is the day when everything you've prayed for, fasted for, or kept secret about is on its way to you. Be patient, and it
Read more…Gratitude, Love, Faith, and Action is one of the keys to a Successful and Prosperous life guaranteed.
Read and Meditate on (1 Corinth 13)
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Blessings is a crown around my head on a daily basis, because it is Written(Prov 10:6).
I Am A Royal Diadem of God, and Success is Mine automatically.
I Am Monublissfully Favored.
I Am Magnificent.
I Am Marvelous.
I Am Connected to the Majestic o
This is the year where you are walking, talking breathing, and being healthy, wealthy, wise, humbled, loved, and excited about life.
We are millionaire's right now (today) and all the days of our long productive life. Kingdom come riches, that is
Read more…Work on • changing yourself. There may be times in life when you won't know what's ahead and you can't control the situations that life throws you in. At the end of the day, despite what happens to you, what matters most is what happens to you, and
Read more…I Profess and Confess, that every area of my life is Productive, Fruitful, Prosperous, Flourishing, and Successful.
My whole life is lining up to the Good Promises of God. From this very minute that I speak, through the rest of 2023, 2024, and beyon
Read more…Champions have the Desires To Do Things Differently To Create Something They Love.
(Champion you are here to STAY).
Read and Meditate on
(Ps 31:14-15)
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